Compiling with Xcode

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Compiling with Xcode

Sean P. DeNigris
Is anyone still doing this? I wanted to use Xcode to debug some VM changes I was making. I remembered that Pharo's cmake system allows to generate an Xcode project, but after opening that project in Xcode I couldn't get it to build. Are there instructions anywhere (like the excellent ones on GitHub for command line compiling of the Pharo VM)?
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Re: Compiling with Xcode

Guillermo Polito
Hi Sean,

A couple of weeks ago I upgraded my macosx and after reinstalling the 10.6sdk (as said in the readme file) I can compile and debug in xcode without problems... What are you experiencing?


El lun., 23 de mar. de 2015 a la(s) 7:44 p. m., Sean P. DeNigris <[hidden email]> escribió:
Is anyone still doing this? I wanted to use Xcode to debug some VM changes I
was making. I remembered that Pharo's cmake system allows to generate an
Xcode project, but after opening that project in Xcode I couldn't get it to
build. Are there instructions anywhere (like the excellent ones on GitHub
for command line compiling of the Pharo VM)?

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Re: Compiling with Xcode

Sean P. DeNigris
Mac 10.8.5
Xcode 5.1.1

The first error is: "Rmdir: /Users/sean/Squeak/PharoVMBuild/pharo-vm/build/..//build/thirdParty/out/include/freetype2/freetype/internal: No such file or directory", but the compilation proceeds, ultimately failing due to:

The strange thing is that I successfully compiled via cmake from the command line on the same setup earlier today. For Xcode I used the same pharo-vm folder (platform sources, generator.image, etc) except "cmake -G Xcode" instead of
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Re: Compiling with Xcode

Sean P. DeNigris
Sean P. DeNigris wrote
ultimately failing due to:
I'm also getting "/Users/sean/Squeak/PharoVMBuild/pharo-vm/build/thirdParty/libsdl2/SDL2-2.0.3/src/video/cocoa/SDL_cocoaopengl.m:351:18: Assigning to 'NSRect' (aka 'struct _NSRect') from incompatible type 'id'" from:
void Cocoa_GL_GetDrawableSize(_THIS, SDL_Window * window, int * w, int * h)
    SDL_WindowData *windata = (SDL_WindowData *) window->driverdata;
    NSView *contentView = [windata->nswindow contentView];
    NSRect viewport = [contentView bounds];

    /* This gives us the correct viewport for a Retina-enabled view, only
     * supported on 10.7+. */
    if ([contentView respondsToSelector:@selector(convertRectToBacking:)]) {
        viewport = [contentView convertRectToBacking:viewport];

Here's an interesting discovery - if I compile via cmake on the command line, delete the cmake cache file, and /then/ generate the Xcode project, it builds and runs fine...
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Re: Compiling with Xcode

Guillermo Polito
Yes, I think that if you just tell cmake to build an xcode project, it does not download dependent libraries... (freetype, cairo, etc)

maybe it's that?

El lun., 23 de mar. de 2015 a la(s) 10:50 p. m., Sean P. DeNigris <[hidden email]> escribió:
Sean P. DeNigris wrote
> ultimately failing due to:

I'm also getting
Assigning to 'NSRect' (aka 'struct _NSRect') from incompatible type 'id'"
void Cocoa_GL_GetDrawableSize(_THIS, SDL_Window * window, int * w, int * h)
    SDL_WindowData *windata = (SDL_WindowData *) window->driverdata;
    NSView *contentView = [windata->nswindow contentView];
    NSRect viewport = [contentView bounds];

    /* This gives us the correct viewport for a Retina-enabled view, only
     * supported on 10.7+. */
    if ([contentView respondsToSelector:@selector(convertRectToBacking:)]) {
        viewport = [contentView convertRectToBacking:viewport];

Here's an interesting discovery - if I compile via cmake on the command
line, delete the cmake cache file, and /then/ generate the Xcode project, it
builds and runs fine...

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