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There is really no way to have an ordered/sorted collection together with indexes?

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There is really no way to have an ordered/sorted collection together with indexes?

GLASS mailing list
Hi guys,

I am storing huge lists of "prices". For this, it really helps me to store things ordered (by date)...either in an SequenceableCollection or a SortedCollection. On the other hand, I do want to use indexes to speedup my query to find price for a given date (equality index). 

But I have found no way to have them both. The only workaround I found is to keep 2 collections for each of these collections, one sorted/ordered, and the other one an unordered one for querying via index. But this is a pain from "developing" point of view, as well as for unnecessary repository growth.  

Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance, 


Glass mailing list
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Re: There is really no way to have an ordered/sorted collection together with indexes?

GLASS mailing list
Since you are keeping the prices sorted, you can lookup a price in the sorted list using a binary search.  This gives you a worst-case search of log2(n) +1, which should be pretty fast as long as the price comparison methods are fast.  You should be able to create a subclass of SortedCollection to do this.

Also keeping 2 collections that each reference the same large set of objects should not be that expensive in terms of repository size.  That said, I agree that keeping the prices in 1 collection is a cleaner design.


On 8/7/17 11:23, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
Hi guys,

I am storing huge lists of "prices". For this, it really helps me to store things ordered (by date)...either in an SequenceableCollection or a SortedCollection. On the other hand, I do want to use indexes to speedup my query to find price for a given date (equality index). 

But I have found no way to have them both. The only workaround I found is to keep 2 collections for each of these collections, one sorted/ordered, and the other one an unordered one for querying via index. But this is a pain from "developing" point of view, as well as for unnecessary repository growth.  

Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance, 


Glass mailing list
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Re: There is really no way to have an ordered/sorted collection together with indexes?

GLASS mailing list

On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 4:27 PM, Norm Green via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
Since you are keeping the prices sorted, you can lookup a price in the sorted list using a binary search.  This gives you a worst-case search of log2(n) +1, which should be pretty fast as long as the price comparison methods are fast.  You should be able to create a subclass of SortedCollection to do this.

Hi Norm,

Thanks for the idea. I was using binary search already in other places, so yeah, I can also do that here. However, I never found out a GemStone method for this and instead I ported the implementation from Pharo:

SequenceableCollection >> findBinaryIndex: aBlock do: actionBlock ifNone: exceptionBlock
  "Search for an element in the receiver using binary search.
The argument aBlock is a one-element block returning
0 - if the element is the one searched for
<0 - if the search should continue in the first half
>0 - if the search should continue in the second half
If found, evaluate actionBlock with the index as argument
If no matching element is found, evaluate exceptionBlock,
with the indexes of the 'bounding' elements as arguments.
Warning: Might give invalid indexes, see examples below
#(1 3 5 7 11 15 23)
findBinaryIndex: [ :arg | 11 - arg ]
do: [ :found | found ]
ifNone: [ :a :b | 'between: ', {a. b} printString ]
#(1 3 5 7 11 15 23)
findBinaryIndex: [ :arg | 12 - arg ]
do: [ :found | found ]
ifNone: [ :a :b | 'between: ', {a. b} printString ]
#(1 3 5 7 11 15 23)
findBinaryIndex: [ :arg | 0.5 - arg ]
do: [ :found | found ]
ifNone: [ :a :b | 'between: ', {a. b} printString ]
#(1 3 5 7 11 15 23)
findBinaryIndex: [ :arg | 25 - arg ]
do: [ :found | found ]
ifNone: [ :a :b | 'between: ',{a. b} printString ] "

  | index low high test |
  low := 1.
  high := self size.
  index := (high + low) // 2.
  low > high ]
    whileFalse: [ 
      test := aBlock value: (self at: index).
      test = 0
        ifTrue: [ ^ actionBlock value: index ]
        ifFalse: [ 
          test > 0
            ifTrue: [ low := index + 1 ]
            ifFalse: [ high := index - 1 ] ] ].
  ^ exceptionBlock cull: high cull: low

Do you think that's safe enough or I am missing a GemStone implementation? The only thing I found in GemStone is:

SequenceableCollection >> binarySearchIncludes: anObject
  "Returns true if the argument anObject is equal to an element of the receiver.
 Returns false otherwise.
 Note that this search is optimized based on the assumption that the sort criteria
 is consistent with the equality comparison. That is, if (x <= y) & (y <= x) then (x = y).
 This assumption will not hold if sorting is done on one instance variable and 
 equality comparison is done on another instance variable (for example).
 SortedCollection>>#'includes:' is no longer implemented and the linear search
 is inherited from Collection.  See bug 40575."

  ^ (self indexOf: anObject) ~~ 0


Also keeping 2 collections that each reference the same large set of objects should not be that expensive in terms of repository size. 

Well.. yes.. but these can have 365 days * 20 years * 30k companies. And this is only daily prices..not even considering minute/hourly/etc.  So I am not sure. 

That said, I agree that keeping the prices in 1 collection is a cleaner design.

Yes...it complicates logic a lot having 2...


On 8/7/17 11:23, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
Hi guys,

I am storing huge lists of "prices". For this, it really helps me to store things ordered (by date)...either in an SequenceableCollection or a SortedCollection. On the other hand, I do want to use indexes to speedup my query to find price for a given date (equality index). 

But I have found no way to have them both. The only workaround I found is to keep 2 collections for each of these collections, one sorted/ordered, and the other one an unordered one for querying via index. But this is a pain from "developing" point of view, as well as for unnecessary repository growth.  

Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance, 


Glass mailing list
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Re: There is really no way to have an ordered/sorted collection together with indexes?

Richard Sargent
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list
GLASS mailing list wrote
Hi guys,

I am storing huge lists of "prices". For this, it really helps me to store
things ordered (by date)...either in an SequenceableCollection or a
SortedCollection. On the other hand, I do want to use indexes to speedup my
query to find price for a given date (equality index).

But I have found no way to have them both. The only workaround I found is
to keep 2 collections for each of these collections, one sorted/ordered,
and the other one an unordered one for querying via index. But this is a
pain from "developing" point of view, as well as for unnecessary repository

Am I missing something?
Mariano, have you read chapter 7 in the GemStone/S 64 Programming Guide? It's all about indexing.

It looks like you could define a "range" query over the unordered collection to get the sorted sequence needed to traverse all the prices in date order. The index would be on the date and the range query would be from some "least date" through some "greatest date". You would then use the streaming results or the #do: message I think) to iterate over the query result in date order. There is a section in chapter 7.2 discussing result order.

It might be helpful to discuss the use cases for the two collections. When would you iterate over all the dates versus when would you search for specific dates or ranges of dates?

Thanks in advance,


Glass mailing list
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Re: There is really no way to have an ordered/sorted collection together with indexes?

GLASS mailing list

On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Richard Sargent via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
GLASS mailing list wrote
> Hi guys,
> I am storing huge lists of "prices". For this, it really helps me to store
> things ordered (by date)...either in an SequenceableCollection or a
> SortedCollection. On the other hand, I do want to use indexes to speedup
> my
> query to find price for a given date (equality index).
> But I have found no way to have them both. The only workaround I found is
> to keep 2 collections for each of these collections, one sorted/ordered,
> and the other one an unordered one for querying via index. But this is a
> pain from "developing" point of view, as well as for unnecessary
> repository
> growth.
> Am I missing something?

Mariano, have you read chapter 7 in the GemStone/S 64 Programming Guide?
It's all about indexing.

It looks like you could define a "range" query over the unordered collection
to get the sorted sequence needed to traverse all the prices in date order.
The index would be on the date and the range query would be from some "least
date" through some "greatest date". You would then use the streaming results
or the #do: message I think) to iterate over the query result in date order.
There is a section in chapter 7.2 discussing result order.

Hi Richard,

Thanks for such a pointer. And no, I wasn't aware of that kind of range query. I will read it as soon as I am back or tomorrow first thing in the morning. In the meanwhile, I will quickly answer your below question.
It might be helpful to discuss the use cases for the two collections. When
would you iterate over all the dates versus when would you search for
specific dates or ranges of dates?

I need to support 2 kinds of getting a price from a security:

1) Get the price for given date X and if not found, answer nil.
2) Get the price for a given date X but it it wasn't found, find the closest (but older) one. Kind of "please gave me the latest price you can for this date"

1) can simply call 2) and check if the date answer is the same as the original. However, I want 1) to be as fastest as possible, meaning I may not want to use 2) directly.  So far, I was trying this kind of code which obviously doesn't work because I cannot have collection both sorted and with index, but this was the idea anyway:

prices := self storageDict at: securityUniqueId ifAbsent: [ nil ].
(prices notNil and: [ prices notEmpty ]) ifTrue: [
ifTrue: [ 
| exactPrice closest |
exactPrice := prices detect: (DpDatabaseQueryClosureBuilder current selectClosurePriceRecordByDate: dateToCompare) ifNone: [ nil ].
ifNil: [ 
closest := prices first. 
                                                "we know prices are sorted.."
prices do: [ :each | 
(each date > dateToCompare) ifTrue: [ 
^ (closest date <= dateToCompare) ifTrue: [ closest ] ifFalse: [ nil ]
closest := each.
^ (closest date <= dateToCompare) ifTrue: [ closest ] ifFalse: [ nil ].
ifNotNil: [ ^ exactPrice ]
ifFalse: [ 
^ prices detect: (DpDatabaseQueryClosureBuilder current selectClosurePriceRecordByDate: dateToCompare) ifNone: [ nil ].
^ nil

DpDatabaseQueryClosureBuilder  answers those magic search block for the indexes....
The boolean onOrBeforeMatching is the one that defines either behavior 1) or 2). 
My idea was simple. For 1) use the query for the date index. For 2) use also same query and only if it answers nothing, then iterate collection. Sure, I can replace that iteration with a binary search too. But again, all this doesn't work ... 

Hope this helps clarifying my questions...

Thanks a lot in advance, 

> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
> _______________________________________________
> Glass mailing list

> Glass@.gemtalksystems

> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass

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Sent from the GLASS mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Re: There is really no way to have an ordered/sorted collection together with indexes?

Richard Sargent
GLASS mailing list wrote
On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Richard Sargent via Glass <
[hidden email]> wrote:

> GLASS mailing list wrote
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I am storing huge lists of "prices". For this, it really helps me to
> store
> > things ordered (by date)...either in an SequenceableCollection or a
> > SortedCollection. On the other hand, I do want to use indexes to speedup
> > my
> > query to find price for a given date (equality index).
> >
> > But I have found no way to have them both. The only workaround I found is
> > to keep 2 collections for each of these collections, one sorted/ordered,
> > and the other one an unordered one for querying via index. But this is a
> > pain from "developing" point of view, as well as for unnecessary
> > repository
> > growth.
> >
> > Am I missing something?
> Mariano, have you read chapter 7 in the GemStone/S 64 Programming Guide?
> It's all about indexing.
> It looks like you could define a "range" query over the unordered
> collection
> to get the sorted sequence needed to traverse all the prices in date order.
> The index would be on the date and the range query would be from some
> "least
> date" through some "greatest date". You would then use the streaming
> results
> or the #do: message I think) to iterate over the query result in date
> order.
> There is a section in chapter 7.2 discussing result order.
Hi Richard,

Thanks for such a pointer. And no, I wasn't aware of that kind of range
query. I will read it as soon as I am back or tomorrow first thing in the
morning. In the meanwhile, I will quickly answer your below question.

> It might be helpful to discuss the use cases for the two collections. When
> would you iterate over all the dates versus when would you search for
> specific dates or ranges of dates?
I need to support 2 kinds of getting a price from a security:

1) Get the price for given date X and if not found, answer nil.
For this, you use the #= predicate and #detect:ifNone:.

2) Get the price for a given date X but it it wasn't found, find the
closest (but older) one. Kind of "please gave me the latest price you can
for this date"
For this, you use a #<= predicate for the desired date, coupled with #reversedReadStream. Take the first result from the stream (after ensuring it isn't empty, of course).

1) can simply call 2) and check if the date answer is the same as the
original. However, I want 1) to be as fastest as possible, meaning I may
not want to use 2) directly.  So far, I was trying this kind of code which
obviously doesn't work because I cannot have collection both sorted and
with index, but this was the idea anyway:

prices := self storageDict at: securityUniqueId ifAbsent: [ nil ].
(prices notNil and: [ prices notEmpty ]) ifTrue: [
ifTrue: [
| exactPrice closest |
exactPrice := prices detect: (DpDatabaseQueryClosureBuilder current
selectClosurePriceRecordByDate: dateToCompare) ifNone: [ nil ].
ifNil: [
closest := prices first.
                                                "we know prices are
prices do: [ :each |
(each date > dateToCompare) ifTrue: [
^ (closest date <= dateToCompare) ifTrue: [ closest ] ifFalse: [ nil ]
closest := each.
^ (closest date <= dateToCompare) ifTrue: [ closest ] ifFalse: [ nil ].
ifNotNil: [ ^ exactPrice ]
ifFalse: [
^ prices detect: (DpDatabaseQueryClosureBuilder current
selectClosurePriceRecordByDate: dateToCompare) ifNone: [ nil ].
^ nil

DpDatabaseQueryClosureBuilder  answers those magic search block for the
The boolean onOrBeforeMatching is the one that defines either behavior 1)
or 2).
My idea was simple. For 1) use the query for the date index. For 2) use
also same query and only if it answers nothing, then iterate collection.
Sure, I can replace that iteration with a binary search too. But again, all
this doesn't work ...

Hope this helps clarifying my questions...

Thanks a lot in advance,

> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > --
> > Mariano
> > http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Glass mailing list
> > Glass@.gemtalksystems
> > http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
> --
> View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/There-
> is-really-no-way-to-have-an-ordered-sorted-collection-
> together-with-indexes-tp4959121p4959135.html
> Sent from the GLASS mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> _______________________________________________
> Glass mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass


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Re: There is really no way to have an ordered/sorted collection together with indexes?

Paul DeBruicker
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list
I think your use case is what


is designed for.  I haven't implemented "binary search for nearest earlier than X date/time" in it yet though

GLASS mailing list wrote
On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Richard Sargent via Glass <
[hidden email]> wrote:

> GLASS mailing list wrote
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I am storing huge lists of "prices". For this, it really helps me to
> store
> > things ordered (by date)...either in an SequenceableCollection or a
> > SortedCollection. On the other hand, I do want to use indexes to speedup
> > my
> > query to find price for a given date (equality index).
> >
> > But I have found no way to have them both. The only workaround I found is
> > to keep 2 collections for each of these collections, one sorted/ordered,
> > and the other one an unordered one for querying via index. But this is a
> > pain from "developing" point of view, as well as for unnecessary
> > repository
> > growth.
> >
> > Am I missing something?
> Mariano, have you read chapter 7 in the GemStone/S 64 Programming Guide?
> It's all about indexing.
> It looks like you could define a "range" query over the unordered
> collection
> to get the sorted sequence needed to traverse all the prices in date order.
> The index would be on the date and the range query would be from some
> "least
> date" through some "greatest date". You would then use the streaming
> results
> or the #do: message I think) to iterate over the query result in date
> order.
> There is a section in chapter 7.2 discussing result order.
Hi Richard,

Thanks for such a pointer. And no, I wasn't aware of that kind of range
query. I will read it as soon as I am back or tomorrow first thing in the
morning. In the meanwhile, I will quickly answer your below question.

> It might be helpful to discuss the use cases for the two collections. When
> would you iterate over all the dates versus when would you search for
> specific dates or ranges of dates?
I need to support 2 kinds of getting a price from a security:

1) Get the price for given date X and if not found, answer nil.
2) Get the price for a given date X but it it wasn't found, find the
closest (but older) one. Kind of "please gave me the latest price you can
for this date"

1) can simply call 2) and check if the date answer is the same as the
original. However, I want 1) to be as fastest as possible, meaning I may
not want to use 2) directly.  So far, I was trying this kind of code which
obviously doesn't work because I cannot have collection both sorted and
with index, but this was the idea anyway:

prices := self storageDict at: securityUniqueId ifAbsent: [ nil ].
(prices notNil and: [ prices notEmpty ]) ifTrue: [
ifTrue: [
| exactPrice closest |
exactPrice := prices detect: (DpDatabaseQueryClosureBuilder current
selectClosurePriceRecordByDate: dateToCompare) ifNone: [ nil ].
ifNil: [
closest := prices first.
                                                "we know prices are
prices do: [ :each |
(each date > dateToCompare) ifTrue: [
^ (closest date <= dateToCompare) ifTrue: [ closest ] ifFalse: [ nil ]
closest := each.
^ (closest date <= dateToCompare) ifTrue: [ closest ] ifFalse: [ nil ].
ifNotNil: [ ^ exactPrice ]
ifFalse: [
^ prices detect: (DpDatabaseQueryClosureBuilder current
selectClosurePriceRecordByDate: dateToCompare) ifNone: [ nil ].
^ nil

DpDatabaseQueryClosureBuilder  answers those magic search block for the
The boolean onOrBeforeMatching is the one that defines either behavior 1)
or 2).
My idea was simple. For 1) use the query for the date index. For 2) use
also same query and only if it answers nothing, then iterate collection.
Sure, I can replace that iteration with a binary search too. But again, all
this doesn't work ...

Hope this helps clarifying my questions...

Thanks a lot in advance,

> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > --
> > Mariano
> > http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Glass mailing list
> > Glass@.gemtalksystems
> > http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
> --
> View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/There-
> is-really-no-way-to-have-an-ordered-sorted-collection-
> together-with-indexes-tp4959121p4959135.html
> Sent from the GLASS mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> _______________________________________________
> Glass mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass


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Re: There is really no way to have an ordered/sorted collection together with indexes?

GLASS mailing list
In reply to this post by Richard Sargent

On 8/7/17 1:04 PM, Richard Sargent via Glass wrote:

> GLASS mailing list wrote
>> Hi guys,
>> I am storing huge lists of "prices". For this, it really helps me to store
>> things ordered (by date)...either in an SequenceableCollection or a
>> SortedCollection. On the other hand, I do want to use indexes to speedup
>> my
>> query to find price for a given date (equality index).
>> But I have found no way to have them both. The only workaround I found is
>> to keep 2 collections for each of these collections, one sorted/ordered,
>> and the other one an unordered one for querying via index. But this is a
>> pain from "developing" point of view, as well as for unnecessary
>> repository
>> growth.
>> Am I missing something?
> Mariano, have you read chapter 7 in the GemStone/S 64 Programming Guide?
> It's all about indexing.
> It looks like you could define a "range" query over the unordered collection
> to get the sorted sequence needed to traverse all the prices in date order.
> The index would be on the date and the range query would be from some "least
> date" through some "greatest date". You would then use the streaming results
> or the #do: message I think) to iterate over the query result in date order.
> There is a section in chapter 7.2 discussing result order.
> It might be helpful to discuss the use cases for the two collections. When
> would you iterate over all the dates versus when would you search for
> specific dates or ranges of dates?
Actually I think you can just set up two queries ... one to search for
the exact date:

   detectQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value = targetDate' on: nsc)

and one query to find the first date prior to your targetDate:

   nearestQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value < targetDate' on: nsc)

Then you can use detect:ifNone: sent to the query object itself to
either find the first matching date using the index or the first date
prior to the target data using an index ... in both queries you are
using very efficient btree lookups and avoiding the need to scan your
collection (key is the price and value if the date):

       | nsc random maxYear detectQuery targetDate result |
       nsc := IdentityBag new.
       random := HostRandom new.
       GsIndexSpec new
         equalityIndex: 'value' lastElementClass: Date;
         createIndexesOn: nsc.
       1 to: 100 do: [ :index |
           add: (ScaledDecimal for: random float scale: 2) ->
               newDay: (random integerBetween: 1 and: 365)
               year: (random integerBetween: 2000 and: 2017)) ].
       targetDate := Date newDay: 250 year: 2011.
       detectQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value = targetDate' on:
         bind: 'targetDate'
         to: targetDate.
       result := detectQuery
         detect: [ :date | true ]
         ifNone: [ | nearestQuery |
           nearestQuery :=  (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value <
targetDate' on: nsc)
             bind: 'targetDate'
             to: targetDate.
            nearestQuery reversedReadStream next].
       {nsc. nsc sortAscending: 'value'. targetDate. result}

I'm returning the sorted nsc, to make it easy to validate that  the
result is correct, since we're generating random dates.
The parsed query can be persisted (with or without the nsc attached) to
avoid the overhead of parsing the query string each time you run the
query ...

Glass mailing list
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Re: There is really no way to have an ordered/sorted collection together with indexes?

GLASS mailing list
Here's an updated script to show how to use a query with two different
dates ... targetDate1 is a random date presumed to miss any existing
data ... targetDate2 is a date from a known sample ......

       | nsc random maxYear detectQuery targetDate1 targetDate2 result1
result2 nearestQuery theDate |
       nsc := IdentityBag new.
       random := HostRandom new.
       GsIndexSpec new
         equalityIndex: 'value' lastElementClass: Date;
         createIndexesOn: nsc.
       detectQuery := GsQuery fromString: 'each.value = targetDate' on: nsc.
       nearestQuery :=  GsQuery fromString: 'each.value < targetDate'
on: nsc.
       1 to: 100 do: [ :index |
           add: (ScaledDecimal for: random float scale: 2) ->
               newDay: (random integerBetween: 1 and: 365)
               year: (random integerBetween: 2000 and: 2017)) ].
       targetDate1 := Date newDay: 250 year: 2011.
         bind: 'targetDate'
         to: targetDate1.
         bind: 'targetDate'
         to: targetDate1.
       result1 := detectQuery
         detect: [ :date | true ]
         ifNone: [ nearestQuery reversedReadStream next].
       targetDate2 := (nsc _at: 50) value.
         bind: 'targetDate'
         to: targetDate2.
         bind: 'targetDate'
         to: targetDate2.
       result2 := detectQuery
         detect: [ :date | true ]
         ifNone: [ nearestQuery reversedReadStream next].
       {nsc. nsc sortAscending: 'value'. targetDate1. result1.
targetDate2. result2}

On 8/7/17 6:47 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:

> On 8/7/17 1:04 PM, Richard Sargent via Glass wrote:
>> GLASS mailing list wrote
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I am storing huge lists of "prices". For this, it really helps me to
>>> store
>>> things ordered (by date)...either in an SequenceableCollection or a
>>> SortedCollection. On the other hand, I do want to use indexes to
>>> speedup
>>> my
>>> query to find price for a given date (equality index).
>>> But I have found no way to have them both. The only workaround I
>>> found is
>>> to keep 2 collections for each of these collections, one
>>> sorted/ordered,
>>> and the other one an unordered one for querying via index. But this
>>> is a
>>> pain from "developing" point of view, as well as for unnecessary
>>> repository
>>> growth.
>>> Am I missing something?
>> Mariano, have you read chapter 7 in the GemStone/S 64 Programming Guide?
>> It's all about indexing.
>> It looks like you could define a "range" query over the unordered
>> collection
>> to get the sorted sequence needed to traverse all the prices in date
>> order.
>> The index would be on the date and the range query would be from some
>> "least
>> date" through some "greatest date". You would then use the streaming
>> results
>> or the #do: message I think) to iterate over the query result in date
>> order.
>> There is a section in chapter 7.2 discussing result order.
>> It might be helpful to discuss the use cases for the two collections.
>> When
>> would you iterate over all the dates versus when would you search for
>> specific dates or ranges of dates?
> Actually I think you can just set up two queries ... one to search for
> the exact date:
>   detectQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value = targetDate' on: nsc)
> and one query to find the first date prior to your targetDate:
>   nearestQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value < targetDate' on: nsc)
> Then you can use detect:ifNone: sent to the query object itself to
> either find the first matching date using the index or the first date
> prior to the target data using an index ... in both queries you are
> using very efficient btree lookups and avoiding the need to scan your
> collection (key is the price and value if the date):
>       | nsc random maxYear detectQuery targetDate result |
>       nsc := IdentityBag new.
>       random := HostRandom new.
>       GsIndexSpec new
>         equalityIndex: 'value' lastElementClass: Date;
>         createIndexesOn: nsc.
>       1 to: 100 do: [ :index |
>         nsc
>           add: (ScaledDecimal for: random float scale: 2) ->
>             (Date
>               newDay: (random integerBetween: 1 and: 365)
>               year: (random integerBetween: 2000 and: 2017)) ].
>       targetDate := Date newDay: 250 year: 2011.
>       detectQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value = targetDate'
> on: nsc)
>         bind: 'targetDate'
>         to: targetDate.
>       result := detectQuery
>         detect: [ :date | true ]
>         ifNone: [ | nearestQuery |
>           nearestQuery :=  (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value <
> targetDate' on: nsc)
>             bind: 'targetDate'
>             to: targetDate.
>            nearestQuery reversedReadStream next].
>       {nsc. nsc sortAscending: 'value'. targetDate. result}
> I'm returning the sorted nsc, to make it easy to validate that the
> result is correct, since we're generating random dates.
> The parsed query can be persisted (with or without the nsc attached)
> to avoid the overhead of parsing the query string each time you run
> the query ...

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Re: There is really no way to have an ordered/sorted collection together with indexes?

GLASS mailing list
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list

On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 10:47 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 8/7/17 1:04 PM, Richard Sargent via Glass wrote:
GLASS mailing list wrote
Hi guys,

I am storing huge lists of "prices". For this, it really helps me to store
things ordered (by date)...either in an SequenceableCollection or a
SortedCollection. On the other hand, I do want to use indexes to speedup
query to find price for a given date (equality index).

But I have found no way to have them both. The only workaround I found is
to keep 2 collections for each of these collections, one sorted/ordered,
and the other one an unordered one for querying via index. But this is a
pain from "developing" point of view, as well as for unnecessary

Am I missing something?
Mariano, have you read chapter 7 in the GemStone/S 64 Programming Guide?
It's all about indexing.

It looks like you could define a "range" query over the unordered collection
to get the sorted sequence needed to traverse all the prices in date order.
The index would be on the date and the range query would be from some "least
date" through some "greatest date". You would then use the streaming results
or the #do: message I think) to iterate over the query result in date order.
There is a section in chapter 7.2 discussing result order.

It might be helpful to discuss the use cases for the two collections. When
would you iterate over all the dates versus when would you search for
specific dates or ranges of dates?

Actually I think you can just set up two queries ... one to search for the exact date:

  detectQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value = targetDate' on: nsc)

and one query to find the first date prior to your targetDate:

  nearestQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value < targetDate' on: nsc)

Hi Dale,

Thanks for your answers. I am headed bed right now, but I would do a quick question so to have as much as possible info for tomorrow...

Aside from both needed queries above, I would still need this 2 more APIs:

3) get the whole price history sorted. 
4) get the newest available price of the collection

How can I make those fast too taking advantage of the index? For 3) I can simply do the nearestQuery with a future day (like tomorrow), but maybe there is a cleaner way?  And for 4? 

In summary.... I am comparing whether store things sorted (so that 3 and 4 are fast...3 is a simple #last and 4 is simple same collection..nothing to do ) and make binary search for exact query and nearest query, vs  store things in a bag and do everything via index (querying will be fast, but I doubt about 3) and 4)... i mostly doubt about 3)..

Thanks a lot!

Then you can use detect:ifNone: sent to the query object itself to either find the first matching date using the index or the first date prior to the target data using an index ... in both queries you are using very efficient btree lookups and avoiding the need to scan your collection (key is the price and value if the date):

      | nsc random maxYear detectQuery targetDate result |
      nsc := IdentityBag new.
      random := HostRandom new.
      GsIndexSpec new
        equalityIndex: 'value' lastElementClass: Date;
        createIndexesOn: nsc.
      1 to: 100 do: [ :index |
          add: (ScaledDecimal for: random float scale: 2) ->
              newDay: (random integerBetween: 1 and: 365)
              year: (random integerBetween: 2000 and: 2017)) ].
      targetDate := Date newDay: 250 year: 2011.
      detectQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value = targetDate' on: nsc)
        bind: 'targetDate'
        to: targetDate.
      result := detectQuery
        detect: [ :date | true ]
        ifNone: [ | nearestQuery |
          nearestQuery :=  (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value < targetDate' on: nsc)
            bind: 'targetDate'
            to: targetDate.
           nearestQuery reversedReadStream next].
      {nsc. nsc sortAscending: 'value'. targetDate. result}

I'm returning the sorted nsc, to make it easy to validate that  the result is correct, since we're generating random dates.
The parsed query can be persisted (with or without the nsc attached) to avoid the overhead of parsing the query string each time you run the query ...

Glass mailing list
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Re: There is really no way to have an ordered/sorted collection together with indexes?

GLASS mailing list

On 8/7/17 7:53 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 10:47 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 8/7/17 1:04 PM, Richard Sargent via Glass wrote:
GLASS mailing list wrote
Hi guys,

I am storing huge lists of "prices". For this, it really helps me to store
things ordered (by date)...either in an SequenceableCollection or a
SortedCollection. On the other hand, I do want to use indexes to speedup
query to find price for a given date (equality index).

But I have found no way to have them both. The only workaround I found is
to keep 2 collections for each of these collections, one sorted/ordered,
and the other one an unordered one for querying via index. But this is a
pain from "developing" point of view, as well as for unnecessary

Am I missing something?
Mariano, have you read chapter 7 in the GemStone/S 64 Programming Guide?
It's all about indexing.

It looks like you could define a "range" query over the unordered collection
to get the sorted sequence needed to traverse all the prices in date order.
The index would be on the date and the range query would be from some "least
date" through some "greatest date". You would then use the streaming results
or the #do: message I think) to iterate over the query result in date order.
There is a section in chapter 7.2 discussing result order.

It might be helpful to discuss the use cases for the two collections. When
would you iterate over all the dates versus when would you search for
specific dates or ranges of dates?

Actually I think you can just set up two queries ... one to search for the exact date:

  detectQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value = targetDate' on: nsc)

and one query to find the first date prior to your targetDate:

  nearestQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value < targetDate' on: nsc)

Hi Dale,

Thanks for your answers. I am headed bed right now, but I would do a quick question so to have as much as possible info for tomorrow...

Aside from both needed queries above, I would still need this 2 more APIs:

3) get the whole price history sorted.
You've got several options here .. sortAscending: produces a sorted collection, a GsQuery combined with a do:, detect:, etc., a GsQuery combined with readStream, a separate SortedCollection ... (as i described in response to your "can't we use indexes for sorting too" thread

4) get the newest available price of the collection
you get the last price from a GsQuery using a reversedReadStream ... 

How can I make those fast too taking advantage of the index? For 3) I can simply do the nearestQuery with a future day (like tomorrow), but maybe there is a cleaner way?  And for 4? 

In summary.... I am comparing whether store things sorted (so that 3 and 4 are fast...3 is a simple #last and 4 is simple same collection..nothing to do ) and make binary search for exact query and nearest query, vs  store things in a bag and do everything via index (querying will be fast, but I doubt about 3) and 4)... i mostly doubt about 3)..
You are right if you really need to produce the sorted price history quickly, then your best bet is to keep two collections ... use indexed queries for fast price lookups and the sorted collection for price history, first and last ...


Thanks a lot!

Then you can use detect:ifNone: sent to the query object itself to either find the first matching date using the index or the first date prior to the target data using an index ... in both queries you are using very efficient btree lookups and avoiding the need to scan your collection (key is the price and value if the date):

      | nsc random maxYear detectQuery targetDate result |
      nsc := IdentityBag new.
      random := HostRandom new.
      GsIndexSpec new
        equalityIndex: 'value' lastElementClass: Date;
        createIndexesOn: nsc.
      1 to: 100 do: [ :index |
          add: (ScaledDecimal for: random float scale: 2) ->
              newDay: (random integerBetween: 1 and: 365)
              year: (random integerBetween: 2000 and: 2017)) ].
      targetDate := Date newDay: 250 year: 2011.
      detectQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value = targetDate' on: nsc)
        bind: 'targetDate'
        to: targetDate.
      result := detectQuery
        detect: [ :date | true ]
        ifNone: [ | nearestQuery |
          nearestQuery :=  (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value < targetDate' on: nsc)
            bind: 'targetDate'
            to: targetDate.
           nearestQuery reversedReadStream next].
      {nsc. nsc sortAscending: 'value'. targetDate. result}

I'm returning the sorted nsc, to make it easy to validate that  the result is correct, since we're generating random dates.
The parsed query can be persisted (with or without the nsc attached) to avoid the overhead of parsing the query string each time you run the query ...

Glass mailing list
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Glass mailing list
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Re: There is really no way to have an ordered/sorted collection together with indexes?

Richard Sargent
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list
GLASS mailing list wrote
On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 10:47 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <
[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 8/7/17 1:04 PM, Richard Sargent via Glass wrote:
>> GLASS mailing list wrote
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I am storing huge lists of "prices". For this, it really helps me to
>>> store
>>> things ordered (by date)...either in an SequenceableCollection or a
>>> SortedCollection. On the other hand, I do want to use indexes to speedup
>>> my
>>> query to find price for a given date (equality index).
>>> But I have found no way to have them both. The only workaround I found is
>>> to keep 2 collections for each of these collections, one sorted/ordered,
>>> and the other one an unordered one for querying via index. But this is a
>>> pain from "developing" point of view, as well as for unnecessary
>>> repository
>>> growth.
>>> Am I missing something?
>> Mariano, have you read chapter 7 in the GemStone/S 64 Programming Guide?
>> It's all about indexing.
>> It looks like you could define a "range" query over the unordered
>> collection
>> to get the sorted sequence needed to traverse all the prices in date
>> order.
>> The index would be on the date and the range query would be from some
>> "least
>> date" through some "greatest date". You would then use the streaming
>> results
>> or the #do: message I think) to iterate over the query result in date
>> order.
>> There is a section in chapter 7.2 discussing result order.
>> It might be helpful to discuss the use cases for the two collections. When
>> would you iterate over all the dates versus when would you search for
>> specific dates or ranges of dates?
>> Actually I think you can just set up two queries ... one to search for
> the exact date:
>   detectQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value = targetDate' on: nsc)
> and one query to find the first date prior to your targetDate:
>   nearestQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value < targetDate' on: nsc)

Hi Dale,

Thanks for your answers. I am headed bed right now, but I would do a quick
question so to have as much as possible info for tomorrow...

Aside from both needed queries above, I would still need this 2 more APIs:

3) get the whole price history sorted.
Mariano, given the size of this collection, how would having all 1 million prices (or 10 million?)  be usable? #do: would allow you to iterate across the collection indexed by date and get the prices in date order as would streaming over the result. Dale points out that you can get the result set as a collection, but what is it you would do with it such that you need the entire sorted collection at one time?

4) get the newest available price of the collection

How can I make those fast too taking advantage of the index? For 3) I can
simply do the nearestQuery with a future day (like tomorrow), but maybe
there is a cleaner way?  And for 4?

In summary.... I am comparing whether store things sorted (so that 3 and 4
are fast...3 is a simple #last and 4 is simple same collection..nothing to
do ) and make binary search for exact query and nearest query, vs  store
things in a bag and do everything via index (querying will be fast, but I
doubt about 3) and 4)... i mostly doubt about 3)..

Thanks a lot!

> Then you can use detect:ifNone: sent to the query object itself to either
> find the first matching date using the index or the first date prior to the
> target data using an index ... in both queries you are using very efficient
> btree lookups and avoiding the need to scan your collection (key is the
> price and value if the date):
>       | nsc random maxYear detectQuery targetDate result |
>       nsc := IdentityBag new.
>       random := HostRandom new.
>       GsIndexSpec new
>         equalityIndex: 'value' lastElementClass: Date;
>         createIndexesOn: nsc.
>       1 to: 100 do: [ :index |
>         nsc
>           add: (ScaledDecimal for: random float scale: 2) ->
>             (Date
>               newDay: (random integerBetween: 1 and: 365)
>               year: (random integerBetween: 2000 and: 2017)) ].
>       targetDate := Date newDay: 250 year: 2011.
>       detectQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value = targetDate' on:
> nsc)
>         bind: 'targetDate'
>         to: targetDate.
>       result := detectQuery
>         detect: [ :date | true ]
>         ifNone: [ | nearestQuery |
>           nearestQuery :=  (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value < targetDate'
> on: nsc)
>             bind: 'targetDate'
>             to: targetDate.
>            nearestQuery reversedReadStream next].
>       {nsc. nsc sortAscending: 'value'. targetDate. result}
> I'm returning the sorted nsc, to make it easy to validate that  the result
> is correct, since we're generating random dates.
> The parsed query can be persisted (with or without the nsc attached) to
> avoid the overhead of parsing the query string each time you run the query
> ...
> _______________________________________________
> Glass mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass


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Re: There is really no way to have an ordered/sorted collection together with indexes?

GLASS mailing list
Thank you all for your ideas and discussions. I learned a lot:

1) I wasn't aware of the streaming API (even less than results could be sorted using the index) of GsQuery (until now I was only using the { } kind of syntax).
2) I didn't know that #sortAscending: and friends could also take benefits of the index for sorting.

Both things are very cool.

For my particular case, I finally decided to keep both collection... a SortedCollection for getting "last price" and "all price history sorted" very fast, and a "Bag with indexes" for querying prices for a given date or closest to it (using both queries as suggested by Dale...with the reversedReadStream and even caching the parsed query etc) . Of course, it made my code a little bit more complex and make the extent grow some more. But it's worth as I need both scenarios to be fast. 

Thank you very much to all of you. 

On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 12:46 PM, Richard Sargent via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
GLASS mailing list wrote
> On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 10:47 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <

> glass@.gemtalksystems

>> wrote:
>> On 8/7/17 1:04 PM, Richard Sargent via Glass wrote:
>>> GLASS mailing list wrote
>>>> Hi guys,
>>>> I am storing huge lists of "prices". For this, it really helps me to
>>>> store
>>>> things ordered (by date)...either in an SequenceableCollection or a
>>>> SortedCollection. On the other hand, I do want to use indexes to
>>>> speedup
>>>> my
>>>> query to find price for a given date (equality index).
>>>> But I have found no way to have them both. The only workaround I found
>>>> is
>>>> to keep 2 collections for each of these collections, one
>>>> sorted/ordered,
>>>> and the other one an unordered one for querying via index. But this is
>>>> a
>>>> pain from "developing" point of view, as well as for unnecessary
>>>> repository
>>>> growth.
>>>> Am I missing something?
>>> Mariano, have you read chapter 7 in the GemStone/S 64 Programming Guide?
>>> It's all about indexing.
>>> It looks like you could define a "range" query over the unordered
>>> collection
>>> to get the sorted sequence needed to traverse all the prices in date
>>> order.
>>> The index would be on the date and the range query would be from some
>>> "least
>>> date" through some "greatest date". You would then use the streaming
>>> results
>>> or the #do: message I think) to iterate over the query result in date
>>> order.
>>> There is a section in chapter 7.2 discussing result order.
>>> It might be helpful to discuss the use cases for the two collections.
>>> When
>>> would you iterate over all the dates versus when would you search for
>>> specific dates or ranges of dates?
>>> Actually I think you can just set up two queries ... one to search for
>> the exact date:
>>   detectQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value = targetDate' on: nsc)
>> and one query to find the first date prior to your targetDate:
>>   nearestQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value < targetDate' on: nsc)
> Hi Dale,
> Thanks for your answers. I am headed bed right now, but I would do a quick
> question so to have as much as possible info for tomorrow...
> Aside from both needed queries above, I would still need this 2 more APIs:
> 3) get the whole price history sorted.

Mariano, given the size of this collection, how would having all 1 million
prices (or 10 million?)  be usable? #do: would allow you to iterate across
the collection indexed by date and get the prices in date order as would
streaming over the result. Dale points out that you can get the result set
as a collection, but what is it you would do with it such that you need the
entire sorted collection at one time?

> 4) get the newest available price of the collection
> How can I make those fast too taking advantage of the index? For 3) I can
> simply do the nearestQuery with a future day (like tomorrow), but maybe
> there is a cleaner way?  And for 4?
> In summary.... I am comparing whether store things sorted (so that 3 and 4
> are fast...3 is a simple #last and 4 is simple same collection..nothing to
> do ) and make binary search for exact query and nearest query, vs  store
> things in a bag and do everything via index (querying will be fast, but I
> doubt about 3) and 4)... i mostly doubt about 3)..
> Thanks a lot!
>> Then you can use detect:ifNone: sent to the query object itself to either
>> find the first matching date using the index or the first date prior to
>> the
>> target data using an index ... in both queries you are using very
>> efficient
>> btree lookups and avoiding the need to scan your collection (key is the
>> price and value if the date):
>>       | nsc random maxYear detectQuery targetDate result |
>>       nsc := IdentityBag new.
>>       random := HostRandom new.
>>       GsIndexSpec new
>>         equalityIndex: 'value' lastElementClass: Date;
>>         createIndexesOn: nsc.
>>       1 to: 100 do: [ :index |
>>         nsc
>>           add: (ScaledDecimal for: random float scale: 2) ->
>>             (Date
>>               newDay: (random integerBetween: 1 and: 365)
>>               year: (random integerBetween: 2000 and: 2017)) ].
>>       targetDate := Date newDay: 250 year: 2011.
>>       detectQuery := (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value = targetDate' on:
>> nsc)
>>         bind: 'targetDate'
>>         to: targetDate.
>>       result := detectQuery
>>         detect: [ :date | true ]
>>         ifNone: [ | nearestQuery |
>>           nearestQuery :=  (GsQuery fromString: 'each.value < targetDate'
>> on: nsc)
>>             bind: 'targetDate'
>>             to: targetDate.
>>            nearestQuery reversedReadStream next].
>>       {nsc. nsc sortAscending: 'value'. targetDate. result}
>> I'm returning the sorted nsc, to make it easy to validate that  the
>> result
>> is correct, since we're generating random dates.
>> The parsed query can be persisted (with or without the nsc attached) to
>> avoid the overhead of parsing the query string each time you run the
>> query
>> ...
>> _______________________________________________
>> Glass mailing list

> Glass@.gemtalksystems

>> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
> _______________________________________________
> Glass mailing list

> Glass@.gemtalksystems

> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass

View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/There-is-really-no-way-to-have-an-ordered-sorted-collection-together-with-indexes-tp4959121p4959196.html
Sent from the GLASS mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Re: There is really no way to have an ordered/sorted collection together with indexes?

GLASS mailing list
On 08/09/2017 07:19 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
> For my particular case, I finally decided to keep both collection... a
> SortedCollection for getting "last price" and "all price history
> sorted" very fast, and a "Bag with indexes" for querying prices for a
> given date or closest to it (using both queries as suggested by
> Dale...with the reversedReadStream and even caching the parsed query
> etc) . Of course, it made my code a little bit more complex and make
> the extent grow some more. But it's worth as I need both scenarios to
> be fast.
Hi Mariano,

To keep the code complexity contained, you can create your own class,
each instance of which contains the two collections, and implement
whatever nice application-specific query and update methods you need in
that class.



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