Hash: SHA256
I compiled the VM from your repository branch "sqUnixXdnd"
(I applied one small patch the patch from PR #496 required on Solaris)
It's possible that there is some issue with the Solaris support,
as this has not been used for a long time I think,
and I'm only recently using it , but it's quite usable.
So when I use that VM and I use the Tools -> File List , I can "fileIn"
the changesets that you posted.
Then after that when I drag a file "myfile" into the Squeak desktop,
I get into a debugger.
When I right click on the debugger I can select "copy bug report to clipboard".
Receiver: nil
Arguments and temporary variables:
aString: 'Instances of UndefinedObject are not indexable'
Receiver's instance variables:
Receiver: nil
Arguments and temporary variables:
Receiver's instance variables:
Receiver: nil
Arguments and temporary variables:
Receiver's instance variables:
FileDirectory class>>on:
Receiver: FileDirectory
Arguments and temporary variables:
pathString: nil
pathName: nil
parentName: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
superclass: Object
methodDict: a MethodDictionary(size 125)
format: 65537
instanceVariables: #('pathName')
organization: ('enumeration' containingDirectory directoryEntries directoryEntry...etc...
subclasses: {UnixFileDirectory . AcornFileDirectory . MacFileDirectory . DosFileDirectory...etc...
name: #FileDirectory
classPool: a Dictionary(#DefaultDirectory->UnixFileDirectory on './stes/s...etc...
sharedPools: nil
environment: Smalltalk
category: #'Files-Directories'
FileDirectory class>>requestDropDirectory:
Receiver: FileDirectory
Arguments and temporary variables:
dropIndex: 1
potentialDirectory: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
superclass: Object
methodDict: a MethodDictionary(size 125)
format: 65537
instanceVariables: #('pathName')
organization: ('enumeration' containingDirectory directoryEntries directoryEntry...etc...
subclasses: {UnixFileDirectory . AcornFileDirectory . MacFileDirectory . DosFileDirectory...etc...
name: #FileDirectory
classPool: a Dictionary(#DefaultDirectory->UnixFileDirectory on './stes/s...etc...
sharedPools: nil
environment: Smalltalk
category: #'Files-Directories'
[] in HandMorph>>collectDropFilesAndDirectories:
Receiver: a HandMorph(1013123)
Arguments and temporary variables:
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 660@444 corner: 676@460
owner: a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 660@444 corner: 676@460
color: Color blue
extension: a MorphExtension (1604074) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [other:...etc...
mouseFocus: nil
keyboardFocus: a TextMorphForEditView(3274035)
eventListeners: nil
mouseListeners: nil
keyboardListeners: nil
eventCaptureFilters: nil
mouseCaptureFilters: nil
keyboardCaptureFilters: a WeakArray(a HandMorph(1013123))
mouseClickState: nil
mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
targetOffset: 68@9
lastMouseEvent: [660@444 mouseUp ( red ) 111157]
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
cacheCanvas: nil
cachedCanvasHasHoles: true
temporaryCursor: nil
temporaryCursorOffset: nil
hardwareCursor: nil
hasChanged: true
savedPatch: nil
userInitials: ''
lastEventBuffer: #(1 111157 660 444 0 0 0 1)
genieGestureProcessor: nil
keyboardInterpreter: an UTF32InputInterpreter
externalDropMorph: nil
Receiver: (1 to: 1)
Arguments and temporary variables:
aBlock: [closure] in HandMorph>>collectDropFilesAndDirectories:
nextValue: 1
result: #(nil)
i: 1
iLimiT: 1
Receiver's instance variables:
start: 1
stop: 1
step: 1
Receiver: a HandMorph(1013123)
Arguments and temporary variables:
numFiles: 1
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 660@444 corner: 676@460
owner: a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 660@444 corner: 676@460
color: Color blue
extension: a MorphExtension (1604074) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [other:...etc...
mouseFocus: nil
keyboardFocus: a TextMorphForEditView(3274035)
eventListeners: nil
mouseListeners: nil
keyboardListeners: nil
eventCaptureFilters: nil
mouseCaptureFilters: nil
keyboardCaptureFilters: a WeakArray(a HandMorph(1013123))
mouseClickState: nil
mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
targetOffset: 68@9
lastMouseEvent: [660@444 mouseUp ( red ) 111157]
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
cacheCanvas: nil
cachedCanvasHasHoles: true
temporaryCursor: nil
temporaryCursorOffset: nil
hardwareCursor: nil
hasChanged: true
savedPatch: nil
userInitials: ''
lastEventBuffer: #(1 111157 660 444 0 0 0 1)
genieGestureProcessor: nil
keyboardInterpreter: an UTF32InputInterpreter
externalDropMorph: nil
Receiver: a HandMorph(1013123)
Arguments and temporary variables:
evtBuf: #(3 58791 1 803 1 0 1 1)
position: 803@1
buttons: 1
modifiers: 0
stamp: 58791
numFiles: 1
dragType: 1
filesAndDirectories: nil
oldButtons: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 660@444 corner: 676@460
owner: a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 660@444 corner: 676@460
color: Color blue
extension: a MorphExtension (1604074) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [other:...etc...
mouseFocus: nil
keyboardFocus: a TextMorphForEditView(3274035)
eventListeners: nil
mouseListeners: nil
keyboardListeners: nil
eventCaptureFilters: nil
mouseCaptureFilters: nil
keyboardCaptureFilters: a WeakArray(a HandMorph(1013123))
mouseClickState: nil
mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
targetOffset: 68@9
lastMouseEvent: [660@444 mouseUp ( red ) 111157]
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
cacheCanvas: nil
cachedCanvasHasHoles: true
temporaryCursor: nil
temporaryCursorOffset: nil
hardwareCursor: nil
hasChanged: true
savedPatch: nil
userInitials: ''
lastEventBuffer: #(1 111157 660 444 0 0 0 1)
genieGestureProcessor: nil
keyboardInterpreter: an UTF32InputInterpreter
externalDropMorph: nil
Receiver: a HandMorph(1013123)
Arguments and temporary variables:
evt: nil
evtBuf: #(3 58791 1 803 1 0 1 1)
type: 3
hadAny: false
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 660@444 corner: 676@460
owner: a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 660@444 corner: 676@460
color: Color blue
extension: a MorphExtension (1604074) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [other:...etc...
mouseFocus: nil
keyboardFocus: a TextMorphForEditView(3274035)
eventListeners: nil
mouseListeners: nil
keyboardListeners: nil
eventCaptureFilters: nil
mouseCaptureFilters: nil
keyboardCaptureFilters: a WeakArray(a HandMorph(1013123))
mouseClickState: nil
mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
targetOffset: 68@9
lastMouseEvent: [660@444 mouseUp ( red ) 111157]
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
cacheCanvas: nil
cachedCanvasHasHoles: true
temporaryCursor: nil
temporaryCursorOffset: nil
hardwareCursor: nil
hasChanged: true
savedPatch: nil
userInitials: ''
lastEventBuffer: #(1 111157 660 444 0 0 0 1)
genieGestureProcessor: nil
keyboardInterpreter: an UTF32InputInterpreter
externalDropMorph: nil
[] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
Receiver: a WorldState
Arguments and temporary variables:
Receiver's instance variables:
hands: {a HandMorph(1013123)}
activeHand: a HandMorph(1013123)
viewBox: 0@0 corner: 1008@680
canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(1008x680x32)
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#onBlinkCursor -> a TextMorphForEditView(3274035))...etc...
lastStepTime: 3775378560621
lastStepMessage: nil
lastCycleTime: 3775378560643
commandHistory: a CommandHistory
alarms: a MorphicAlarmQueue
lastAlarmTime: 3775378560621
remoteServer: nil
multiCanvas: nil
interCycleDelay: a Delay(20 msecs)
Receiver: {a HandMorph(1013123)}
Arguments and temporary variables:
aBlock: [closure] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
index: 1
indexLimiT: 1
Receiver's instance variables:
{a HandMorph(1013123)}
Receiver: a WorldState
Arguments and temporary variables:
aBlock: [closure] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
Receiver's instance variables:
hands: {a HandMorph(1013123)}
activeHand: a HandMorph(1013123)
viewBox: 0@0 corner: 1008@680
canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(1008x680x32)
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#onBlinkCursor -> a TextMorphForEditView(3274035))...etc...
lastStepTime: 3775378560621
lastStepMessage: nil
lastCycleTime: 3775378560643
commandHistory: a CommandHistory
alarms: a MorphicAlarmQueue
lastAlarmTime: 3775378560621
remoteServer: nil
multiCanvas: nil
interCycleDelay: a Delay(20 msecs)
Receiver: a WorldState
Arguments and temporary variables:
aWorld: a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]
capturingGesture: #(false)
Receiver's instance variables:
hands: {a HandMorph(1013123)}
activeHand: a HandMorph(1013123)
viewBox: 0@0 corner: 1008@680
canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(1008x680x32)
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#onBlinkCursor -> a TextMorphForEditView(3274035))...etc...
lastStepTime: 3775378560621
lastStepMessage: nil
lastCycleTime: 3775378560643
commandHistory: a CommandHistory
alarms: a MorphicAlarmQueue
lastAlarmTime: 3775378560621
remoteServer: nil
multiCanvas: nil
interCycleDelay: a Delay(20 msecs)
Receiver: a WorldState
Arguments and temporary variables:
aWorld: a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]
Receiver's instance variables:
hands: {a HandMorph(1013123)}
activeHand: a HandMorph(1013123)
viewBox: 0@0 corner: 1008@680
canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(1008x680x32)
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#onBlinkCursor -> a TextMorphForEditView(3274035))...etc...
lastStepTime: 3775378560621
lastStepMessage: nil
lastCycleTime: 3775378560643
commandHistory: a CommandHistory
alarms: a MorphicAlarmQueue
lastAlarmTime: 3775378560621
remoteServer: nil
multiCanvas: nil
interCycleDelay: a Delay(20 msecs)
Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]
Arguments and temporary variables:
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 0@0 corner: 1008@680
owner: nil
submorphs: {a PluggableSystemWindow<Error: Instances of UndefinedObject are not...etc...
fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 1008@680
color: (Color r: 0.251 g: 0.259 b: 0.267)
extension: a MorphExtension (931082) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [other: ...etc...
borderWidth: 0
borderColor: (Color r: 0.515 g: 0.181 b: 0.263)
presenter: an EtoysPresenter (3945455)
model: a MorphicModel(3522854)
cursor: 1
padding: 3
backgroundMorph: nil
turtleTrailsForm: nil
turtlePen: nil
lastTurtlePositions: nil
isPartsBin: nil
indicateCursor: nil
wantsMouseOverHalos: nil
worldState: a WorldState
griddingOn: nil
[] in MorphicProject>>spawnNewProcess
Receiver: a MorphicProject (HomeProject) in a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]
Arguments and temporary variables:
Receiver's instance variables:
dependents: nil
world: a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]
uiManager: a MorphicUIManager
changeSet: a ChangeSet named HomeProject
transcript: a TranscriptStream
parentProject: a MVCProject (RootProject) in a ControlManager
previousProject: nil
displayDepth: 32
viewSize: 151@132
thumbnail: Form(151x132x32)
nextProject: nil
projectParameters: an IdentityDictionary(#PrevailingProjectFlags->an IdentityDictionary...etc...
version: nil
urlList: nil
lastDirectory: nil
lastSavedAtSeconds: nil
projectPreferenceFlagDictionary: an IdentityDictionary(#showSharedFlaps->true #showWorldMainDockingBar...etc...
resourceManager: a ResourceManager
uiProcess: a Process in nil
[] in FullBlockClosure(BlockClosure)>>newProcess
Receiver: [closure] in MorphicProject>>spawnNewProcess
Arguments and temporary variables:
Receiver's instance variables:
outerContext: MorphicProject>>spawnNewProcess
startpcOrMethod: ([] in MorphicProject>>#spawnNewProcess "a CompiledBlock(15491...etc...
numArgs: 0
receiver: a MorphicProject (HomeProject) in a PasteUpMorph(2434915) [world]
- --- The full stack ---
FileDirectory class>>on:
FileDirectory class>>requestDropDirectory:
[] in HandMorph>>collectDropFilesAndDirectories:
[] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
[] in MorphicProject>>spawnNewProcess
[] in FullBlockClosure(BlockClosure)>>newProcess
However it's possible that the changeset is using some functionality,
that is somehow not working well on Solaris,
so perhaps it can be independently tested (unrelated to the changes to
the VM or the changeset for dropFile).
That's possible ...
Is it correct to assume that the problem is somehwere in
requestDropDirectory: dropIndex
| potentialDirectory |
potentialDirectory := self on: (FileStream primDropRequestFileName: dropIndex).
^ potentialDirectory exists ifTrue: [potentialDirectory]
The method on: with the FileStream seems to raise an error for me.
David Stes
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