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repository space

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repository space

Johan Brichau-2
1433 posts

I'm experiencing the following concern with repository space:

In a GLASS app, the repository is slowly growing to a too large size corresponding to the data that is in it (it grows to +- 4Gb).
Every hour, I do an MFC which makes some space available but, overall, the repository is growing too fast.

When I do a full backup and restore in a new extent, I end of with a repository of about 1/10th large.

What can cause this behavior and is there something I can do about it? Can I find out what is consuming this space? I tried some things that are mentioned in the GS manual, but I don't really see anything.
I also read that a full backup compacts the object table so less page space is wasted, but can this really be the thing I am seeing?

Reclaim gems are running normally and I am using a maintenance gem that is started via cron (and which does MFC and session expiration).

Any ideas appreciated!
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Re: repository space

297 posts
Hi Johan,

Perhaps SystemRepository fileSizeReport will give you an idea how much
free space is in the repo. We find that after the reclaim did its
work, the compressed backup is about 1/4 of the size. We also found
that with the default settings, reclaiming was delayed because the SPC
was more than 75% dirty, which must be because of all the garbage the
sessions create. Look in the reclaim gem log. The objectAudit showed
some big HTML strings created, which we could trace with


On 11 Aug 2011, at 19:29, Johan Brichau <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm experiencing the following concern with repository space:
> In a GLASS app, the repository is slowly growing to a too large size corresponding to the data that is in it (it grows to +- 4Gb).
> Every hour, I do an MFC which makes some space available but, overall, the repository is growing too fast.
> When I do a full backup and restore in a new extent, I end of with a repository of about 1/10th large.
> What can cause this behavior and is there something I can do about it? Can I find out what is consuming this space? I tried some things that are mentioned in the GS manual, but I don't really see anything.
> I also read that a full backup compacts the object table so less page space is wasted, but can this really be the thing I am seeing?
> Reclaim gems are running normally and I am using a maintenance gem that is started via cron (and which does MFC and session expiration).
> Any ideas appreciated!
> Johan
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Re: repository space

Ralph Mauersberger
7 posts
In reply to this post by Johan Brichau-2
Hi Johan,

another reason for a slowly growing repository may be that you are
running with constantly increasing commit record backlog. This will be
the case if you have a productive system which is constantly serving
requests (and so doing commits to the repository) AND you have at least
one other session which stays in a transaction and does not commit or abort.

So the simplest reason would be that your app is constanlty handling
it's requests and you still have your "forgotten GemTools" logged in,
staying in a transaction. May that be the case?

best regards,


Am 11.08.2011 19:29, schrieb Johan Brichau:

> Hi,
> I'm experiencing the following concern with repository space:
> In a GLASS app, the repository is slowly growing to a too large size corresponding to the data that is in it (it grows to +- 4Gb).
> Every hour, I do an MFC which makes some space available but, overall, the repository is growing too fast.
> When I do a full backup and restore in a new extent, I end of with a repository of about 1/10th large.
> What can cause this behavior and is there something I can do about it? Can I find out what is consuming this space? I tried some things that are mentioned in the GS manual, but I don't really see anything.
> I also read that a full backup compacts the object table so less page space is wasted, but can this really be the thing I am seeing?
> Reclaim gems are running normally and I am using a maintenance gem that is started via cron (and which does MFC and session expiration).
> Any ideas appreciated!
> Johan

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Re: repository space

Dale Henrichs
3217 posts
In reply to this post by Johan Brichau-2

A couple of things...

The most recent GLASS key file[1] permits unlimited repository size, so the 4GB limit shouldn't be an issue.

The "backup and restore to new extent" operation compacts repository pages, not the object table ... Over time pages may become sparsely populated by objects ... after objects are declared dead by an MFC, the reclaim process copies live objects to new pages in the repository and the old pages are recycled. The old pages are put on the free page list. The size of a repository is the sum of "live" pages and "free pages". "Live" pages may not be completely full. When you do a "backup and restore to new extent" pages are filled up during the restore in effect compacting the "live" pages. Also during the restore a minimal number of "free" pages are created....

James Foster has created a ScanBackup tool[2] that analyzes a backup and reports back the contents of the backup ... but this guy measures only live objects. To get an idea what might be considered garbage, you could make a backup right before you hourly MFC run and then again right afterward and then analyze the backup files .... you could also do a restore of the before and after backups to compare your extent sizes ...

Otto gives some good advice ... the object audit has a large object report...

Ralph also gives good advice ... you can use the statmonitor to see if you have spikes in your commit record backlog (the stone stat CommitRecordCount?)...

The seaside session state can accumulate depending upon the request rate ... in my experiments several years ago[3], it appeared that you could sustain a steady rate of 15 requests/second and still stay within the 4GB limit but those tests didn't take into account the growth of the repository from your business objects ... The point is that session state can account for quite a bit of repository size swing ...

[1] http://seaside.gemstone.com/etc/
[2] http://programminggems.wordpress.com/2009/12/15/scanbackup-2/
[3] http://gemstonesoup.wordpress.com/2007/10/19/scaling-seaside-with-gemstones/#conclusions

----- Original Message -----
| From: "Johan Brichau" <[hidden email]>
| To: "GemStone Seaside beta discussion" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 10:29:35 AM
| Subject: [GS/SS Beta] repository space
| Hi,
| I'm experiencing the following concern with repository space:
| In a GLASS app, the repository is slowly growing to a too large size
| corresponding to the data that is in it (it grows to +- 4Gb).
| Every hour, I do an MFC which makes some space available but,
| overall, the repository is growing too fast.
| When I do a full backup and restore in a new extent, I end of with a
| repository of about 1/10th large.
| What can cause this behavior and is there something I can do about
| it? Can I find out what is consuming this space? I tried some things
| that are mentioned in the GS manual, but I don't really see
| anything.
| I also read that a full backup compacts the object table so less page
| space is wasted, but can this really be the thing I am seeing?
| Reclaim gems are running normally and I am using a maintenance gem
| that is started via cron (and which does MFC and session
| expiration).
| Any ideas appreciated!
| Johan
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Re: repository space

Johan Brichau-2
1433 posts
In reply to this post by otto
Hi Otto,

> Perhaps SystemRepository fileSizeReport will give you an idea how much
> free space is in the repo.

Yes, I am referring to the used and free spaces that are reported there. The used space is steadily growing.

> We also found
> that with the default settings, reclaiming was delayed because the SPC
> was more than 75% dirty, which must be because of all the garbage the
> sessions create. Look in the reclaim gem log.

That is interesting. What do you mean with '75% dirty'? And how did you notice that this was delaying the reclaim process?

> The objectAudit showed
> some big HTML strings created, which we could trace with
> findReferencePaths.

The object audit indeed shows me a lot of strings. However, I wonder why they keep lingering around.
I include it below:

Object audit as of 08/11/11 22:24:28 CEST.
Summary of objects whose sizes exceed 100000 Bytes or Oops:

  ObjectID        Class     ClassName                                LogicalSize    
   1416370945        103425 ByteArray                                   122880 Oops  
   2665894657         74753 String                                      212188 Oops  
   2668065537         74753 String                                      183387 Oops  
    358902273        103425 ByteArray                                   122880 Oops  
    596413953        101377 Dictionary                                  126044 Oops  
   2666372353         74753 String                                      141151 Oops  
    693299969        101377 Dictionary                                  270008 Oops  
    550854145         74753 String                                      122916 Oops  
   2665870593         74753 String                                      370032 Oops  
    209127681         74753 String                                      139853 Oops  
    176673537         74753 String                                      141151 Oops  
    181380097         74753 String                                      366302 Oops  
    181381121         74753 String                                      196779 Oops  
    181775617         74753 String                                      183387 Oops  
   2666151169         74753 String                                      366302 Oops  
   2665977089         74753 String                                      196779 Oops  
    227244545         74753 String                                      183387 Oops  
    209483521         74753 String                                      183183 Oops  
    228395777         74753 String                                      196779 Oops  
    228397569         74753 String                                      366302 Oops  
    219827969         74753 String                                      196577 Oops  
    220749057         74753 String                                      363274 Oops  
    227653889         74753 String                                      141151 Oops  
   2587344897         74753 String                                      164661 Oops  
   2588097281         74753 String                                      212188 Oops  
   2590823425         74753 String                                      370032 Oops  
   2590824449         74753 String                                      198793 Oops  
    130566913        103425 ByteArray                                   122880 Oops  
   2564694785         74753 String                                      163312 Oops  
   2666146561         74753 String                                      198587 Oops  
   2665677569         74753 String                                      366931 Oops  
   2665869569         74753 String                                      198793 Oops  
   2667402753         74753 String                                      211977 Oops  
   2667209729         74753 String                                      164661 Oops  
   3870573313         74753 String                                      125935 Oops  
   3008485377         74753 String                                     2209300 Oops  
   3018173441         74753 String                                     2209365 Oops  
   2847841793         74753 String                                     2209300 Oops  
   2858208513         74753 String                                     2209365 Oops  
   3243380993         74753 String                                      451631 Oops  
   3245453057         74753 String                                      451695 Oops  
   3130990337         74753 String                                     2209300 Oops  
   3142624513         74753 String                                     2209365 Oops  
   8120544001         74753 String                                      107540 Oops  
   4986202369        101377 Dictionary                                  270008 Oops  
   4390321409         74753 String                                      123847 Oops  
   4390322433         74753 String                                      103623 Oops  
   4390322689         74753 String                                      118565 Oops  
   4390323457         74753 String                                      142960 Oops  
   1286341633        101377 Dictionary                                  150068 Oops  
   4922307585         74753 String                                      102680 Oops  
   4922309377         74753 String                                      106937 Oops  
   5804818433         74753 String                                      102680 Oops  
   5804819201         74753 String                                      106937 Oops  
   5999437057         74753 String                                      102029 Oops  
   5999437825         74753 String                                      106276 Oops  
   1159951105        101377 Dictionary                                  237098 Oops  
   4649084417        101377 Dictionary                                  126044 Oops  
   7878366465         74753 String                                      103867 Oops  
   1316451073         74753 String                                      129710 Oops  
   1316452097         74753 String                                      148191 Oops  
   1316452353         74753 String                                      124578 Oops  
   6256428801         74753 String                                      117241 Oops  
   8337980673         74753 String                                      107185 Oops  
   8489262849         74753 String                                      104059 Oops  
   8441193217         74753 String                                      104855 Oops  
   7177938433         74753 String                                      108934 Oops  
   8575871233         74753 String                                      107285 Oops  
   8737196289         74753 String                                      107149 Oops  
   9617316865         74753 String                                      215545 Oops  
   9617317377         74753 String                                      163221 Oops  
   6172942337        101377 Dictionary                                  165008 Oops  
   6643096065         79361 KeyValueDictionary                          449478 Oops  

----------- Object Statistics Summary -----------------

----- Instances of invisible (private) classes ------
   Number of instances:         8088
            Total size:       111422 K Bytes
          Average size:         13.8 Bytes

          Class:       209153 Instances:            0 Total Size:            0 K Bytes
          Class:       209409 Instances:         8049 Total Size:       110933 K Bytes
          Class:       209665 Instances:            0 Total Size:            0 K Bytes
          Class:       209921 Instances:            0 Total Size:            0 K Bytes
          Class:       210177 Instances:            0 Total Size:            0 K Bytes
          Class:       210433 Instances:            0 Total Size:            0 K Bytes
          Class:       210689 Instances:            0 Total Size:            0 K Bytes
          Class:       210945 Instances:            0 Total Size:            0 K Bytes
          Class:       211201 Instances:            0 Total Size:            0 K Bytes
          Class:       211457 Instances:            0 Total Size:            0 K Bytes
          Class:       211713 Instances:            0 Total Size:            0 K Bytes
          Class:       211969 Instances:            0 Total Size:            0 K Bytes
          Class:       212225 Instances:            0 Total Size:            0 K Bytes
          Class:       212481 Instances:            0 Total Size:            0 K Bytes
          Class:       212737 Instances:           39 Total Size:          490 K Bytes
          Class:       212993 Instances:            0 Total Size:            0 K Bytes
          Class:       213249 Instances:            0 Total Size:            0 K Bytes
          Class:       213505 Instances:            0 Total Size:            0 K Bytes
          Class:       213761 Instances:            0 Total Size:            0 K Bytes

----- Instances of visible classes -----------------
   Number of objects      :     28875861
   Total Size             :      1948595 K Bytes
   size of Object Headers :       676777 K Bytes
   size of Object Values  :      1258718 K Bytes
   size of Object Tags    :            0 K Bytes
   average of Object Value:         44.6 Bytes

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Re: repository space

297 posts
We also found
that with the default settings, reclaiming was delayed because the SPC
was more than 75% dirty, which must be because of all the garbage the
sessions create. Look in the reclaim gem log.

That is interesting. What do you mean with '75% dirty'? And how did you notice that this was delaying the reclaim process?

We saw that in the logs of the reclaim gc gem. In our setup it's in the same location as the stone log. There was a threshold (something like reclaimDeferThreshold) that one can set. Have a look at UserGlobals in the GcUser's profile.

The objectAudit showed
some big HTML strings created, which we could trace with

The object audit indeed shows me a lot of strings. However, I wonder why they keep lingering around.

I can't look it up right now, but I think if you look at methods on Repository >> findReferencesToObject or something like that, you can try calling that on SystemRepository, which will follow references to one of the strings listed in your ObjectAudit. From this, it should be obvious if this string is being held onto by something in a session state. It will also tell you if the object is disconnected or not and will be reclaimed or not. 

Does this help?
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Re: repository space

Dale Henrichs
3217 posts
In reply to this post by Johan Brichau-2

What does you ObjectLog look like ... Transcript output is kept around in the ObjectLog ... However, if the Strings are cleaned up by a gc, then the ObjectLog is not a culprit ... Continuations (which are instances of GsProcess) will hang onto method temps (and therefore potentially a lot of junk) until the session state is expired, this would be my guess if the big Strings get collected by an MFC...

If the strings are not reaped by an MFC then given the oop of the String, you can look at it 'Object _objectForOop: <oop>` and that might give you a clue as to it's source. You can use `SystemRepository findReferencePathToObject: (Object _objectForOop: <oop>)` to find reference paths that keep the string alive ...


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Johan Brichau" <[hidden email]>
| To: "GemStone Seaside beta discussion" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 1:32:01 PM
| Subject: Re: [GS/SS Beta] repository space
| Hi Otto,
| > Perhaps SystemRepository fileSizeReport will give you an idea how
| > much
| > free space is in the repo.
| Yes, I am referring to the used and free spaces that are reported
| there. The used space is steadily growing.
| > We also found
| > that with the default settings, reclaiming was delayed because the
| > SPC
| > was more than 75% dirty, which must be because of all the garbage
| > the
| > sessions create. Look in the reclaim gem log.
| That is interesting. What do you mean with '75% dirty'? And how did
| you notice that this was delaying the reclaim process?
| > The objectAudit showed
| > some big HTML strings created, which we could trace with
| > findReferencePaths.
| The object audit indeed shows me a lot of strings. However, I wonder
| why they keep lingering around.
| I include it below:
| Object audit as of 08/11/11 22:24:28 CEST.
| Summary of objects whose sizes exceed 100000 Bytes or Oops:
|   ObjectID        Class     ClassName
|                                  LogicalSize
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
|    1416370945        103425 ByteArray
|                                      122880 Oops
|    2665894657         74753 String
|                                         212188 Oops
|    2668065537         74753 String
|                                         183387 Oops
|     358902273        103425 ByteArray
|                                       122880 Oops
|     596413953        101377 Dictionary
|                                      126044 Oops
|    2666372353         74753 String
|                                         141151 Oops
|     693299969        101377 Dictionary
|                                      270008 Oops
|     550854145         74753 String
|                                          122916 Oops
|    2665870593         74753 String
|                                         370032 Oops
|     209127681         74753 String
|                                          139853 Oops
|     176673537         74753 String
|                                          141151 Oops
|     181380097         74753 String
|                                          366302 Oops
|     181381121         74753 String
|                                          196779 Oops
|     181775617         74753 String
|                                          183387 Oops
|    2666151169         74753 String
|                                         366302 Oops
|    2665977089         74753 String
|                                         196779 Oops
|     227244545         74753 String
|                                          183387 Oops
|     209483521         74753 String
|                                          183183 Oops
|     228395777         74753 String
|                                          196779 Oops
|     228397569         74753 String
|                                          366302 Oops
|     219827969         74753 String
|                                          196577 Oops
|     220749057         74753 String
|                                          363274 Oops
|     227653889         74753 String
|                                          141151 Oops
|    2587344897         74753 String
|                                         164661 Oops
|    2588097281         74753 String
|                                         212188 Oops
|    2590823425         74753 String
|                                         370032 Oops
|    2590824449         74753 String
|                                         198793 Oops
|     130566913        103425 ByteArray
|                                       122880 Oops
|    2564694785         74753 String
|                                         163312 Oops
|    2666146561         74753 String
|                                         198587 Oops
|    2665677569         74753 String
|                                         366931 Oops
|    2665869569         74753 String
|                                         198793 Oops
|    2667402753         74753 String
|                                         211977 Oops
|    2667209729         74753 String
|                                         164661 Oops
|    3870573313         74753 String
|                                         125935 Oops
|    3008485377         74753 String
|                                        2209300 Oops
|    3018173441         74753 String
|                                        2209365 Oops
|    2847841793         74753 String
|                                        2209300 Oops
|    2858208513         74753 String
|                                        2209365 Oops
|    3243380993         74753 String
|                                         451631 Oops
|    3245453057         74753 String
|                                         451695 Oops
|    3130990337         74753 String
|                                        2209300 Oops
|    3142624513         74753 String
|                                        2209365 Oops
|    8120544001         74753 String
|                                         107540 Oops
|    4986202369        101377 Dictionary
|                                     270008 Oops
|    4390321409         74753 String
|                                         123847 Oops
|    4390322433         74753 String
|                                         103623 Oops
|    4390322689         74753 String
|                                         118565 Oops
|    4390323457         74753 String
|                                         142960 Oops
|    1286341633        101377 Dictionary
|                                     150068 Oops
|    4922307585         74753 String
|                                         102680 Oops
|    4922309377         74753 String
|                                         106937 Oops
|    5804818433         74753 String
|                                         102680 Oops
|    5804819201         74753 String
|                                         106937 Oops
|    5999437057         74753 String
|                                         102029 Oops
|    5999437825         74753 String
|                                         106276 Oops
|    1159951105        101377 Dictionary
|                                     237098 Oops
|    4649084417        101377 Dictionary
|                                     126044 Oops
|    7878366465         74753 String
|                                         103867 Oops
|    1316451073         74753 String
|                                         129710 Oops
|    1316452097         74753 String
|                                         148191 Oops
|    1316452353         74753 String
|                                         124578 Oops
|    6256428801         74753 String
|                                         117241 Oops
|    8337980673         74753 String
|                                         107185 Oops
|    8489262849         74753 String
|                                         104059 Oops
|    8441193217         74753 String
|                                         104855 Oops
|    7177938433         74753 String
|                                         108934 Oops
|    8575871233         74753 String
|                                         107285 Oops
|    8737196289         74753 String
|                                         107149 Oops
|    9617316865         74753 String
|                                         215545 Oops
|    9617317377         74753 String
|                                         163221 Oops
|    6172942337        101377 Dictionary
|                                     165008 Oops
|    6643096065         79361 KeyValueDictionary
|                             449478 Oops
| ----------- Object Statistics Summary -----------------
| ----- Instances of invisible (private) classes ------
|    Number of instances:         8088
|             Total size:       111422 K Bytes
|           Average size:         13.8 Bytes
|           Class:       209153 Instances:            0 Total Size:
|                      0 K Bytes
|           Class:       209409 Instances:         8049 Total Size:
|                 110933 K Bytes
|           Class:       209665 Instances:            0 Total Size:
|                      0 K Bytes
|           Class:       209921 Instances:            0 Total Size:
|                      0 K Bytes
|           Class:       210177 Instances:            0 Total Size:
|                      0 K Bytes
|           Class:       210433 Instances:            0 Total Size:
|                      0 K Bytes
|           Class:       210689 Instances:            0 Total Size:
|                      0 K Bytes
|           Class:       210945 Instances:            0 Total Size:
|                      0 K Bytes
|           Class:       211201 Instances:            0 Total Size:
|                      0 K Bytes
|           Class:       211457 Instances:            0 Total Size:
|                      0 K Bytes
|           Class:       211713 Instances:            0 Total Size:
|                      0 K Bytes
|           Class:       211969 Instances:            0 Total Size:
|                      0 K Bytes
|           Class:       212225 Instances:            0 Total Size:
|                      0 K Bytes
|           Class:       212481 Instances:            0 Total Size:
|                      0 K Bytes
|           Class:       212737 Instances:           39 Total Size:
|                    490 K Bytes
|           Class:       212993 Instances:            0 Total Size:
|                      0 K Bytes
|           Class:       213249 Instances:            0 Total Size:
|                      0 K Bytes
|           Class:       213505 Instances:            0 Total Size:
|                      0 K Bytes
|           Class:       213761 Instances:            0 Total Size:
|                      0 K Bytes
| ----- Instances of visible classes -----------------
|    Number of objects      :     28875861
|    Total Size             :      1948595 K Bytes
|    size of Object Headers :       676777 K Bytes
|    size of Object Values  :      1258718 K Bytes
|    size of Object Tags    :            0 K Bytes
|    average of Object Value:         44.6 Bytes
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Re: repository space

Johan Brichau-2
1433 posts
In reply to this post by Dale Henrichs
Hi Dale, Otto, Ralph,

Thanks a lot for all the suggestions and feedback. I really appreciate it.

In general, I find the repository growth OK as long as it would recover overnight when the repository is quiet and only the maintenance and reclaim gems are actively doing work. It *seems* it requires me to do a backup/restore every 2 weeks to get me back at the small size. I especially noticed how an MFC takes considerably longer when the repository is larger, which puts more stress on the system, which I want to avoid.

In the meantime, I got my repository used space back to +-700Mb.  Although that's still quite large in my eyes, it's possible.

The large strings in the object audit were http response strings from sessions lingering in the object log, indeed. However, there were only 18 seaside sessions still in the objectlog. I am a bit surprised that that accounts for 1.8Gb (which is the size I reclaimed after clearing them) since I did clear out the transcript elements from the log. I actually only keep continuations on the object log that I need to investigate further, all the other items are cleared out regularly. However, it might be that the associated seaside sessions are quite long running sessions with a lot of callbacks and continuations associated to them. I will try to investigate that a bit more.

Some more below...

> James Foster has created a ScanBackup tool[2] that analyzes a backup and reports back the contents of the backup ... but this guy measures only live objects. To get an idea what might be considered garbage, you could make a backup right before you hourly MFC run and then again right afterward and then analyze the backup files .... you could also do a restore of the before and after backups to compare your extent sizes …

I have tried running this but it did not work. There is a method not implemented error when I run:
 ScanBackup64 scanBackupAtServerPath: aPathString
-> #determineFileTypeAndVersion is not implemented :-(

> Ralph also gives good advice ... you can use the statmonitor to see if you have spikes in your commit record backlog (the stone stat CommitRecordCount?)…

I made a statmonitor run of 24 hours a little more than a month ago. It gives the regular output that is still valid today. I do see some spikes in the CR backlog but are they relevant? They spike to 800 maximally. I cannot remember if I was logged into gemtools at those moments, but it's possible. When I was logged into gemtools for a long time, I noticed the CR backlog growing larger and larger, which is not what I am seeing here.

If it can give some valuable information, I put the statmonitor file here: files.me.com/johanbrichau/r38mml

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Re: repository space

James Foster-8
137 posts

On Aug 11, 2011, at 3:12 PM, Johan Brichau wrote:

>> James Foster has created a ScanBackup tool[2] that analyzes a backup and reports back the contents of the backup ... but this guy measures only live objects. To get an idea what might be considered garbage, you could make a backup right before you hourly MFC run and then again right afterward and then analyze the backup files .... you could also do a restore of the before and after backups to compare your extent sizes …
> I have tried running this but it did not work. There is a method not implemented error when I run:
> ScanBackup64 scanBackupAtServerPath: aPathString
> -> #determineFileTypeAndVersion is not implemented :-(


You are right, later versions of ScanBackup are broken. I was working on reading transaction logs and saved my work without testing it on earlier functionality. If you switch back to version 8 it should work with a 2.4.x backup.


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Re: repository space

Johan Brichau-2
1433 posts
Hi James,

> You are right, later versions of ScanBackup are broken. I was working on reading transaction logs and saved my work without testing it on earlier functionality. If you switch back to version 8 it should work with a 2.4.x backup.

Aha! Thanks for that information.
It works like a charm now.
