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Validate password with PBKDF2

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Validate password with PBKDF2

14 posts
Hi folks

I'm playing with the PBKDF2 package of Udo: http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~UdoSchneider/PBKDF2
(thanks Udo), but I can't find how to validate a stored hash.
Can you point me in the right direction?

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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

Paul DeBruicker
1579 posts
Looks like you'll have to store the salt when making the original hash of the password.  

With that you can do

| salt originalPassword userInputPassword originalHash  newHash secretKey |
originalHash:=PBKDF2 derivedKeySHA1Password: originalPassword salt: salt.
newHash:=PBKDF2 derivedKeySHA1Password: userInputPassword salt: salt.

secretKey:= SecureRandom new nextBytes: 16.

((SHA256 new hmac key: secretKey) digestMessage: originalHash) = ((SHA256 new hmac key: secretKey) digestMessage: newHash).

We do the double SHA256 HMAC signing of the hashes because of https://www.nccgroup.trust/us/about-us/newsroom-and-events/blog/2011/february/double-hmac-verification/

You can store the #secretKey and each user should get a new #salt every time they change their password and you shouldn't reuse the salts for other users or password.  

For PBKDF2 there is probably a max (or recommended) salt length but I don't know it.  

I also don't know anything about the SecureRandom class but it says it on the tin, so maybe it is.  Maybe not though.  I don't know how to find out. But I don't know that it matters in this instance as its only used for the SHA256 HMAC internally in the comparison function.

Hope this helps.  

Francis wrote
Hi folks

I'm playing with the PBKDF2 package of Udo: http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~UdoSchneider/PBKDF2
(thanks Udo), but I can't find how to validate a stored hash.
Can you point me in the right direction?

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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

14 posts
Thank you Paul,
Saving the salt is not a big issue but I'd like something more simple.
In python I can store the salt with the password see:https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bcrypt/3.1.0

# Hash a password for the first time, with a randomly-generated salt
hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt())

and retrieve it subsequently
if bcrypt.checkpw(password, hashed):
...     print("It Matches!")

Are you (smalltalkers) aware of something similar?

Thanks again

Paul DeBruicker wrote
Looks like you'll have to store the salt when making the original hash of the password.  

With that you can do

| salt originalPassword userInputPassword originalHash  newHash secretKey |
originalHash:=PBKDF2 derivedKeySHA1Password: originalPassword salt: salt.
newHash:=PBKDF2 derivedKeySHA1Password: userInputPassword salt: salt.

secretKey:= SecureRandom new nextBytes: 16.

((SHA256 new hmac key: secretKey) digestMessage: originalHash) = ((SHA256 new hmac key: secretKey) digestMessage: newHash).

We do the double SHA256 HMAC signing of the hashes because of https://www.nccgroup.trust/us/about-us/newsroom-and-events/blog/2011/february/double-hmac-verification/

You can store the #secretKey and each user should get a new #salt every time they change their password and you shouldn't reuse the salts for other users or password.  

For PBKDF2 there is probably a max (or recommended) salt length but I don't know it.  

I also don't know anything about the SecureRandom class but it says it on the tin, so maybe it is.  Maybe not though.  I don't know how to find out. But I don't know that it matters in this instance as its only used for the SHA256 HMAC internally in the comparison function.

Hope this helps.  

Francis wrote
Hi folks

I'm playing with the PBKDF2 package of Udo: http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~UdoSchneider/PBKDF2
(thanks Udo), but I can't find how to validate a stored hash.
Can you point me in the right direction?

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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
914 posts
In reply to this post by Paul DeBruicker
Thank you Paul,
Saving the salt is not a big issue but I'd like something more simple.
In python I can store the salt with the password

# Hash a password for the first time, with a randomly-generated salt
hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt())

and retrieve it subsequently
if bcrypt.checkpw(password, hashed):
...     print("It Matches!")

Are you (smalltalkers) aware of something similar?

Thanks again

Paul DeBruicker wrote

> Looks like you'll have to store the salt when making the original hash of
> the password.  
> With that you can do
> | salt originalPassword userInputPassword originalHash  newHash secretKey
> |
> salt:='salt'.
> originalPassword:='password'.
> userInputPassword:='12345678'.
> originalHash:=PBKDF2 derivedKeySHA1Password: originalPassword salt: salt.
> newHash:=PBKDF2 derivedKeySHA1Password: userInputPassword salt: salt.
> secretKey:= SecureRandom new nextBytes: 16.
> ((SHA256 new hmac key: secretKey) digestMessage: originalHash) = ((SHA256
> new hmac key: secretKey) digestMessage: newHash).
> We do the double SHA256 HMAC signing of the hashes because of
> https://www.nccgroup.trust/us/about-us/newsroom-and-events/blog/2011/february/double-hmac-verification/
> You can store the #secretKey and each user should get a new #salt every
> time they change their password and you shouldn't reuse the salts for
> other users or password.  
> For PBKDF2 there is probably a max (or recommended) salt length but I
> don't know it.  
> I also don't know anything about the SecureRandom class but it says it on
> the tin, so maybe it is.  Maybe not though.  I don't know how to find out.
> But I don't know that it matters in this instance as its only used for the
> SHA256 HMAC internally in the comparison function.
> Hope this helps.  
> Francis wrote
>> Hi folks
>> I'm playing with the PBKDF2 package of Udo:
>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~UdoSchneider/PBKDF2
>> (thanks Udo), but I can't find how to validate a stored hash.
>> Can you point me in the right direction?
>> Thanks
>> Francis

View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Validate-password-with-PBKDF2-tp4952973p4953004.html
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

Pierce Ng-3
347 posts
On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 12:43:23AM -0700, Francis via Pharo-users wrote:
> Saving the salt is not a big issue but I'd like something more simple.
> In python I can store the salt with the password
> see:https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bcrypt/3.1.0

Hi, you could try PasswordCrypt:



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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

Erik Stel
47 posts
In reply to this post by Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list

The hashpw function returns a hash with the salt prepended. So it contains both elements. (See for example explanation at: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27413248/why-can-bcrypt-hashpw-be-used-both-for-hashing-and-verifying-passwords).

You can do the same thing here. Assuming you have a fixed size salt, just prepend it before the hash value. Since the salt is (should be) random, returning it's value does not weaken the security. Using a salt prevents against rainbow table attacks: pre-generated hash values for many possible passwords. (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_table).  

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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

1675 posts
In reply to this post by Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
I guess I could integrate Udo's PBKDF2 into ApplicationSecurity. See under "Using the CheckPoint" if matches your API you're looking for:




2017-06-30 4:43 GMT-03:00 Francis via Pharo-users <[hidden email]>:

---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
From: Francis <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2017 00:43:23 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Validate password with PBKDF2
Thank you Paul,
Saving the salt is not a big issue but I'd like something more simple.
In python I can store the salt with the password

# Hash a password for the first time, with a randomly-generated salt
hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt())

and retrieve it subsequently
if bcrypt.checkpw(password, hashed):
...     print("It Matches!")

Are you (smalltalkers) aware of something similar?

Thanks again

Paul DeBruicker wrote
> Looks like you'll have to store the salt when making the original hash of
> the password.
> With that you can do
> | salt originalPassword userInputPassword originalHash  newHash secretKey
> |
> salt:='salt'.
> originalPassword:='password'.
> userInputPassword:='12345678'.
> originalHash:=PBKDF2 derivedKeySHA1Password: originalPassword salt: salt.
> newHash:=PBKDF2 derivedKeySHA1Password: userInputPassword salt: salt.
> secretKey:= SecureRandom new nextBytes: 16.
> ((SHA256 new hmac key: secretKey) digestMessage: originalHash) = ((SHA256
> new hmac key: secretKey) digestMessage: newHash).
> We do the double SHA256 HMAC signing of the hashes because of
> https://www.nccgroup.trust/us/about-us/newsroom-and-events/blog/2011/february/double-hmac-verification/
> You can store the #secretKey and each user should get a new #salt every
> time they change their password and you shouldn't reuse the salts for
> other users or password.
> For PBKDF2 there is probably a max (or recommended) salt length but I
> don't know it.
> I also don't know anything about the SecureRandom class but it says it on
> the tin, so maybe it is.  Maybe not though.  I don't know how to find out.
> But I don't know that it matters in this instance as its only used for the
> SHA256 HMAC internally in the comparison function.
> Hope this helps.
> Francis wrote
>> Hi folks
>> I'm playing with the PBKDF2 package of Udo:
>> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~UdoSchneider/PBKDF2
>> (thanks Udo), but I can't find how to validate a stored hash.
>> Can you point me in the right direction?
>> Thanks
>> Francis

View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Validate-password-with-PBKDF2-tp4952973p4953004.html
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
914 posts
In reply to this post by Erik Stel
Thanks Pierce and hernanmd
I decided to adopt the solution of the prepended salt as Erik said in the
previous post.

Here is my code, I hope it can be useful for the community

First I hash the password with an empty salt
 PBKDF2 derivedKeyHashFunction: SHA256 password: 'aSimplePassword' salt: ''
iterations: 3000 length: 16 .

I would have liked to avoid the empty salt but the message deriveKey needs
Then I used UUID new as real salt and the string '$$' as separator between
the salt and the hashed password.
So here is the byte array I'm going to store in my db
 saltPlusHashedPassword := UUID new , '$$' asByteArray ,  (PBKDF2
derivedKeyHashFunction: SHA256 password: 'aSimplePassword' salt: ''
iterations: 3000 length: 16 ).

To validate the password, I retrieve the saltPlusHashedPassword from the db
and splitting it
 hashedPassword := (saltPlusHashedPassword splitOn:('$$' asByteArray))

Finally the validation
 (PBKDF2 derivedKeyHashFunction: SHA256 password: 'aSimplePassword' salt: ''
iterations: 3000 length: 16 ) = (ByteArray new, hashedPassword).

Note, I have to concatenate ByteArray new with hashedPassword because
hashedPassword is not a ByteAttay but a UUID, if you have a smarter way to
do it you are welcome.


Erik Stel wrote

> Francis,
> The hashpw function returns a hash with the salt prepended. So it contains
> both elements. (See for example explanation at:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27413248/why-can-bcrypt-hashpw-be-used-both-for-hashing-and-verifying-passwords).
> You can do the same thing here. Assuming you have a fixed size salt, just
> prepend it before the hash value. Since the salt is (should be) random,
> returning it's value does not weaken the security. Using a salt prevents
> against rainbow table attacks: pre-generated hash values for many possible
> passwords. (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_table).  
> Cheers,
> Erik

View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Validate-password-with-PBKDF2-tp4952973p4953119.html
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

14 posts
In reply to this post by Erik Stel
Thanks Pierce and hernanmd
I decided to adopt the solution of the prepended salt as Erik said in the previous post.

Here is my code, I hope it can be useful for the community

First I hash the password with an empty salt
 PBKDF2 derivedKeyHashFunction: SHA256 password: 'aSimplePassword' salt: '' iterations: 3000 length: 16 .

I would have liked to avoid the empty salt but the message deriveKey needs it.
Then I used UUID new as real salt and the string '$$' as separator between the salt and the hashed password.
So here is the byte array I'm going to store in my db
 saltPlusHashedPassword := UUID new , '$$' asByteArray ,  (PBKDF2 derivedKeyHashFunction: SHA256 password: 'aSimplePassword' salt: '' iterations: 3000 length: 16 ).

To validate the password, I retrieve the saltPlusHashedPassword from the db and splitting it
 hashedPassword := (saltPlusHashedPassword splitOn:('$$' asByteArray)) second.

Finally the validation
 (PBKDF2 derivedKeyHashFunction: SHA256 password: 'aSimplePassword' salt: '' iterations: 3000 length: 16 ) = (ByteArray new, hashedPassword).

Note, I have to concatenate ByteArray new with hashedPassword because hashedPassword is not a ByteAttay but a UUID, if you have a smarter way to do it you are welcome.


Erik Stel wrote

The hashpw function returns a hash with the salt prepended. So it contains both elements. (See for example explanation at: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27413248/why-can-bcrypt-hashpw-be-used-both-for-hashing-and-verifying-passwords).

You can do the same thing here. Assuming you have a fixed size salt, just prepend it before the hash value. Since the salt is (should be) random, returning it's value does not weaken the security. Using a salt prevents against rainbow table attacks: pre-generated hash values for many possible passwords. (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_table).  

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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

Erik Stel
47 posts
This post was updated on Jun 30, 2017; 6:22pm.
In reply to this post by Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list

You're using an empty salt when creating the hash. Just prepending a random number does not add much security. Anyone knowing your solution will just prepend a random number. And creating only a few accounts in your system will probably reveal that information as well. A wrong-doer will just use a fake salt and will still be able to try a rainbow table attack.

Please use a real random value for the salt. And easiest would be to give it a fixed size.

(Don't have an image and/or code available, so this might lead to some pseudo code ;-)

To generate a safe password hash which you can store in your db, the following method. It creates a random number (your example of a UUID of 16 bytes) and uses that as a salt for the password hash. Both values are then concatenated and returned as a 'safe' password. This can be stored in your db.

generateSafePasswordHashFor: aPassword

    | salt passwordHash safePasswordHash |

    salt := UUID new asByteArray.
    passwordHash := PBKDF2 derivedKeyHashFunction: SHA256
                        password: aPassword
                        salt: salt
                        iterations: 3000
                        length: 16.
    safePasswordHash := salt, passwordHash

To validate a user's password you retrieve the safePasswordHash from your db (based on the user's id) and validate the given password against it. For this the salt is retrieved from the safePasswordHash (first 16 bytes because UUID is 16 bytes) and it is then used to calculate the hash of the given password. It should match the second part of the safePasswordHash.

validatePassword: aPassword against: safePasswordHash 

    | salt passwordHash |

    salt := safePasswordHash first: 16.
    passwordHash := PBKDF2 derivedKeyHashFunction: SHA256
                        password: aPassword
                        salt: salt
                        iterations: 3000
                        length: 16.
    ^safePasswordHash endsWith: passwordHash

Hope this helps.

For real safety, please add some checks for valid values. Did we receive a valid password? Is the safePasswordHash the correct length (in this case 32 bytes)? You might consider using another salt generator than UUID.

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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
914 posts
Ah-ha! You are right, the proper way to encrypt is with the salt and then
prepend the salt.

FIY  does not give a ByteArray because UUID is a subclass of ByteArray and
asByteArray returns self

Erik Stel wrote

> Francis,
> You're using an empty salt when creating the hash. Just prepending a
> random number does not add much security. Anyone knowing your solution
> will just prepend a random number. And creating only a few accounts in
> your system will probably reveal that information as well. A wrong-doer
> will just use a fake salt and will still be able to try a rainbow table
> attack.
> Please use a real random value for the salt. And easiest would be to give
> it a fixed size.
> (Don't have an image and/or code available, so this might lead to some
> pseudo code ;-)
> To generate a safe password hash which you can store in your db, the
> following method. It creates a random number (your example of a UUID of 16
> bytes) and uses that as a salt for the password hash. Both values are then
> concatenated and returned as a 'safe' password. This can be stored in your
> db.

> To validate a user's password you retrieve the safePasswordHash from your
> db (based on the user's id) and validate the given password against it.
> For this the salt is retrieved from the safePasswordHash (first 16 bytes
> because UUID is 16 bytes) and it is then used to calculate the hash of the
> given password. It should match the second part of the safePasswordHash.

> Hope this helps.
> For real safety, please add some checks for valid values. Did we receive a
> valid password? Is the safePasswordHash the correct length (in this case
> 32 bytes)? You might consider using another salt generator than UUID.
> Cheers,
> Erik

View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Validate-password-with-PBKDF2-tp4952973p4953138.html
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

14 posts
In reply to this post by Erik Stel
Ah-ha! You are right, the proper way to encrypt is with the salt and then prepend the salt.

UUID new asByteArray
 does not give a ByteArray because UUID is a subclass of ByteArray and asByteArray returns self

Erik Stel wrote

You're using an empty salt when creating the hash. Just prepending a random number does not add much security. Anyone knowing your solution will just prepend a random number. And creating only a few accounts in your system will probably reveal that information as well. A wrong-doer will just use a fake salt and will still be able to try a rainbow table attack.

Please use a real random value for the salt. And easiest would be to give it a fixed size.

(Don't have an image and/or code available, so this might lead to some pseudo code ;-)

To generate a safe password hash which you can store in your db, the following method. It creates a random number (your example of a UUID of 16 bytes) and uses that as a salt for the password hash. Both values are then concatenated and returned as a 'safe' password. This can be stored in your db.

generateSafePasswordHashFor: aPassword

    | salt passwordHash safePasswordHash |

    salt := UUID new asByteArray.
    passwordHash := PBKDF2 derivedKeyHashFunction: SHA256
                        password: aPassword
                        salt: salt
                        iterations: 3000
                        length: 16.
    safePasswordHash := salt, passwordHash

To validate a user's password you retrieve the safePasswordHash from your db (based on the user's id) and validate the given password against it. For this the salt is retrieved from the safePasswordHash (first 16 bytes because UUID is 16 bytes) and it is then used to calculate the hash of the given password. It should match the second part of the safePasswordHash.

validatePassword: aPassword against: safePasswordHash 

    | salt passwordHash |

    salt := safePasswordHash first: 16.
    passwordHash := PBKDF2 derivedKeyHashFunction: SHA256
                        password: aPassword
                        salt: salt
                        iterations: 3000
                        length: 16.
    ^safePasswordHash endsWith: passwordHash

Hope this helps.

For real safety, please add some checks for valid values. Did we receive a valid password? Is the safePasswordHash the correct length (in this case 32 bytes)? You might consider using another salt generator than UUID.

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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

Erik Stel
47 posts
In reply to this post by Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
Hi Francis,

You write:
Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list wrote

UUID new asByteArray

does not give a ByteArray because UUID is a subclass of ByteArray and
asByteArray returns self
(Entering teacher mode)
This actually means that "UUID new asByteArray" does answer a ByteArray. It will answer (as you mentioned correctly) itself. Since a UUID is a ByteArray it means it will answer a ByteArray (in contrary to your statement).

To put it differently: The inheritance relation (UUID being a subclass of ByteArray) is a "IS-A" relation. So any UUID is a ByteArray.

This means however the message "asByteArray" did not have to be send of course (it is already a ByteArray). I was not sure the class UUID was actually a subclass of ByteArray when writing my reply. Turns out it is.


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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

Udo Schneider
667 posts
In reply to this post by Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list

I can relate to the idea of easily embedding PBKDF2/bcrypt into your
code. However the functionality of /managing/ the salt is not specificed
in PBKDF2. The spec only covers the actual the hashing part. However
wrapping it into a simple to use wrapper is pretty simple. The code
below is something I use in my code for example:

"Create a new password instance"
pwd := KNPassword fromPlaintext: 'secret'.
"Now store that instance. It encapsulates hash, generated salt and
the load parameter. Because all the load parameters are accessed via
methods you can also back them with ivars and have different instances
with different load parameters. E.g. for adapting to advances in hash

pwd verify: 'secret'. "Verify the password"



'From Pharo5.0 of 16 April 2015 [Latest update: #50772] on 1 July 2017
at 10:01:05.207245 am'!
Object subclass: #KNPassword
        instanceVariableNames: 'salt hash'
        classVariableNames: 'PRNG'
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'ThreatNews-Core'!

!KNPassword methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'UdoSchneider 5/26/2017 11:48'!
        ^ salt
                ifNil: [ salt := ((1 to: self saltLength) collect: [ :each | self
class prng nextInt: 255 ])
                                asByteArray ]! !

!KNPassword methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'UdoSchneider 7/1/2017 09:58'!
        ^ 1000! !

!KNPassword methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'UdoSchneider 7/1/2017 09:58'!
        ^ 64! !

!KNPassword methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'UdoSchneider 7/1/2017 09:58'!
        ^ 16! !

!KNPassword methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'UdoSchneider 7/1/2017 09:57'!
        ^ SHA256! !

!KNPassword methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'UdoSchneider
5/26/2017 11:51'!
setPlaintext: aString
        hash := self hashString: aString! !

!KNPassword methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'UdoSchneider
5/26/2017 11:52'!
verify: aString
        ^ (self hashString: aString) = hash! !

!KNPassword methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'UdoSchneider
5/26/2017 11:51'!
hashString: aString
        ^ PBKDF2
                derivedKeyHashFunction: self hashClass
                password: aString
                salt: self salt
                iterations: self iterations
                length: self length! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

KNPassword class
        instanceVariableNames: ''!

!KNPassword class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'UdoSchneider
5/26/2017 11:49'!
        PRNG := nil! !

!KNPassword class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'UdoSchneider
5/26/2017 11:49'!
fromPlaintext: aString
        ^ self new
                setPlaintext: aString;
                yourself! !

!KNPassword class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'UdoSchneider
5/26/2017 11:49'!
        ^ PRNG ifNil: [ PRNG := Random new ]! !

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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
5697 posts
In reply to this post by Erik Stel

> On 1 Jul 2017, at 09:41, Erik Stel <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Francis,
> You write:
> Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list wrote
>> FIY
>> UUID new asByteArray
>> does not give a ByteArray because UUID is a subclass of ByteArray and
>> asByteArray returns self
> (Entering teacher mode)
> This actually means that "UUID new asByteArray" does answer a ByteArray. It
> will answer (as you mentioned correctly) itself. Since a UUID is a ByteArray
> it means it will answer a ByteArray (in contrary to your statement).
> To put it differently: The inheritance relation (UUID being a subclass of
> ByteArray) is a "IS-A" relation. So any UUID is a ByteArray.
> This means however the message "asByteArray" did not have to be send of
> course (it is already a ByteArray). I was not sure the class UUID was
> actually a subclass of ByteArray when writing my reply. Turns out it is.

Not so fast. The discussion started with validating the final result which involved #=.

Note that

UUID new in: [ :uuid | uuid = (ByteArray readHexFrom: uuid hex) ].

 => false

UUID new in: [ :uuid | uuid hasEqualElements: (ByteArray readHexFrom: uuid hex) ].

 => true

SequenceableCollection>>#= fails when the classes/species involved are different, so even though UUID inherits from ByteArray, you cannot easily/naively compare them. Now, using #hasEqualElements: would solve the original problem

(PBKDF2 derivedKeyHashFunction: SHA256 password: 'aSimplePassword' salt: '' iterations: 3000 length: 16 ) hasEqualElements: hashedPassword.


> Cheers,
> Erik
> --
> View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Validate-password-with-PBKDF2-tp4952973p4953168.html
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
914 posts
In reply to this post by Erik Stel
(UUID fromString: '0608b9dc-02e4-4dd0-9f8a-ea45160df641') asByteArray =
(ByteArray fromHexString: '0608B9DC02E44DD09F8AEA45160DF641').


Erik Stel wrote

> Hi Francis,
> You write:
> Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list wrote
>> FIY
>> UUID new asByteArray
>> does not give a ByteArray because UUID is a subclass of ByteArray and
>> asByteArray returns self
> (Entering teacher mode)
> This actually means that "UUID new asByteArray" does answer a ByteArray.
> It will answer (as you mentioned correctly) itself. Since a UUID is a
> ByteArray it means it will answer a ByteArray (in contrary to your
> statement).
> To put it differently: The inheritance relation (UUID being a subclass of
> ByteArray) is a "IS-A" relation. So any UUID is a ByteArray.
> This means however the message "asByteArray" did not have to be send of
> course (it is already a ByteArray). I was not sure the class UUID was
> actually a subclass of ByteArray when writing my reply. Turns out it is.
> Cheers,
> Erik

View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Validate-password-with-PBKDF2-tp4952973p4953174.html
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

14 posts
In reply to this post by Erik Stel
(UUID fromString: '0608b9dc-02e4-4dd0-9f8a-ea45160df641') asByteArray = (ByteArray fromHexString: '0608B9DC02E44DD09F8AEA45160DF641').


Erik Stel wrote
Hi Francis,

You write:
Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list wrote

UUID new asByteArray

does not give a ByteArray because UUID is a subclass of ByteArray and
asByteArray returns self
(Entering teacher mode)
This actually means that "UUID new asByteArray" does answer a ByteArray. It will answer (as you mentioned correctly) itself. Since a UUID is a ByteArray it means it will answer a ByteArray (in contrary to your statement).

To put it differently: The inheritance relation (UUID being a subclass of ByteArray) is a "IS-A" relation. So any UUID is a ByteArray.

This means however the message "asByteArray" did not have to be send of course (it is already a ByteArray). I was not sure the class UUID was actually a subclass of ByteArray when writing my reply. Turns out it is.

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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
914 posts
In reply to this post by Sven Van Caekenberghe-2

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
>  Now, using #hasEqualElements: would solve the original problem

View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Validate-password-with-PBKDF2-tp4952973p4953176.html
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

14 posts
In reply to this post by Sven Van Caekenberghe-2

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
 Now, using #hasEqualElements: would solve the original problem
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Re: Validate password with PBKDF2

Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list
914 posts
In reply to this post by Udo Schneider
That's fine, thanks Udo and thanks for your PBKDF2 code

Udo Schneider wrote
> Francis,
> I can relate to the idea of easily embedding PBKDF2/bcrypt into your
> code. However the functionality of /managing/ the salt is not specificed
> in PBKDF2. The spec only covers the actual the hashing part. However
> wrapping it into a simple to use wrapper is pretty simple.

View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Validate-password-with-PBKDF2-tp4952973p4953178.html
Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.