A new version of System was added to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/System-ct.1189.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: System-ct.1189 Author: ct Time: 14 November 2020, 7:59:11.730394 pm UUID: 5f2ed1b3-61eb-b746-bcd3-3d97f3b9e893 Ancestors: System-mt.1187 Fixes handling of Smalltalk first command line argument which can be a script or a project path. At least on Windows, absolute paths were not interpreted correctly at this point before and a nil MNU error was raised. Still, I am not absolutely sure what was the original intent for HTTP encoding. Why should one pass a decoded URL to the smalltalk executable? Please review. Requires Network-ct.245 for absolute file path support in Url class >> #absoluteFromFileNameOrUrlString:. =============== Diff against System-mt.1187 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: ProjectLauncher>>parseScriptUrl (in category 'private') ----- + parseScriptUrl + + ^ self parseScriptUrl: (Smalltalk documentPath ifNil: [^ nil]) + convertFromSystemString! Item was added: + ----- Method: ProjectLauncher>>parseScriptUrl: (in category 'private') ----- + parseScriptUrl: scriptName + + scriptName ifEmpty: [^ nil]. + + "pathTokens := scriptName splitBy: FileDirectory slash. + pathTokens := pathTokens collect: [:s | s encodeForHTTP]. + encodedPath := pathTokens joinSeparatedBy: FileDirectory slash." + + "Try to parse absolute Windows path" + (Smalltalk platformName = 'Win32' + and: [scriptName size >= 3]) + ifTrue: [ + ((scriptName first isLetter + and: [scriptName second = $:] + and: [scriptName third = $\]) "Absolute path starting with a drive letter" + or: [(scriptName first: 2) = '\\' "UNC path"]) + ifTrue: [ + ^ FileUrl absoluteFromText: scriptName]]. + + ^ Url absoluteFromFileNameOrUrlString: scriptName! Item was changed: ----- Method: ProjectLauncher>>startUpAfterLogin (in category 'running') ----- startUpAfterLogin + + | scriptName loader | - | scriptName loader isUrl | self setupFlaps. + + scriptName := Preferences readDocumentAtStartup + ifTrue: [self parseScriptUrl asString]. + + scriptName + ifNil: [^ Preferences eToyFriendly + ifTrue: [self currentWorld addGlobalFlaps]]. + - Preferences readDocumentAtStartup - ifTrue: [scriptName := Smalltalk documentPath - ifNil: ['']. - scriptName := scriptName convertFromSystemString. - scriptName isEmpty - ifFalse: ["figure out if script name is a URL by itself" - isUrl := (scriptName asLowercase beginsWith: 'http://') - or: [(scriptName asLowercase beginsWith: 'file://') - or: [scriptName asLowercase beginsWith: 'ftp://']]. - isUrl - ifFalse: [| encodedPath pathTokens | - "Allow for ../dir/scriptName arguments" - pathTokens := scriptName splitBy: FileDirectory slash. - pathTokens := pathTokens - collect: [:s | s encodeForHTTP]. - encodedPath := pathTokens - reduce: [:acc :each | acc , FileDirectory slash , each]. - scriptName := (FileDirectory default uri resolveRelativeURI: encodedPath) asString]]] - ifFalse: [scriptName := '']. - scriptName isEmptyOrNil - ifTrue: [^ Preferences eToyFriendly - ifTrue: [self currentWorld addGlobalFlaps]]. loader := CodeLoader new. loader loadSourceFiles: (Array with: scriptName). (scriptName asLowercase endsWith: '.pr') ifTrue: [self installProjectFrom: loader] ifFalse: [loader installSourceFiles]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>documentPath (in category 'command line') ----- documentPath "Answer the absolute path of the document passed to the VM or nil if none." + "Smalltalk documentPath" - "Smalltalk commandLine documentPath" ^ (self getSystemAttribute: 2) ifNotNil: [ :arg | arg = self imageArgumentsMarker ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [arg]]. ! |
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