Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of Network to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Network-ar.87 Author: ar Time: 4 September 2010, 11:04:42.245 am UUID: be2e83d6-1f4d-2246-aaf3-6d485f4f6578 Ancestors: Network-fbs.86 Do not encode incoming urls in httpRequest:... since they are assumed to be encoded already. =============== Diff against Network-fbs.86 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: HTTPSocket class>>httpRequest:url:headers:content:response: (in category 'get the page') ----- httpRequest: method url: urlString headers: hdrs content: contentOrNil response: responseBlock "Sends an HTTP request to the server. Returns a MIMEDocument if successful, a string indicating the error otherwise. If a response block is provided, the + response is fed into into so that the sender can see all the headers. + The url string is assumed to be properly escaped by the sender." - response is fed into into so that the sender can see all the headers." | index serverAndPort server port rawUrl stream resp code headers contentLength contentType contentStream | (urlString beginsWith: 'http://') ifFalse:[self error: 'Not a http url']. "Extract server, port, and url" index := urlString indexOf: $/ startingAt: 8 ifAbsent:[urlString size+1]. "past http://" serverAndPort := urlString copyFrom: 8 to: index-1. server := serverAndPort copyUpTo: $:. port := ((serverAndPort copyAfter: $:) ifEmpty:['80']) asNumber. "Prepare the request URI" rawUrl := urlString copyFrom: index to: urlString size. (rawUrl beginsWith: '/') ifFalse:[rawUrl := '/', rawUrl]. - rawUrl := rawUrl encodeForHTTPWithTextEncoding: 'utf-8' - conditionBlock: [:c | c isSafeForHTTP or:['/;&=\?' includes: c]]. "Check for proxy" (self shouldUseProxy: server) ifTrue:[ self httpProxyServer ifNotEmpty:[ rawUrl := 'http://', serverAndPort, rawUrl. "per RFC 2616" server := self httpProxyServer. port := self httpProxyPort. ]. ]. "Fire off the request" stream := SocketStream openConnectionToHostNamed: server port: port. stream nextPutAll: method; space; nextPutAll: rawUrl; space; nextPutAll: 'HTTP/1.0'; crlf. stream nextPutAll: 'Host: ', serverAndPort; crlf. stream nextPutAll: 'Connection: close'; crlf. stream nextPutAll: 'User-Agent: ', self userAgentString; crlf. stream nextPutAll: hdrs. stream crlf. contentOrNil ifNotNil:[ "Upload request content" contentStream := contentOrNil readStream. [contentStream atEnd] whileFalse:[ (HTTPProgress new) total: contentOrNil size; amount: contentStream position; signal: 'Uploading...'. stream nextPutAll: (contentStream next: 4096). stream flush. ]. ]. stream flush. "Read the response" resp := stream upToAll: String crlfcrlf. "Extract the response code" code := ((resp copyUpTo: String cr) findTokens: ' ') second asNumber. "And the response headers" headers := Dictionary new. resp lines allButFirst allButLast do:[:nextLine| headers at: (nextLine copyUpTo: $:) asLowercase put: (nextLine copyAfter: $:) withBlanksTrimmed. ]. "Read response content" contentLength := headers at: 'content-length' ifAbsent:[nil]. contentType := headers at: 'content-type' ifAbsent:['application/octet-stream']. "Fixme - Provide HTTProgress" contentLength ifNil:[contentStream := WriteStream with: stream upToEnd] ifNotNil:[ contentLength := contentLength asNumber. contentStream := (String new: contentLength) writeStream. [contentStream position < contentLength] whileTrue:[ contentStream nextPutAll: (stream next: (contentLength - contentStream position min: 4096)). (HTTPProgress new) total: contentLength; amount: contentStream position; signal: 'Downloading...'. ]. ]. stream close. responseBlock ifNotNil:[responseBlock value: resp]. ^(code between: 200 and: 299) ifTrue:[MIMEDocument contentType: contentType content: contentStream contents url: urlString] ifFalse:[resp asString, contentStream contents]. ! |
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