A new version of Monticello was added to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/Monticello-tfel.608.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Monticello-tfel.608 Author: tfel Time: 31 March 2015, 6:19:34.129 pm UUID: 62e1b3e7-bfeb-ca4d-97e6-118c603be2d8 Ancestors: Monticello-bf.607 add a menu item to browse patch against another version in the repository =============== Diff against Monticello-bf.607 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: ChangeList>>changeTo: (in category '*monticello') ----- changeTo: changeSubset | newList newChangeList | newChangeList := OrderedCollection new. newList := OrderedCollection new. 1 to: changeList size do: [:i | (changeSubset includes: (changeList at: i)) ifTrue: [newChangeList add: (changeList at: i). newList add: (list at: i)]]. newChangeList size < changeList size ifTrue: [changeList := newChangeList. list := newList. listIndex := 0. listSelections := Array new: list size withAll: false]. self changed: #list ! Item was changed: ----- Method: CrLfFileStream>>lineEndingConvention: (in category '*monticello') ----- lineEndingConvention: aSymbol lineEndConvention := aSymbol! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCAddition>>intializeWithDefinition: (in category 'initializing') ----- intializeWithDefinition: aDefinition definition := aDefinition! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCAncestry>>commonAncestorWith: (in category 'ancestry') ----- commonAncestorWith: aNode | commonAncestors | commonAncestors := self commonAncestorsWith: aNode. ^ commonAncestors at: 1 ifAbsent: [nil]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCAncestry>>commonAncestorsWith: (in category 'ancestry') ----- commonAncestorsWith: aVersionInfo | sharedAncestors mergedOrder sorter | sorter := MCVersionSorter new addVersionInfo: self; addVersionInfo: aVersionInfo. mergedOrder := sorter sortedVersionInfos. sharedAncestors := (sorter allAncestorsOf: self) intersection: (sorter allAncestorsOf: aVersionInfo). ^ mergedOrder select: [:ea | sharedAncestors includes: ea]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCAncestry>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') ----- initialize ancestors := #(). stepChildren := #()! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCCacheRepository>>cacheForPackage: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- cacheForPackage: aPackage packageCaches ifNil: [packageCaches := Dictionary new]. ^ packageCaches at: aPackage ifAbsentPut: [MCPackageCache new]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCCacheRepository>>seenFileNames (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- seenFileNames ^ seenFiles ifNil: [seenFiles := OrderedCollection new]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCChangeSelectionRequest>>label: (in category 'accessing') ----- label: aString label := aString! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCChangeSelectionRequest>>patch: (in category 'accessing') ----- patch: aPatch patch := aPatch! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCChangeSelector>>kept (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- kept ^ kept ifNil: [kept := Set new]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCChangeSelector>>listSelectionAt:put: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- listSelectionAt: aNumber put: aBoolean | item | item := self items at: aNumber. aBoolean ifTrue: [self kept add: item ] ifFalse: [self kept remove: item ifAbsent: []]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCChangeSelector>>selectNone (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- selectNone kept := Set new. self changed: #list! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCCodeTool>>browseVersions (in category 'menus') ----- browseVersions "Create and schedule a message set browser on all versions of the currently selected message selector." | class selector compiledMethod | class := self selectedClassOrMetaClass. selector := self selectedMessageName. compiledMethod := class compiledMethodAt: selector ifAbsent: [ ^self ]. VersionsBrowser browseVersionsOf: compiledMethod class: class theNonMetaClass meta: class isMeta category: self selectedMessageCategoryName selector: selector! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCCodeTool>>copySelector (in category 'menus') ----- copySelector "Copy the selected selector to the clipboard" | selector | (selector := self selectedMessageName) ifNotNil: [Clipboard clipboardText: selector asString]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCCodeTool>>findMethodInChangeSets (in category 'menus') ----- findMethodInChangeSets "Find and open a changeSet containing the current method." | aName | (aName := self selectedMessageName) ifNotNil: [ ChangeSorter browseChangeSetsWithClass: self selectedClassOrMetaClass selector: aName]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCConflict>>chooseLocal (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- chooseLocal chooseRemote := false! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCConflict>>chooseRemote (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- chooseRemote chooseRemote := true! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCConflict>>clearChoice (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- clearChoice chooseRemote := nil! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCConflict>>operation: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- operation: anOperation operation := anOperation! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCConflict>>summary (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- summary | attribute | attribute := self isResolved ifTrue: [self remoteChosen ifTrue: [#underlined] ifFalse: [#struckOut]] ifFalse: [#bold]. ^ Text string: operation summary attribute: (TextEmphasis perform: attribute)! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCDefinitionIndex>>definitionLike:ifPresent:ifAbsent: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- definitionLike: aDefinition ifPresent: foundBlock ifAbsent: errorBlock | definition | definition := definitions at: aDefinition description ifAbsent: []. ^ definition ifNil: errorBlock ifNotNil: [foundBlock value: definition]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCDefinitionIndex>>initialize (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- initialize definitions := Dictionary new! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCDependencySorter class>>sortItems: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- sortItems: aCollection | sorter | sorter := self items: aCollection. sorter externalRequirements do: [:req | sorter addProvision: req]. ^ sorter orderedItems.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCDependencySorter>>addProvision: (in category 'private') ----- addProvision: anObject | newlySatisfied | provided add: anObject. newlySatisfied := required removeKey: anObject ifAbsent: [#()]. self addAll: newlySatisfied.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCDependencySorter>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') ----- initialize provided := Set new. required := Dictionary new. orderedItems := OrderedCollection new.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCDependencySorter>>itemsWithMissingRequirements (in category 'accessing') ----- itemsWithMissingRequirements | items | items := Set new. required do: [:ea | items addAll: ea]. ^ items ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCDictionaryRepository>>description: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- description: aString description := aString ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCDictionaryRepository>>dictionary: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- dictionary: aDictionary dict := aDictionary! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCDictionaryRepository>>initialize (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- initialize dict := Dictionary new. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCDictionaryRepository>>sortedVersionInfos (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- sortedVersionInfos | sorter | sorter := MCVersionSorter new. self allVersionInfos do: [:ea | sorter addVersionInfo: ea]. ^ sorter sortedVersionInfos ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCDiffyVersion>>initializeWithPackage:info:dependencies:baseInfo:patch: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- initializeWithPackage: aPackage info: aVersionInfo dependencies: aCollection baseInfo: baseVersionInfo patch: aPatch patch := aPatch. base := baseVersionInfo. super initializeWithPackage: aPackage info: aVersionInfo snapshot: nil dependencies: aCollection. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCDiffyVersion>>snapshot (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- snapshot ^ snapshot ifNil: [snapshot := MCPatcher apply: patch to: self baseSnapshot]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCDirectoryRepository>>directory: (in category 'accessing') ----- directory: aDirectory directory := aDirectory! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCDirectoryRepository>>initialize (in category 'accessing') ----- initialize directory := FileDirectory default! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCDirectoryRepository>>readStreamForFileNamed:do: (in category 'accessing') ----- readStreamForFileNamed: aString do: aBlock | file val | file := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: (directory fullNameFor: aString). val := aBlock value: file. file close. ^ val! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCDirectoryRepository>>writeStreamForFileNamed:replace:do: (in category 'accessing') ----- writeStreamForFileNamed: aString replace: aBoolean do: aBlock | file sel | sel := aBoolean ifTrue: [#forceNewFileNamed:] ifFalse: [#newFileNamed:]. file := FileStream perform: sel with: (directory fullNameFor: aString). aBlock value: file. file close.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCDoItParser>>source: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- source: aString source := aString! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCFileBasedRepository>>canReadFileNamed: (in category 'private-files') ----- canReadFileNamed: aString | reader | reader := MCVersionReader readerClassForFileNamed: aString. ^ reader notNil! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCFilteredVersionSorter>>target: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- target: aVersionInfo target := aVersionInfo! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCFtpRepository>>clientDo: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- clientDo: aBlock | client | client := FTPClient openOnHostNamed: host. client loginUser: user password: password. directory isEmpty ifFalse: [client changeDirectoryTo: directory]. ^ [aBlock value: client] ensure: [client close]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCFtpRepository>>directory: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- directory: dirPath directory := dirPath! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCFtpRepository>>host: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- host: hostname host := hostname! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCFtpRepository>>password: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- password: passwordString password := passwordString! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCFtpRepository>>user: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- user: userString user := userString! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCFtpRepository>>writeStreamForFileNamed:replace:do: (in category 'required') ----- writeStreamForFileNamed: aString replace: ignoreBoolean do: aBlock | stream | stream := RWBinaryOrTextStream on: String new. aBlock value: stream. self clientDo: [:client | client binary. client putFileStreamContents: stream reset as: aString]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCGOODSRepository>>host: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- host: aString hostname := aString! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCGOODSRepository>>port: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- port: aNumber port := aNumber! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCHttpRepository>>location: (in category 'accessing') ----- location: aUrlString location := aUrlString! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCHttpRepository>>password: (in category 'accessing') ----- password: passwordString password := passwordString! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCHttpRepository>>user: (in category 'accessing') ----- user: userString user := userString! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMcdReader>>loadBaseInfo (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- loadBaseInfo ^ baseInfo := self extractInfoFrom: (self parseMember: 'base')! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMczReader>>infoCache (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- infoCache ^ infoCache ifNil: [infoCache := Dictionary new]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMczReader>>loadDependencies (in category 'loading') ----- loadDependencies dependencies := (self zip membersMatching: 'dependencies/*') collect: [:m | self extractDependencyFrom: m]. dependencies := dependencies asArray. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMczReader>>loadPackage (in category 'loading') ----- loadPackage | dict | dict := self parseMember: 'package'. package := MCPackage named: (dict at: #name)! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMczReader>>loadVersionInfo (in category 'loading') ----- loadVersionInfo info := self extractInfoFrom: (self parseMember: 'version')! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMczReader>>zip (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- zip zip ifNil: [zip := ZipArchive new. zip readFrom: stream]. ^ zip! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMczWriter class>>fileOut:on: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- fileOut: aVersion on: aStream | inst | inst := self on: aStream. inst writeVersion: aVersion. inst flush. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMczWriter>>addString:at: (in category 'writing') ----- addString: string at: path | member | member := zip addString: string as: path. member desiredCompressionMethod: ZipArchive compressionDeflated ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMczWriter>>initialize (in category 'initializing') ----- initialize zip := ZipArchive new. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMczWriter>>serializeInBinary: (in category 'serializing') ----- serializeInBinary: aSnapshot | writer s | s := RWBinaryOrTextStream on: String new. writer := DataStream on: s. writer nextPut: aSnapshot. ^ s contents! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMczWriter>>serializeVersionInfo: (in category 'serializing') ----- serializeVersionInfo: aVersionInfo infoWriter ifNil: [infoWriter := MCVersionInfoWriter new]. ^ String streamContents: [:s | infoWriter stream: s. infoWriter writeVersionInfo: aVersionInfo]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMergeBrowser class>>resolveConflictsInMerger: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- resolveConflictsInMerger: aMerger | inst | inst := self new merger: aMerger. ^ inst showModally ifNil: [false]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMergeRecord>>ancestorInfo (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- ancestorInfo ^ ancestorInfo ifNil: [ancestorInfo := version info commonAncestorWith: version workingCopy ancestry]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMergeRecord>>ancestorSnapshot (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- ancestorSnapshot ^ ancestorSnapshot ifNil: [ancestorSnapshot := version workingCopy findSnapshotWithVersionInfo: self ancestorInfo]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMergeRecord>>imagePatch (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- imagePatch ^ imagePatch ifNil: [imagePatch := self packageSnapshot patchRelativeToBase: self ancestorSnapshot]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMergeRecord>>initializeWithVersion: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- initializeWithVersion: aVersion version := aVersion! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMergeRecord>>mergePatch (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- mergePatch ^ mergePatch ifNil: [mergePatch := version snapshot patchRelativeToBase: self ancestorSnapshot]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMergeRecord>>packageSnapshot (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- packageSnapshot ^ packageSnapshot ifNil: [packageSnapshot := version package snapshot]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMergeResolutionRequest>>merger: (in category 'accessing') ----- merger: aMerger merger := aMerger! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMerger>>conflicts (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- conflicts ^ conflicts ifNil: [conflicts := OrderedCollection new]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCMerger>>load (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- load | loader | loader := MCPackageLoader new. loader provisions addAll: self provisions. self applyTo: loader. loader load! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCModification>>initializeWithBase:target: (in category 'initializing') ----- initializeWithBase: base target: target obsoletion := base. modification := target.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCOrganizationDefinition>>categories: (in category 'accessing') ----- categories: anArray categories := anArray! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCOrganizationDefinition>>commonPrefix (in category 'accessing') ----- commonPrefix | stream | categories isEmpty ifTrue: [^ '']. stream := String new writeStream. categories first withIndexDo: [:c :i| categories do: [:ea | (ea at: i ifAbsent: []) = c ifFalse: [^ stream contents]]. stream nextPut: c]. ^ stream contents! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCPackage>>name: (in category 'accessing') ----- name: aString name := aString! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCPackageCache>>initialize (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- initialize sorter := MCVersionSorter new. fileNames := Dictionary new.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCPackageLoader>>analyze (in category 'private') ----- analyze | sorter | sorter := self sorterForItems: additions. additions := sorter orderedItems. requirements := sorter externalRequirements. unloadableDefinitions := sorter itemsWithMissingRequirements asSortedCollection. sorter := self sorterForItems: removals. removals := sorter orderedItems reversed.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCPackageLoader>>installSnapshot: (in category 'public') ----- installSnapshot: aSnapshot | patch | patch := aSnapshot patchRelativeToBase: MCSnapshot empty. patch applyTo: self. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCPackageLoader>>sorterForItems: (in category 'private') ----- sorterForItems: aCollection | sorter | sorter := MCDependencySorter items: aCollection. sorter addExternalProvisions: self provisions. ^ sorter! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCPackageLoader>>updatePackage:withSnapshot: (in category 'public') ----- updatePackage: aPackage withSnapshot: aSnapshot | patch packageSnap | packageSnap := aPackage snapshot. patch := aSnapshot patchRelativeToBase: packageSnap. patch applyTo: self. packageSnap definitions do: [:ea | self provisions addAll: ea provisions] ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCPackageManager class>>forPackage: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- forPackage: aPackage ^ self registry at: aPackage ifAbsent: [|mgr| mgr := self new initializeWithPackage: aPackage. self registry at: aPackage put: mgr. self changed: #allManagers. mgr]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCPackageManager class>>registry (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- registry ^ registry ifNil: [registry := Dictionary new]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCPackageManager>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') ----- initialize modified := false. self registerForNotifications.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCPackageManager>>initializeWithPackage: (in category 'initialize-release') ----- initializeWithPackage: aPackage package := aPackage. self initialize.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCPatch>>initializeWithBase:target: (in category 'initialize-release') ----- initializeWithBase: baseSnapshot target: targetSnapshot | base target | operations := OrderedCollection new. base := MCDefinitionIndex definitions: baseSnapshot definitions. target := MCDefinitionIndex definitions: targetSnapshot definitions. target definitions do: [:t | base definitionLike: t ifPresent: [:b | (b isSameRevisionAs: t) ifFalse: [operations add: (MCModification of: b to: t)]] ifAbsent: [operations add: (MCAddition of: t)]] displayingProgress: 'Diffing...'. base definitions do: [:b | target definitionLike: b ifPresent: [:t] ifAbsent: [operations add: (MCRemoval of: b)]] ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCPatchBrowser>>patch: (in category 'initialize-release') ----- patch: aPatch items := aPatch operations asSortedCollection! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCPatcher class>>apply:to: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- apply: aPatch to: aSnapshot | loader | loader := self snapshot: aSnapshot. aPatch applyTo: loader. ^ loader patchedSnapshot! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCPatcher>>initializeWithSnapshot: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- initializeWithSnapshot: aSnapshot definitions := MCDefinitionIndex definitions: aSnapshot definitions! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCReader class>>on:name: (in category 'instance creation') ----- on: aStream name: aFileName | class | class := self readerClassForFileNamed: aFileName. ^ class ifNil: [self error: 'Unsupported format: ', aFileName] ifNotNil: [class on: aStream]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCReader>>stream: (in category 'accessing') ----- stream: aStream stream := aStream! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCRemoval>>intializeWithDefinition: (in category 'initializing') ----- intializeWithDefinition: aDefinition definition := aDefinition! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCRepository>>doAlwaysStoreDiffs (in category 'accessing') ----- doAlwaysStoreDiffs storeDiffs := true! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCRepository>>doNotAlwaysStoreDiffs (in category 'accessing') ----- doNotAlwaysStoreDiffs storeDiffs := false! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCRepository>>sendNotificationsForVersion: (in category 'accessing') ----- sendNotificationsForVersion: aVersion | notification notifyList | notifyList := self notifyList. notifyList isEmpty ifFalse: [notification := self notificationForVersion: aVersion. notifyList do: [:ea | notification notify: ea]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCRepositoryGroup class>>default (in category 'accessing') ----- default ^ default ifNil: [default := self new]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCRepositoryInspector class>>repository:workingCopy: (in category 'instance creation') ----- repository: aFileBasedRepository workingCopy: aWorkingCopy ^self new setRepository: aFileBasedRepository workingCopy: aWorkingCopy; yourself! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCRepositoryInspector>>defaultExtent (in category 'morphic ui') ----- defaultExtent ^450@300! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCRepositoryInspector>>defaultLabel (in category 'morphic ui') ----- defaultLabel ^'Repository: ' , repository description! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCRepositoryInspector>>hasVersion (in category 'morphic ui') ----- hasVersion ^ selectedVersion notNil! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCRepositoryInspector>>packageListMenu: (in category 'morphic ui') ----- packageListMenu: aMenu ^aMenu! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCRepositoryInspector>>versionListMenu: (in category 'morphic ui') ----- versionListMenu: aMenu 1 to: self orderSpecs size do: [ :index | aMenu addUpdating: #orderString: target: self selector: #order: argumentList: { index } ]. + aMenu addLine. + aMenu add: 'Changes against ...' action: [| ri | + ri := aMenu defaultTarget. + (UIManager default + chooseFrom: ri allVersionNames + values: ri allVersionNames + title: 'Select version to show patch against ...') ifNotNilDo: [:name | + | versionName target base | + versionName := MCVersionName on: name. + target := ri repository versionNamed: ri versionInfo name. + base := aMenu defaultTarget repository versionNamed: versionName. + (MCPatchBrowser + forPatch: (target snapshot patchRelativeToBase: base snapshot)) + showLabelled: 'Changes from ', versionName, ' to ', ri versionInfo name]]. ^aMenu! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCRepositoryInspector>>widgetSpecs (in category 'morphic ui') ----- widgetSpecs ^#( ((buttonRow) (0 0 1 0) (0 0 0 30)) ((listMorph: package) (0 0 0.5 0.6) (0 30 0 0)) ((listMorph: version) (0.5 0 1 0.6) (0 30 0 0)) ((textMorph: summary) (0 0.6 1 1) (0 0 0 0)) )! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSMCacheRepository>>allFullFileNames (in category 'accessing') ----- allFullFileNames | cachedPackages | cachedPackages := smCache map installedPackages select: [ :ea | ea isCached ]. ^Array streamContents: [ :s | cachedPackages do: [ :ea | | d | d := ea cacheDirectory. (d fileNamesMatching: '*.mcz') do: [ :fn | s nextPut: (d fullNameFor: fn) ]]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSMCacheRepository>>readStreamForFileNamed:do: (in category 'file streaming') ----- readStreamForFileNamed: aString do: aBlock | file fileName | fileName := self fullNameFor: aString. fileName ifNil: [ "assume that this will come from the cache." ^MCCacheRepository default readStreamForFileNamed: aString do: aBlock ]. file := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName. ^[ aBlock value: file ] ensure: [ file close ]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSMReleaseRepository>>basicStoreVersion: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- basicStoreVersion: aVersion | url | url := self uploadVersion: aVersion. self releaseVersion: aVersion url: url! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSMReleaseRepository>>initializeWithPackage:user:password: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- initializeWithPackage: packageString user: userString password: passString packageName := packageString. user := userString. password := passString. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSMReleaseRepository>>stringForVersion: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- stringForVersion: aVersion | stream | stream := RWBinaryOrTextStream on: String new. aVersion fileOutOn: stream. ^ stream contents! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSMReleaseRepository>>uploadVersion: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- uploadVersion: aVersion | result stream | result := HTTPSocket httpPut: (self stringForVersion: aVersion) to: self squeakMapUrl, '/upload/', aVersion fileName user: user passwd: password. self checkResult: result. stream := result readStream. stream upToAll: 'http://'. ^ 'http://', stream upToEnd! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>logMessage: (in category 'accessing') ----- logMessage: aString message := aString. self changed: #logMessage! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSaveVersionDialog>>versionName: (in category 'accessing') ----- versionName: aString name := aString. self changed: #versionName! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCScanner>>next (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- next | c | stream skipSeparators. c := stream peek. c = $# ifTrue: [c := stream next; peek]. c = $' ifTrue: [^ self nextString]. c = $( ifTrue: [^ self nextArray]. c isAlphaNumeric ifTrue: [^ self nextSymbol]. self error: 'Unknown token type'. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCScanner>>stream: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- stream: aStream stream := aStream! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSmtpRepository>>emailAddress: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- emailAddress: aString email := aString ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSnapshot>>initializeWithDefinitions: (in category 'initializing') ----- initializeWithDefinitions: aCollection definitions := aCollection.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>categorySelection: (in category 'selecting') ----- categorySelection: aNumber categorySelection := aNumber = 0 ifFalse: [self visibleCategories at: aNumber]. self classSelection: 0. self changed: #categorySelection; changed: #annotations; changed: #classList. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>classDefinitionString (in category 'text') ----- classDefinitionString | defs | defs := items select: [:ea | (ea isClassDefinition or: [ea isClassDefinitionExtension]) and: [ea className = classSelection]]. defs isEmpty ifTrue: [^ 'This class is defined elsewhere.']. ^ String streamContents: [:stream | defs asArray sort do: [:ea | ea printDefinitionOn: stream] separatedBy: [stream nextPut: $.; cr] ].! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>methodSelection: (in category 'selecting') ----- methodSelection: aNumber methodSelection := aNumber = 0 ifFalse: [self visibleMethods at: aNumber]. self changed: #methodSelection; changed: #text; changed: #annotations! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>methodsForSelectedProtocol (in category 'accessing') ----- methodsForSelectedProtocol | methods | protocolSelection ifNil: [^ Array new]. methods := self methodsForSelectedClass asOrderedCollection. (protocolSelection = '-- all --') ifFalse: [methods removeAllSuchThat: [:ea | ea category ~= protocolSelection]]. ^ methods ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>protocolSelection: (in category 'selecting') ----- protocolSelection: anInteger protocolSelection := (anInteger = 0 ifFalse: [self visibleProtocols at: anInteger]). self methodSelection: 0. self changed: #protocolSelection; changed: #methodList; changed: #annotations! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>selectedClassOrMetaClass (in category 'accessing') ----- selectedClassOrMetaClass | class | classSelection ifNil: [ ^nil ]. class := Smalltalk at: classSelection ifAbsent: [ ^nil ]. ^self switchIsClass ifTrue: [ class class ] ifFalse: [ class ].! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>snapshot: (in category 'accessing') ----- snapshot: aSnapshot items := aSnapshot definitions asSortedCollection. self categorySelection: 0.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>switchBeClass (in category 'switch') ----- switchBeClass switch := #class. self signalSwitchChanged.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>switchBeComment (in category 'switch') ----- switchBeComment switch := #comment. self signalSwitchChanged.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>switchBeInstance (in category 'switch') ----- switchBeInstance switch := #instance. self signalSwitchChanged.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>switchIsInstance (in category 'switch') ----- switchIsInstance switch ifNil: [switch := #instance]. ^ switch = #instance.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>visibleProtocols (in category 'listing') ----- visibleProtocols | methods protocols | self switchIsComment ifTrue: [^ Array new]. methods := self methodsForSelectedClass. protocols := (methods collect: [:ea | ea category]) asSet asSortedCollection. (protocols size > 1) ifTrue: [protocols add: '-- all --']. ^ protocols ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCStReader>>categoryFromDoIt: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- categoryFromDoIt: aString | tokens | tokens := Scanner new scanTokens: aString. tokens size = 3 ifFalse: [self error: 'Unrecognized category definition']. ^ tokens at: 3! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCStReader>>commentFor: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- commentFor: aPseudoClass | comment | comment := aPseudoClass organization classComment. ^ comment asString = '' ifTrue: [comment] ifFalse: [comment string]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCStReader>>commentStampFor: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- commentStampFor: aPseudoClass | comment | comment := aPseudoClass organization classComment. ^ [comment stamp] on: MessageNotUnderstood do: [nil]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCStReader>>loadDefinitions (in category 'evaluating') ----- loadDefinitions | filePackage | filePackage := FilePackage new fullName: 'ReadStream'; fileInFrom: self readStream. definitions := OrderedCollection new. filePackage classes do: [:pseudoClass | pseudoClass hasDefinition ifTrue: [definitions add: (self classDefinitionFrom: pseudoClass)]. definitions addAll: (self methodDefinitionsFor: pseudoClass). definitions addAll: (self methodDefinitionsFor: pseudoClass metaClass)]. filePackage doIts do: [:ea | self addDefinitionsFromDoit: ea string]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCStReader>>systemOrganizationFromRecords: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- systemOrganizationFromRecords: changeRecords | categories | categories := changeRecords select: [:ea | 'SystemOrganization*' match: ea string] thenCollect: [:ea | (self categoryFromDoIt: ea string)]. ^ categories isEmpty ifFalse: [MCOrganizationDefinition categories: categories asArray]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSubDirectoryRepository>>findFullNameForReading: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- findFullNameForReading: aBaseName "Answer the latest version of aBaseName" | possible | possible := SortedCollection sortBlock: [ :a :b | b first modificationTime < a first modificationTime ]. self allDirectories do: [:dir | dir entries do: [:ent | ent isDirectory ifFalse: [ (ent name = aBaseName) ifTrue: [ possible add: {ent. dir fullNameFor: ent name}]]]]. ^(possible at: 1 ifAbsent: [ ^nil ]) second ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSubDirectoryRepository>>readStreamForFileNamed:do: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- readStreamForFileNamed: aString do: aBlock | file val | file := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: (self findFullNameForReading: aString). val := aBlock value: file. file close. ^ val! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSystemCategoryParser>>addDefinitionsTo: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- addDefinitionsTo: aCollection | definition | definition := aCollection detect: [:ea | ea isOrganizationDefinition ] ifNone: [aCollection add: (MCOrganizationDefinition categories: #())]. definition categories: (definition categories copyWith: self category).! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCSystemCategoryParser>>category (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- category | tokens | tokens := Scanner new scanTokens: source. tokens size = 3 ifFalse: [self error: 'Unrecognized category definition']. ^ tokens at: 3! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCThreeWayMerger>>initialize (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- initialize index := MCDefinitionIndex new. provisions := Set new! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCThreeWayMerger>>operations (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- operations ^ operations ifNil: [operations := OrderedCollection new]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCTool>>label: (in category 'morphic ui') ----- label: aString label := aString! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCTool>>window (in category 'morphic ui') ----- window ^ morph ifNil: [morph := self buildWindow]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVariableDefinition>>name: (in category 'accessing') ----- name: aString name := aString! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersion>>allDependenciesDo:ifUnresolved: (in category 'enumerating') ----- allDependenciesDo: aBlock ifUnresolved: failBlock | dict | dict := Dictionary new. self allDependenciesNotIn: dict do: aBlock ifUnresolved: failBlock! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersion>>setPackage:info:snapshot:dependencies: (in category 'initialize-release') ----- setPackage: aPackage info: aVersionInfo snapshot: aSnapshot dependencies: aCollection package := aPackage. info := aVersionInfo. snapshot := aSnapshot. dependencies := aCollection! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersion>>withAllDependenciesDo:ifUnresolved: (in category 'enumerating') ----- withAllDependenciesDo: aBlock ifUnresolved: failBlock | dict | dict := Dictionary new. self allDependenciesNotIn: dict do: aBlock ifUnresolved: failBlock. aBlock value: self! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionDependency>>initializeWithPackage:info: (in category 'initialize-release') ----- initializeWithPackage: aPackage info: aVersionInfo package := aPackage. versionInfo := aVersionInfo! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionHistoryBrowser>>ancestry: (in category 'accessing') ----- ancestry: anAncestry ancestry := anAncestry! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionHistoryBrowser>>index: (in category 'accessing') ----- index: anObject "Set the value of index" index := anObject! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionHistoryBrowser>>package: (in category 'accessing') ----- package: aMCPackage package := aMCPackage! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionHistoryBrowser>>selection: (in category 'accessing') ----- selection: aNumber index := aNumber. self changed: #selection; changed: #summary! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionHistoryBrowser>>summary (in category 'accessing') ----- summary | selInfo | selInfo := self selectedInfo. ^ selInfo ifNil: [''] ifNotNil: [selInfo summary]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionInfoWriter>>written (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- written ^ written ifNil: [written := Set new]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionInspector>>version: (in category 'accessing') ----- version: aVersion version := aVersion! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionLoader>>checkForModifications (in category 'checking') ----- checkForModifications | modifications | modifications := versions select: [:ea | ea package workingCopy modified]. modifications isEmpty ifFalse: [self warnAboutLosingChangesTo: modifications].! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionLoader>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') ----- initialize versions := OrderedCollection new! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionMerger>>initialize (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- initialize records := OrderedCollection new. merger := MCThreeWayMerger new.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionNameAndMessageRequest>>suggestedName: (in category 'accessing') ----- suggestedName: aString suggestion := aString! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionNotification>>initializeWithVersion:repository: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- initializeWithVersion: aVersion repository: aRepository version := aVersion. repository := aRepository. ancestor := repository closestAncestorVersionFor: version info ifNone: []. changes := ancestor ifNil: [#()] ifNotNil: [(version snapshot patchRelativeToBase: ancestor snapshot) operations asSortedCollection]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionNotification>>messageTo: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- messageTo: aString | message | message := MailMessage empty. message setField: 'from' toString: self fromAddress. message setField: 'to' toString: aString. message setField: 'subject' toString: '[MC] ', version info name. message body: (MIMEDocument contentType: 'text/plain' content: self messageText). ^ message! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionNotification>>notify: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- notify: aString | message | message := self messageTo: aString. SMTPClient deliverMailFrom: message from to: (Array with: message to) text: message text usingServer: MailSender smtpServer! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionSorter>>addToCurrentLayer: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- addToCurrentLayer: aVersionInfo | layer | layer := layers at: depthIndex. (layer includes: aVersionInfo) ifFalse: [depths at: aVersionInfo ifPresent: [:i | i < depthIndex ifTrue: [(layers at: i) remove: aVersionInfo] ifFalse: [^ false]]. layer add: aVersionInfo. depths at: aVersionInfo put: depthIndex. ^ true]. ^ false ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionSorter>>allAncestorsOf: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- allAncestorsOf: aVersionInfo | all | all := Set new. self addAllAncestorsOf: aVersionInfo to: all. ^ all! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionSorter>>initialize (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- initialize stepparents := Dictionary new. roots := OrderedCollection new.! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionSorter>>popLayer (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- popLayer depthIndex := depthIndex - 1! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionSorter>>pushLayer (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- pushLayer depthIndex := depthIndex + 1. depthIndex > layers size ifTrue: [layers add: OrderedCollection new]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCVersionSorter>>sortedVersionInfos (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- sortedVersionInfos layers := OrderedCollection with: OrderedCollection new. depthIndex := 1. depths := Dictionary new. roots do: [:ea | self processVersionInfo: ea]. ^ layers gather: [:ea | ea]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWorkingAncestry>>addStepChild: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- addStepChild: aVersionInfo stepChildren := stepChildren copyWith: aVersionInfo! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>changesRelativeToRepository: (in category 'operations') ----- changesRelativeToRepository: aRepository | ancestorVersion ancestorSnapshot | ancestorVersion := aRepository closestAncestorVersionFor: ancestry ifNone: []. ancestorSnapshot := ancestorVersion ifNil: [MCSnapshot empty] ifNotNil: [ancestorVersion snapshot]. ^ package snapshot patchRelativeToBase: ancestorSnapshot! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>clearRequiredPackages (in category 'accessing') ----- clearRequiredPackages requiredPackages := nil! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>initialize (in category 'private') ----- initialize super initialize. ancestry := MCWorkingAncestry new! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>loaded: (in category 'operations') ----- loaded: aVersion ancestry := MCWorkingAncestry new addAncestor: aVersion info. requiredPackages := OrderedCollection withAll: (aVersion dependencies collect: [:ea | ea package]). self modified: false. self changed! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>repositoryGroup (in category 'repositories') ----- repositoryGroup ^ repositoryGroup ifNil: [repositoryGroup := MCRepositoryGroup new]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>repositoryGroup: (in category 'repositories') ----- repositoryGroup: aRepositoryGroup repositoryGroup := aRepositoryGroup! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>requiredPackages (in category 'accessing') ----- requiredPackages ^ requiredPackages ifNil: [requiredPackages := OrderedCollection new]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>uniqueVersionName (in category 'private') ----- uniqueVersionName |versionName| counter := nil. [versionName := self nextVersionName. self repositoryGroup includesVersionNamed: versionName] whileTrue. ^ versionName! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>updateInstVars (in category 'migration') ----- updateInstVars ancestry ifNil: [ancestry := MCWorkingAncestry new. versionInfo ifNotNil: [versionInfo ancestors do: [:ea | ancestry addAncestor: ea]. versionInfo := nil]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWorkingCopy>>versionInfo: (in category 'accessing') ----- versionInfo: aVersionInfo ancestry := MCWorkingAncestry new addAncestor: aVersionInfo! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>defaults (in category 'morphic ui') ----- defaults ^ defaults ifNil: [defaults := Dictionary new]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>repository (in category 'actions') ----- repository workingCopy ifNotNil: [repository := self defaults at: workingCopy ifAbsent: []]. ^ repository! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>repository: (in category 'actions') ----- repository: aRepository repository := aRepository. workingCopy ifNotNil: [self defaults at: workingCopy put: aRepository]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>viewChanges (in category 'actions') ----- viewChanges | patch | self canSave ifTrue: [patch := workingCopy changesRelativeToRepository: self repository. patch isNil ifTrue: [^ self]. patch isEmpty ifTrue: [ workingCopy modified: false. self inform: 'No changes' ] ifFalse: [ workingCopy modified: true. (MCPatchBrowser forPatch: patch) label: 'Patch Browser: ', workingCopy description; show]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCWriter>>stream: (in category 'accessing') ----- stream: aStream stream := aStream! Item was changed: ----- Method: TimeStamp class>>fromMethodTimeStamp: (in category '*monticello-instance creation') ----- fromMethodTimeStamp: aString | stream | stream := ReadStream on: aString. stream skipSeparators. stream skipTo: Character space. ^self readFrom: stream.! Item was changed: ----- Method: TimeStamp class>>fromString: (in category '*monticello-instance creation') ----- fromString: aString "Answer a new instance for the value given by aString. TimeStamp fromString: '1-10-2000 11:55:00 am'. " ^self readFrom: (ReadStream on: aString).! Item was changed: ----- Method: TimeStamp class>>readFrom: (in category '*monticello-instance creation') ----- readFrom: stream | date time | stream skipSeparators. date := Date readFrom: stream. stream skipSeparators. time := Time readFrom: stream. ^self date: date time: time! |
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