Removing Squeak completely

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Removing Squeak completely

Stephen Ng-2

I tried out Squeak and now want to remove all traces of it from from OS-X Snow Leopard system. I deleted all the apps and the directories they were in. Now I still see that the icons for all my ".bundle" files still show the squeak "Lego" icon. How can I remove all traces of Squeak from my system completely?


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Re: Removing Squeak completely

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 5:37 AM, Stephen Ng  wrote:

> I tried out Squeak and now want to remove all traces of it from from OS-X Snow Leopard
> system. I deleted all the apps and the directories they were in. Now I still see that the icons
> for all my ".bundle" files still show the squeak "Lego" icon. How can I remove all traces of
> Squeak from my system completely?

It puzzles me that your .bundle files are associated with Squeak.

I am afraid I know nothing about the Squeak install scripts.  In my
system, even though I have several versions of Squeak, Pharo, Croquet
and Etoys, ".bundle" is actually associated with (The
little cat icon.)

Since I can't answer your actual question, here instead is a
suggestion.  If you want your ".bundle" files associated with again, then
(1) control-click on a ".bundle" file in Finder
(2) select 'Get Info' in the pop-up menu
(3) In the Info viewer, click on the spinner under "Open with:" and
(4) Click the "Change All ..." button

If this isn't what you want, you could post your question to the
squeak-dev list.  Mention the version of Squeak that you installed, if
you remember.
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Re: Removing Squeak completely

In reply to this post by Stephen Ng-2
Stephen Ng wrote:
> I tried out Squeak and now want to remove all traces of it from from OS-X
> Snow Leopard system. I deleted all the apps and the directories they were in.
> Now I still see that the icons for all my ".bundle" files still show the squeak
> "Lego" icon.

Is this the same issue that you encountered a couple of years ago?

If not, please restate your question in more detail.
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