Fabio Niephaus uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/System-fn.1066.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: System-fn.1066
Author: fn
Time: 23 May 2019, 11:50:23.889459 am
UUID: 7b0f9a17-bfa5-430b-abb3-5bfffb93d893
Ancestors: System-mt.1065
Partially revert System-dtl.1064 to unblock trunk builds until we come up with a better solution.
http://forum.world.st/The-Trunk-System-dtl-1064-mcz-td5099214.html=============== Diff against System-mt.1065 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ProjectLauncher>>startUpAfterLogin (in category 'running') -----
| scriptName loader isUrl |
self setupFlaps.
Preferences readDocumentAtStartup
ifTrue: [scriptName := Smalltalk documentPath
ifNil: [''].
scriptName := scriptName convertFromSystemString.
scriptName isEmpty
ifFalse: ["figure out if script name is a URL by itself"
isUrl := (scriptName asLowercase beginsWith: '
or: [(scriptName asLowercase beginsWith: 'file://')
or: [scriptName asLowercase beginsWith: 'ftp://']].
ifFalse: [| encodedPath pathTokens |
"Allow for ../dir/scriptName arguments"
pathTokens := scriptName splitBy: FileDirectory slash.
pathTokens := pathTokens
collect: [:s | s encodeForHTTP].
encodedPath := pathTokens
reduce: [:acc :each | acc , FileDirectory slash , each].
+ scriptName := (FileDirectory default uri resolveRelativeURI: encodedPath) asString]]]
- scriptName := (FileDirectory default asUrl newFromRelativeText: encodedPath) asString]]]
ifFalse: [scriptName := ''].
scriptName isEmptyOrNil
ifTrue: [^ Preferences eToyFriendly
ifTrue: [self currentWorld addGlobalFlaps]].
loader := CodeLoader new.
loadSourceFiles: (Array with: scriptName).
(scriptName asLowercase endsWith: '.pr')
ifTrue: [self installProjectFrom: loader]
ifFalse: [loader installSourceFiles]!