Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Graphics-mt.378 Author: mt Time: 29 June 2017, 11:44:17.283967 am UUID: 71536264-38ce-8e45-ad7e-12bb788bf319 Ancestors: Graphics-dtl.377, Graphics-cbc.375 Merges cbc.375 See =============== Diff against Graphics-dtl.377 =============== Item was changed: DisplayMedium subclass: #Form instanceVariableNames: 'bits width height depth offset' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Graphics-Display Objects'! + !Form commentStamp: 'cbc 5/5/2017 10:07' prior: 0! - !Form commentStamp: 'ls 1/4/2004 17:16' prior: 0! A rectangular array of pixels, used for holding images. All pictures, including character images are Forms. The depth of a Form is how many bits are used to specify the color at each pixel. The actual bits are held in a Bitmap, whose internal structure is different at each depth. Class Color allows you to deal with colors without knowing how they are actually encoded inside a Bitmap. The supported depths (in bits) are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32. The number of actual colors at these depths are: 2, 4, 16, 256, 32768, and 16 million. Forms are indexed starting at 0 instead of 1; thus, the top-left pixel of a Form has coordinates 0@0. Forms are combined using BitBlt. See the comment in class BitBlt. Forms that repeat many times to fill a large destination are InfiniteForms. colorAt: x@y Returns the abstract Color at this location displayAt: x@y shows this form on the screen displayOn: aMedium at: x@y shows this form in a Window, a Form, or other DisplayMedium fillColor: aColor Set all the pixels to the color. edit launch an editor to change the bits of this form. pixelValueAt: x@y The encoded color. The encoding depends on the depth. + + Note: If you want to hook up other external forms/displayScreens, please look at the (successful) Graphics-External package in! - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Form>>balancedPatternFor: (in category 'color mapping') ----- balancedPatternFor: aColor "Return the pixel word for representing the given color on the receiver" + ^aColor balancedPatternForDepth: self depth! - self hasNonStandardPalette - ifTrue:[^self bitPatternFor: aColor] - ifFalse:[^aColor balancedPatternForDepth: self depth]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Form>>bitPatternFor: (in category 'color mapping') ----- bitPatternFor: aColor "Return the pixel word for representing the given color on the receiver" + ^aColor bitPatternForDepth: self depth! - aColor isColor ifFalse:[^aColor bitPatternForDepth: self depth]. - self hasNonStandardPalette - ifTrue:[^Bitmap with: (self pixelWordFor: aColor)] - ifFalse:[^aColor bitPatternForDepth: self depth]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Form>>colormapFromARGB (in category 'color mapping') ----- colormapFromARGB "Return a ColorMap mapping from canonical ARGB space into the receiver. Note: This version is optimized for Squeak forms." | map nBits | - self hasNonStandardPalette - ifTrue:[^ColorMap mappingFromARGB: self rgbaBitMasks]. self depth <= 8 ifTrue:[ map := Color colorMapIfNeededFrom: 32 to: self depth. map size = 512 ifTrue:[nBits := 3]. map size = 4096 ifTrue:[nBits := 4]. map size = 32768 ifTrue:[nBits := 5]. ^ColorMap shifts: (Array with: 3 * nBits - 24 with: 2 * nBits - 16 with: 1 * nBits - 8 with: 0) masks: (Array with: (1 << nBits) - 1 << (24 - nBits) with: (1 << nBits) - 1 << (16 - nBits) with: (1 << nBits) - 1 << (8 - nBits) with: 0) colors: map]. self depth = 16 ifTrue:[ ^ColorMap shifts: #(-9 -6 -3 0) masks: #(16rF80000 16rF800 16rF8 0)]. self depth = 32 ifTrue:[ ^ColorMap shifts: #(0 0 0 0) masks: #(16rFF0000 16rFF00 16rFF 16rFF000000)]. self error:'Bad depth'! Item was changed: ----- Method: Form>>colormapToARGB (in category 'color mapping') ----- colormapToARGB "Return a ColorMap mapping from the receiver into canonical ARGB space." - self hasNonStandardPalette - ifTrue:[^self colormapFromARGB inverseMap]. self depth <= 8 ifTrue:[ ^ColorMap shifts: #(0 0 0 0) masks: #(16rFF0000 16rFF00 16rFF 16rFF000000) colors: (Color colorMapIfNeededFrom: self depth to: 32)]. self depth = 16 ifTrue:[ ^ColorMap shifts: #( 9 6 3 0) masks: #(16r7C00 16r3E0 16r1F 0)]. self depth = 32 ifTrue:[ ^ColorMap shifts: #(0 0 0 0) masks: #(16rFF0000 16rFF00 16rFF 16rFF000000)]. self error:'Bad depth'! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Form>>displayScreen (in category 'accessing') ----- - displayScreen - "Return the display screen the receiver is allocated on. - Forms in general are Squeak internal and not allocated on any particular display." - ^nil! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Form>>isBltAccelerated:for: (in category 'testing') ----- - isBltAccelerated: ruleInteger for: sourceForm - "Return true if the receiver can perform accelerated blts operations by itself" - ^false! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Form>>isExternalForm (in category 'testing') ----- - isExternalForm - ^false! Item was removed: - ----- Method: Form>>isFillAccelerated:for: (in category 'testing') ----- - isFillAccelerated: ruleInteger for: aColor - "Return true if the receiver can perform accelerated fill operations by itself" - ^false! Item was changed: ----- Method: Form>>pixelValueFor: (in category 'color mapping') ----- pixelValueFor: aColor "Return the pixel word for representing the given color on the receiver" + ^aColor pixelValueForDepth: self depth! - self hasNonStandardPalette - ifTrue:[^self colormapFromARGB mapPixel: (aColor pixelValueForDepth: 32)] - ifFalse:[^aColor pixelValueForDepth: self depth]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Form>>pixelWordFor: (in category 'color mapping') ----- pixelWordFor: aColor "Return the pixel word for representing the given color on the receiver" + ^aColor pixelWordForDepth: self depth! - | basicPattern | - self hasNonStandardPalette - ifFalse:[^aColor pixelWordForDepth: self depth]. - basicPattern := self pixelValueFor: aColor. - self depth = 32 - ifTrue:[^basicPattern] - ifFalse:[^aColor pixelWordFor: self depth filledWith: basicPattern]! |
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