SS3 canary question

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SS3 canary question

Chris Cunnington-3
>> What would you do?

OK, since you asked, I'll take a shot at it. You're a better programmer than I am, but I have no shortage of opinions, so...

Autogenerated install scripts are a bad idea. GemTalk Systems SS3 has them and they always seem slightly wrong to me. I never use them. I suspect few people do. First, abandon the inclusion of an autogenerated scripts.

Add a field to the admin page for the project, where the admin can paste in an install script of some kind. Could be ConfigurationOfXXX, Gofer, Installer, doesn't matter. This appears in the window where you have your autogenerated scripts now. The user can copy it into a Workspace. You're not responsible for any kind of compatibility with Pharo, Squeak, whatever. It's just a string made publicly available.

C'est la.

I am surer ground asking for what I want. I want you to make the SS3 image available for public download. I want to move the Altitude site I have to Seaside. The Twitter Bootstrap compatibility is more complete. And it would be better if new images for Squeak infrastructure could try to be one single framework instead of a different one for every application. (i.e. Aida, HTTPView2, Seaside, and Swiki).


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Re: SS3 canary question

Tobias Pape
Am 03.07.2013 um 14:25 schrieb Chris Cunnington <[hidden email]>:

> >> What would you do?
> OK, since you asked, I'll take a shot at it. You're a better programmer than I am, but I have no shortage of opinions, so...
> Autogenerated install scripts are a bad idea. GemTalk Systems SS3 has them and they always seem slightly wrong to me. I never use them. I suspect few people do.

They are actually from the same codebase :)

> First, abandon the inclusion of an autogenerated scripts.

Fair enough.

> Add a field to the admin page for the project, where the admin can paste in an install script of some kind. Could be ConfigurationOfXXX, Gofer, Installer, doesn't matter. This appears in the window where you have your autogenerated scripts now. The user can copy it into a Workspace. You're not responsible for any kind of compatibility with Pharo, Squeak, whatever. It's just a string made publicly available.
> C'est la.

I thought about such a thing, but directly with metacello in mind.
Anyway this would work.

Bear in mind, however, that this is more like the alternate source access methods
of github, like you have 'git://', 'http://' and, 'ssh://'  source access methods for
each repository there.
  Unfortunately, the SqueakTool is called “Installer”, “CodeGetter” would be better.

> I am surer ground asking for what I want. I want you to make the SS3 image available for public download.

What do you mean by that?
To get an installation similar to that on canary,

Installer ss
        project: 'MetacelloRepository';
        install: 'ConfigurationOfSqueakSource'.
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSqueakSource) project version: #bleedingEdge) load: #('All')

On a side note, runs on GemStone,
and Norbert Hartl is kind enough to run Jenkins Builds for my SqueakSource config:
there, you can download the extent0.dbf and tranlog*.dbf, put
them into your gemstone installation and there you go.

> I want to move the Altitude site I have to Seaside. The Twitter Bootstrap compatibility is more complete. And it would be better if new images for Squeak infrastructure could try to be one single framework instead of a different one for every application. (i.e. Aida, HTTPView2, Seaside, and Swiki).

Fair enough. How could I help?
