[squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

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Re: [squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

Igor Stasenko
I don't know how you quoted my mail, but gogle thinks its not quoted .
So its became unsorted.

2009/6/29 Bernhard Pieber <[hidden email]>:

> Am 28.06.2009 um 23:09 schrieb Igor Stasenko:
> 2009/6/28 Bernhard Pieber <[hidden email]>:
> I agree with what Juan and K. K. Subramaniam wrote. Squeak needs a goal, a
> statement what it is supposed to be. One thing I miss from the old days is
> the kitchen sink image. Neither Etoys nor Pharo have the goal for delivering
> such an image. So that could be a good raison d'être: Show what can be done
> with Squeak, and show what is done with Squeak. Something inclusive, a place
> for showing off all the cool, interesting, blue plane stuff, which is
> possible with such a dynamic environment. This attracted me to Squeak in the
> first place, and I think it still has the potential to attract newcomers.
> I miss Connectors, MathMorphs, Alice, Games, ThingLab, Genie, Nebraska and
> all the other cool things that were once. But maybe it's just me. ;-)
> I'd like to ask, where those people who care maintaining these bits ,
> making them available for new squeak versions, improving them, adding
> new features and so on?
> If there none of them, then how do you think, why is that? And why
> people, who does not interested in this stuff at first place, must do
> anything to maintain it? Do they have nothing else to do?
> Maybe some of them were not interested in maintaining it further because
> someone else broke their code for no good reason from their point of view?

or maybe because they were too optimistic about that once their stuff
have been included once in the bloated image, they don't need to
support it anymore.
Now imagine the situation: each time you want to improve something, or
change it radically , you deemed to be too cautious about that,
because there are tons of things, which using this stuff, monkey
patching different parts of it, up to the point that there is
impossible to find out , where ends a basic interface and where starts
the custom extensions, added by different little-toy projects over a
years of bloated image existance.

> That's why i am totally agree with Pharo vision on that: they don't
> want unmaintained stuff in Pharo, that's why one of the Pharo
> milestones is to clean the Morphic from Etoys and other unmaintained
> stuff.
> Etoys is all but unmaintained. And Juan has tried to maintain Morphic as far
> as I know.
> And i share their approach on that: if you want your stuff to be able
> to work with base image, then provide a script/package/loader , or
> whatever is needed to load it into basic image and maintain it. If
> your package can't be loaded w/o errors, then it is your problems, not
> the problems of people who developed core image.

> I don't agree at all that that was a wise move. I think Squeak lost a lot of
> existing and potential contributors by saying: "If you want your code to
> continue to work in Squeak, you have to constantly adapt to our changes." I
> think that is what Stéphane Rollandin was trying to tell us. I am convinced
> that the separation of the base and the full image and the concentration on
> the base instead of the full image was the reason why forks were inevitable.
> Starting refactoring was necessary and a very important service for the
> community, but it had to have been done in the full image! My argument is
> basically that of Wolfgang Eder from July 2006:
> http://www.nabble.com/Proposal-for-a-Squeak-migration-meeting-ts4867570i120.html#a5260913
> That is still a very relevant thread today, by the way.

See my above part, why i think that refactoring a bloated image isn't
possible, not saying that its very error prone.
And again, where do you find so dedicated people, who will spend
hundreds of hours trying to improve the code?
Take a look at Morphic, to what state it was progressed. Tons of
methods (over 600 methods in Morph class).
Do you really think that we need all of them in most basic class? I
doubt that. It is a bloat, certainly.
If class requires so many methods, maybe its worth splitting it on
number of smaller ones? But who i am to teach you programming.

I can tell you what is happening , when no-one cares about maintaining
things separately, in good share: people is LAZY and tend instead of
learning, how things can be done by reusing the existing code, putting
own extensions to existing code, and in result we got classes with
over 600 methods. And no-one cares. But when someone raises a head and
trying to say, lets wipe it up - he get burned as heretic, because it
will break the holy backwards compatibility grail.
If those words didn't convinced you that maintaining & developing a
bloated images, instead of separate, well defined modules is road to
void, then nothing else can.

> Isn't that made clear to anyone these days: a days of bloated images
> which includes everything and where everything is working is passed.
> Obviously, it is not clear to me. ;-) Seriously, I have thought a lot about
> it and I am convinced that the kitchen sink image was Squeak's main
> attraction. The moment we lost it we started losing contributors.
> Because there are people who need to deploy stuff on server (to run
> Seaside or Wiki, or other services), and if you put bloated stuff
> there, and try to scale, the people around will start asking, why it
> consumes so much resources?
> Note, that I am not saying that the kitchen sink image could or should not
> be put together from a small image and nicely modularized packages. What I
> am saying is that if you clean up only the base image you will never be able
> to put together the full image because I guess many of the maintainers will
> not bother to repair stuff others broke. Worse yet, they probably will not
> bother anymore to create more cool stuff.
> See, I can follow your reasoning. And it sounds very convincing. Therefore,
> I am not blaming anyone for going that route. I am totally sure everyone had
> only the best intentions. Nevertheless I am totally convinced it was a
> really bad idea and it still is, because that way you lose contributions and
> contributors.
> Cheers,
> Bernhard

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: [squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

Igor Stasenko
> 2009/6/29 Bernhard Pieber <[hidden email]>:
>> Am 28.06.2009 um 23:09 schrieb Igor Stasenko
>> Note, that I am not saying that the kitchen sink image could or should not
>> be put together from a small image and nicely modularized packages. What I
>> am saying is that if you clean up only the base image you will never be able
>> to put together the full image because I guess many of the maintainers will
>> not bother to repair stuff others broke. Worse yet, they probably will not
>> bother anymore to create more cool stuff.
>> See, I can follow your reasoning. And it sounds very convincing. Therefore,
>> I am not blaming anyone for going that route. I am totally sure everyone had
>> only the best intentions. Nevertheless I am totally convinced it was a
>> really bad idea and it still is, because that way you lose contributions and
>> contributors.

I will answer on this separately.
Obviously people stop contributing because of failure of
communication/development model.
Iff we would have a separate modules, communicating with each other on
well defined protocols, then none of the above problems, which you
listed is taking place, or more correct to say - they are moving into
a different plane.
People will communicate with each other, and if someone will change
the interfaces towards improving the overall design, then i don't see
the reasons why others who using it, will stop doing own stuff and run

An opposite, when everyone depends on a single, alma-mater image , any
radical changes in it will lead to major break down in multiple
projects/development areas. Because everyone depends on a single
entity - bloated image, instead of being dependant on a much smaller,
flexible, vibrant & easily adoptable modules.

You can yell on a list: who is maintainer of kernel? who is maintainer
of morphic? who is maintainer of squeak?
None. It is impossible to maintain such a big code base by a single
person. We need to split responsibilities, establish a new
development/communication model. Only then you can get the answers in
a minutes, whether your package will work with X.Y.Z image/module or
not, and what you need to make it working.

>> Cheers,
>> Bernhard
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: [squeak-dev] Re: The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

In reply to this post by Klaus D. Witzel
Am 29.06.2009 um 00:50 schrieb Klaus D. Witzel:

> On Mon, 29 Jun 2009 00:34:50 +0200, Bernhard Pieber wrote:
>> I tried to explain in my response to Igor that I think the opposite  
>> is true. We lost a lot of people because we did not value their  
>> contributions to the full image enough.
>> Peace ;-),
> Sure (peace ;) so we have lost for contradicting reasons, as well.  
> Okay then, now wearing my project manger hat:
> and now?
Good question! :-)

Given that there is Etoys with a clear positioning towards educators  
and education software, and given that there is Pharo with a - IMHO -  
slightly less clear positioning towards commercial and software  
engineering research [1] - the question is: How should Squeak position  
itself? I see the following possibilities:
a) Merge with Etoys as Bert and David have proposed.
b) Merge with Pharo as Göran, Randal, and maybe Igor and you? could  
c) Find some other unique positioning

I suggested one possibility for c): "Squeak-dev is the place where you  
get a full image which shows off what cool things are possible with  
such a technology. It is not ideal for production, because it has  
licence and quality issues, so if you want that go to Etoys or Pharo  
or Croquet. However, if you want to be inspired, want to give cool  
demos, or want to try out blue plane things, it is ideal!"

I don't say that this is the only possibilty for c). Juan mentioned  
another. However, I think it could be something that could create  
energy and attract contributors. There are clearly definable tasks:  
"Find some cool stuff that once worked in Squeak, take it and make it  
run again. If you do we promise to put it into the full image people  
can download from squeak.org." It is something which is doable for  
less experienced developers.

However, the real answer is: Let's discuss above variants. Let's  
brainstorm other possibilities for c). Let us argue what the  
advantages and disadvantages of the different variants are. And let's  
do it in an objective (How do you translate "sachlich"?) and not  
emotional manner. ;-)

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Re: [squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

In reply to this post by bpi
Em 28-06-2009 19:31, Bernhard Pieber escreveu:
I don't agree at all that that was a wise move. I think Squeak lost a lot of existing and potential contributors by saying: "If you want your code to continue to work in Squeak, you have to constantly adapt to our changes." I think that is what Stéphane Rollandin was trying to tell us. I am convinced that the separation of the base and the full image and the concentration on the base instead of the full image was the reason why forks were inevitable. Starting refactoring was necessary and a very important service for the community, but it had to have been done in the full image! My argument is basically that of Wolfgang Eder from July 2006:
That is still a very relevant thread today, by the way.

Isn't that made clear to anyone these days: a days of bloated images
which includes everything and where everything is working is passed.
Obviously, it is not clear to me. ;-) Seriously, I have thought a lot about it and I am convinced that the kitchen sink image was Squeak's main attraction. The moment we lost it we started losing contributors.
Agreed. No meaning reinventing the wheel over and over... BTW re-usability was one of the first goals of OOP...

Because there are people who need to deploy stuff on server (to run
Seaside or Wiki, or other services), and if you put bloated stuff
there, and try to scale, the people around will start asking, why it
consumes so much resources?
Note, that I am not saying that the kitchen sink image could or should not be put together from a small image and nicely modularized packages. What I am saying is that if you clean up only the base image you will never be able to put together the full image because I guess many of the maintainers will not bother to repair stuff others broke. Worse yet, they probably will not bother anymore to create more cool stuff.

Earlier someone wrote a nice list of packages that aren't working anymore... many of these packages weren't replaced. Worse: many packages appear in Universes (for instance) but cannot be loaded (example: try to load Monticello 1.6 and you'll have an infinite loop while trying to load Monticello 1.5. Then you may ask: what you want Monticello 1.6 for? Like for installing Balloon3D from Universes ??? But then B3D is broken too...at least in Scheduler...).

And it brings back the lack of professional support. Someone could argue that Alice isn't necessary anymore because we have Scratch. Fine. But how to use Scratch for basic school students if it comes in English and Squeak just doesn't have anything like i18n... Well, Scratch is a fork... and it goes forever... so people give up and use Java Alice.

See, I can follow your reasoning. And it sounds very convincing. Therefore, I am not blaming anyone for going that route. I am totally sure everyone had only the best intentions. Nevertheless I am totally convinced it was a really bad idea and it still is, because that way you lose contributions and contributors.



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[squeak-dev] Re: The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

Klaus D. Witzel
In reply to this post by bpi
On Mon, 29 Jun 2009 01:25:49 +0200, Bernhard Pieber wrote:

> Am 29.06.2009 um 00:50 schrieb Klaus D. Witzel:
>>> Peace ;-),
>> Sure (peace ;) so we have lost for contradicting reasons, as well. Okay  
>> then, now wearing my project manger hat:
>> and now?
> Good question! :-)
[...sorry, it's late...]
> However, the real answer is: Let's discuss above variants.

No, since we'd be just running in circles.

> Let's brainstorm other possibilities for c). Let us argue what the  
> advantages and disadvantages of the different variants are. And let's do  
> it in an objective (How do you translate "sachlich"?) and not emotional  
> manner. ;-)

Yes "sachlich", but I don't get your emotional, who was so?

O.K. we have these forks that happened (counting Croquet as well). Accept  
it, it is the past.

On the other hand, some here vote for kitchen sink: accept it, but dictate  
the price. And the price tag is: modularity, everybody can load into a  
basic .image whatever she/he pleases. Damien and Universe have shown that  
it works, even if this is always ignored.

Nothing else but modularity will work in the long run. I (for example) am  
not interested in hunting bugs from kitchen sinkers who have long since  
run away (or are not responsive).


> Cheers,
> Bernhard

"If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it".  
Albert Einstein

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Re: [squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko
Hi Igor,

First of all: Thanks for taking so much time discussing with me. I get  
the feeling that somehow my point of view is frustrating you. That is  
not my intention.

Am 29.06.2009 um 01:01 schrieb Igor Stasenko:
> I don't know how you quoted my mail, but gogle thinks its not quoted .
> So its became unsorted.
Sorry about that. I am using Apple Mail.

>> Maybe some of them were not interested in maintaining it further  
>> because
>> someone else broke their code for no good reason from their point  
>> of view?
> or maybe because they were too optimistic about that once their stuff
> have been included once in the bloated image, they don't need to
> support it anymore.
> Now imagine the situation: each time you want to improve something, or
> change it radically , you deemed to be too cautious about that,
> because there are tons of things, which using this stuff, monkey
> patching different parts of it, up to the point that there is
> impossible to find out , where ends a basic interface and where starts
> the custom extensions, added by different little-toy projects over a
> years of bloated image existance.
I concede that some of the maintainers may well have been too  
optimistic. Well yes, I can remember the situation. I did a small  
refactoring once and the code was let's say quite in need of  
refactoring. Maybe I even broke something, however I tried hard not to.

>> I don't agree at all that that was a wise move. I think Squeak lost  
>> a lot of
>> existing and potential contributors by saying: "If you want your  
>> code to
>> continue to work in Squeak, you have to constantly adapt to our  
>> changes." I
>> think that is what Stéphane Rollandin was trying to tell us. I am  
>> convinced
>> that the separation of the base and the full image and the  
>> concentration on
>> the base instead of the full image was the reason why forks were  
>> inevitable.
>> Starting refactoring was necessary and a very important service for  
>> the
>> community, but it had to have been done in the full image! My  
>> argument is
>> basically that of Wolfgang Eder from July 2006:
>> http://www.nabble.com/Proposal-for-a-Squeak-migration-meeting-ts4867570i120.html#a5260913
>> That is still a very relevant thread today, by the way.
> See my above part, why i think that refactoring a bloated image isn't
> possible, not saying that its very error prone.
I agree it is more work. Maybe even much more work. Terribly  
frustrating. However, impossible? No!

> And again, where do you find so dedicated people, who will spend
> hundreds of hours trying to improve the code?
Good question. Let's say someone is willing to spend 100 hours. If he  
spends the same 100 hours caring about backwards-compatibility he is  
much slower. I agree. On the other hand he might keep a contributor or  
better yet win one because one cool feature still works. I concede  
that it is difficult to assess that tradeoff. We definitely seem to  
have very different feelings about which factor is bigger.

> Take a look at Morphic, to what state it was progressed. Tons of
> methods (over 600 methods in Morph class).
> Do you really think that we need all of them in most basic class? I
> doubt that. It is a bloat, certainly.
> If class requires so many methods, maybe its worth splitting it on
> number of smaller ones? But who i am to teach you programming.
I totally agree here. And I not at all against refactoring. Quite to  
the contrary!

> I can tell you what is happening , when no-one cares about maintaining
> things separately, in good share: people is LAZY and tend instead of
> learning, how things can be done by reusing the existing code, putting
> own extensions to existing code, and in result we got classes with
> over 600 methods. And no-one cares.
I do care! I have very, very high quality standards! Relly! Ask my  
collegues! ;-)

> But when someone raises a head and
> trying to say, lets wipe it up - he get burned as heretic, because it
> will break the holy backwards compatibility grail.
Some may have criticised those unfairly so that one might say they  
were "burned as heretic". I must say, I don't think such exaggerations  
are helpful. But please concede that I have not done that! On the  
contrary, I wrote:
>> See, I can follow your reasoning. And it sounds very convincing.  
>> Therefore,
>> I am not blaming anyone for going that route. I am totally sure  
>> everyone had
>> only the best intentions.

> If those words didn't convinced you that maintaining & developing a
> bloated images, instead of separate, well defined modules is road to
> void, then nothing else can.
I am afraid you did not convince me. I do think that maintaining a  
full image is better. However, I feel there is still a  
misunderstanding. That full image should consist of well defined  
modules. I don't think those two things are necessarily contradictory.  
However, thanks again for bearing with me!


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Re: [squeak-dev] Re: The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

In reply to this post by Klaus D. Witzel
Am 29.06.2009 um 01:47 schrieb Klaus D. Witzel:
> [...sorry, it's late...]
Tell me, I am in Vienna. ;-)

>> However, the real answer is: Let's discuss above variants.
> No, since we'd be just running in circles.
Of course, you don't have to discuss that further. Thanks for the  
discussion so far!

> Yes "sachlich", but I don't get your emotional, who was so?
Sorry, I did not want to imply anyone was yet.

> O.K. we have these forks that happened (counting Croquet as well).  
> Accept it, it is the past.
I agree. That's why I proposed c), and not a) and b).

> On the other hand, some here vote for kitchen sink: accept it, but  
> dictate the price. And the price tag is: modularity, everybody can  
> load into a basic .image whatever she/he pleases. Damien and  
> Universe have shown that it works, even if this is always ignored.
I totally agree that modularity is very important. It seems that I  
have not made myself totally clear. But nevermind, it sure is late.

> Nothing else but modularity will work in the long run. I (for  
> example) am not interested in hunting bugs from kitchen sinkers who  
> have long since run away (or are not responsive).
I can understand that. You don't have to of course!

Thanks and Good Night,

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Re: [squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

Göran Krampe
In reply to this post by bpi
Hi guys!

Bernhard Pieber wrote:
>> If those words didn't convinced you that maintaining & developing a
>> bloated images, instead of separate, well defined modules is road to
>> void, then nothing else can.
> I am afraid you did not convince me. I do think that maintaining a full
> image is better.

Please note the huge amount of packages available on SM, SS etc. I am
not sure who were around at the time, but one REAL problem back then was
that if you did NOT make it into the image - you were left on the cold
outside and had to manually maintain your addon package.

But wait... so, ok, if you DID get (your package) into the image then
SqC at the time spent some of that time *for you* since they could
relatively easily see if they broke something (class refs, senders of,
implementors of etc). And hey, they could just try to run it too :)

But they ran a rather small kitchen.

Now, let's imagine putting all of SS/SM into a super mother of a
kitchen. Lots and lots and lots of packages. Some conflicting with each
other (oops), some really hard to understand, some left for dead by
their original authors etc etc.

It just won't fly. Better IMHO to make it easy to live outside the image by:

- Use unit tests. If you are green, you are green.
- Get good build and delivery tools. We have a bunch and more to come.
- Get more advanced tools for managing code between images. DeltaStreams
is one try on that.
- Perhaps even add some database to the mix for global
senders/implementors/class refs!

Anyway, all this has been said already. I am sorry, I really don't
believe in the kitchen sink UNLESS you have a specifically targeted image.

regards, Göran

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Re: [squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

In reply to this post by CdAB63

> Earlier someone wrote a nice list of packages that aren't working
> anymore... many of these packages weren't replaced. Worse: many
> packages appear in Universes (for instance) but cannot be loaded
> (example: try to load Monticello 1.6 and you'll have an infinite loop
> while trying to load Monticello 1.5. Then you may ask: what you want
> Monticello 1.6 for? Like for installing Balloon3D from Universes ???
> But then B3D is broken too...at least in Scheduler...).
Which is why there is a [hidden email] to discuss
these very same issues.

If you dont tell anyone you have a problem, then how can you expect it
to be fixed?


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Re: [squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

Igor Stasenko
2009/6/29 Keith Hodges <[hidden email]>:

>> Earlier someone wrote a nice list of packages that aren't working
>> anymore... many of these packages weren't replaced. Worse: many
>> packages appear in Universes (for instance) but cannot be loaded
>> (example: try to load Monticello 1.6 and you'll have an infinite loop
>> while trying to load Monticello 1.5. Then you may ask: what you want
>> Monticello 1.6 for? Like for installing Balloon3D from Universes ???
>> But then B3D is broken too...at least in Scheduler...).
> Which is why there is a [hidden email] to discuss
> these very same issues.
> If you dont tell anyone you have a problem, then how can you expect it
> to be fixed?
Automagically by you, since you currently a release team member and
must pay attention to every bit of code ever written for squeak :)

> Keith

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: [squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

In reply to this post by keith1y
Em 28-06-2009 21:34, Keith Hodges escreveu:
Earlier someone wrote a nice list of packages that aren't working
anymore... many of these packages weren't replaced. Worse: many
packages appear in Universes (for instance) but cannot be loaded
(example: try to load Monticello 1.6 and you'll have an infinite loop
while trying to load Monticello 1.5. Then you may ask: what you want
Monticello 1.6 for? Like for installing Balloon3D from Universes ???
But then B3D is broken too...at least in Scheduler...).
Which is why there is a [hidden email] to discuss
these very same issues.
Excuse-me. Perhaps I informed in the wrong list (remember posting it here about some months ago)...
If you dont tell anyone you have a problem, then how can you expect it
to be fixed?



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Re: [squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

Igor Stasenko
In reply to this post by bpi
2009/6/29 Bernhard Pieber <[hidden email]>:

> Hi Igor,
> First of all: Thanks for taking so much time discussing with me. I get the
> feeling that somehow my point of view is frustrating you. That is not my
> intention.
> Am 29.06.2009 um 01:01 schrieb Igor Stasenko:
>> I don't know how you quoted my mail, but gogle thinks its not quoted .
>> So its became unsorted.
> Sorry about that. I am using Apple Mail.
>>> Maybe some of them were not interested in maintaining it further because
>>> someone else broke their code for no good reason from their point of
>>> view?
>> or maybe because they were too optimistic about that once their stuff
>> have been included once in the bloated image, they don't need to
>> support it anymore.
>> Now imagine the situation: each time you want to improve something, or
>> change it radically , you deemed to be too cautious about that,
>> because there are tons of things, which using this stuff, monkey
>> patching different parts of it, up to the point that there is
>> impossible to find out , where ends a basic interface and where starts
>> the custom extensions, added by different little-toy projects over a
>> years of bloated image existance.
> I concede that some of the maintainers may well have been too optimistic.
> Well yes, I can remember the situation. I did a small refactoring once and
> the code was let's say quite in need of refactoring. Maybe I even broke
> something, however I tried hard not to.
>>> I don't agree at all that that was a wise move. I think Squeak lost a lot
>>> of
>>> existing and potential contributors by saying: "If you want your code to
>>> continue to work in Squeak, you have to constantly adapt to our changes."
>>> I
>>> think that is what Stéphane Rollandin was trying to tell us. I am
>>> convinced
>>> that the separation of the base and the full image and the concentration
>>> on
>>> the base instead of the full image was the reason why forks were
>>> inevitable.
>>> Starting refactoring was necessary and a very important service for the
>>> community, but it had to have been done in the full image! My argument is
>>> basically that of Wolfgang Eder from July 2006:
>>> http://www.nabble.com/Proposal-for-a-Squeak-migration-meeting-ts4867570i120.html#a5260913
>>> That is still a very relevant thread today, by the way.
>> See my above part, why i think that refactoring a bloated image isn't
>> possible, not saying that its very error prone.
> I agree it is more work. Maybe even much more work. Terribly frustrating.
> However, impossible? No!
>> And again, where do you find so dedicated people, who will spend
>> hundreds of hours trying to improve the code?
> Good question. Let's say someone is willing to spend 100 hours. If he spends
> the same 100 hours caring about backwards-compatibility he is much slower. I
> agree. On the other hand he might keep a contributor or better yet win one
> because one cool feature still works. I concede that it is difficult to
> assess that tradeoff. We definitely seem to have very different feelings
> about which factor is bigger.
>> Take a look at Morphic, to what state it was progressed. Tons of
>> methods (over 600 methods in Morph class).
>> Do you really think that we need all of them in most basic class? I
>> doubt that. It is a bloat, certainly.
>> If class requires so many methods, maybe its worth splitting it on
>> number of smaller ones? But who i am to teach you programming.
> I totally agree here. And I not at all against refactoring. Quite to the
> contrary!
>> I can tell you what is happening , when no-one cares about maintaining
>> things separately, in good share: people is LAZY and tend instead of
>> learning, how things can be done by reusing the existing code, putting
>> own extensions to existing code, and in result we got classes with
>> over 600 methods. And no-one cares.
> I do care! I have very, very high quality standards! Relly! Ask my
> collegues! ;-)
>> But when someone raises a head and
>> trying to say, lets wipe it up - he get burned as heretic, because it
>> will break the holy backwards compatibility grail.
> Some may have criticised those unfairly so that one might say they were
> "burned as heretic". I must say, I don't think such exaggerations are
> helpful. But please concede that I have not done that! On the contrary, I
> wrote:
>>> See, I can follow your reasoning. And it sounds very convincing.
>>> Therefore,
>>> I am not blaming anyone for going that route. I am totally sure everyone
>>> had
>>> only the best intentions.
>> If those words didn't convinced you that maintaining & developing a
>> bloated images, instead of separate, well defined modules is road to
>> void, then nothing else can.
> I am afraid you did not convince me. I do think that maintaining a full
> image is better. However, I feel there is still a misunderstanding. That
> full image should consist of well defined modules. I don't think those two
> things are necessarily contradictory. However, thanks again for bearing with
> me!
Let me illustrate another thing:
- making a little change in a big image
- making a little change in an isolated module

when you doing first, how you can be sure that you didn't break
anything? by testing things which working with it?
But this is only for things, which is included in you fat image. Okay,
it may work. But can you be sure that your changes will work as well
for every existing package for squeak? No! So, its a controversial to
say , that ANY change in a fat image is backwards compatible. There is
no such thing.

Instead, if you changing something inside a module - you either making
changes in private areas, then it is guaranteed to be compatible with
any users of your module, or changing the protocols - then inevitably
the communication gets in a game and its your straight responsibility
to announce to all interesting parties what has changed and how they
could adopt to new version of your module, if they want to upgrade to

> Peace,
> Bernhard

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: [squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

Igor Stasenko
2009/6/29 Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]>:

> 2009/6/29 Bernhard Pieber <[hidden email]>:
>> Hi Igor,
>> First of all: Thanks for taking so much time discussing with me. I get the
>> feeling that somehow my point of view is frustrating you. That is not my
>> intention.
>> Am 29.06.2009 um 01:01 schrieb Igor Stasenko:
>>> I don't know how you quoted my mail, but gogle thinks its not quoted .
>>> So its became unsorted.
>> Sorry about that. I am using Apple Mail.
>>>> Maybe some of them were not interested in maintaining it further because
>>>> someone else broke their code for no good reason from their point of
>>>> view?
>>> or maybe because they were too optimistic about that once their stuff
>>> have been included once in the bloated image, they don't need to
>>> support it anymore.
>>> Now imagine the situation: each time you want to improve something, or
>>> change it radically , you deemed to be too cautious about that,
>>> because there are tons of things, which using this stuff, monkey
>>> patching different parts of it, up to the point that there is
>>> impossible to find out , where ends a basic interface and where starts
>>> the custom extensions, added by different little-toy projects over a
>>> years of bloated image existance.
>> I concede that some of the maintainers may well have been too optimistic.
>> Well yes, I can remember the situation. I did a small refactoring once and
>> the code was let's say quite in need of refactoring. Maybe I even broke
>> something, however I tried hard not to.
>>>> I don't agree at all that that was a wise move. I think Squeak lost a lot
>>>> of
>>>> existing and potential contributors by saying: "If you want your code to
>>>> continue to work in Squeak, you have to constantly adapt to our changes."
>>>> I
>>>> think that is what Stéphane Rollandin was trying to tell us. I am
>>>> convinced
>>>> that the separation of the base and the full image and the concentration
>>>> on
>>>> the base instead of the full image was the reason why forks were
>>>> inevitable.
>>>> Starting refactoring was necessary and a very important service for the
>>>> community, but it had to have been done in the full image! My argument is
>>>> basically that of Wolfgang Eder from July 2006:
>>>> http://www.nabble.com/Proposal-for-a-Squeak-migration-meeting-ts4867570i120.html#a5260913
>>>> That is still a very relevant thread today, by the way.
>>> See my above part, why i think that refactoring a bloated image isn't
>>> possible, not saying that its very error prone.
>> I agree it is more work. Maybe even much more work. Terribly frustrating.
>> However, impossible? No!
>>> And again, where do you find so dedicated people, who will spend
>>> hundreds of hours trying to improve the code?
>> Good question. Let's say someone is willing to spend 100 hours. If he spends
>> the same 100 hours caring about backwards-compatibility he is much slower. I
>> agree. On the other hand he might keep a contributor or better yet win one
>> because one cool feature still works. I concede that it is difficult to
>> assess that tradeoff. We definitely seem to have very different feelings
>> about which factor is bigger.
>>> Take a look at Morphic, to what state it was progressed. Tons of
>>> methods (over 600 methods in Morph class).
>>> Do you really think that we need all of them in most basic class? I
>>> doubt that. It is a bloat, certainly.
>>> If class requires so many methods, maybe its worth splitting it on
>>> number of smaller ones? But who i am to teach you programming.
>> I totally agree here. And I not at all against refactoring. Quite to the
>> contrary!
>>> I can tell you what is happening , when no-one cares about maintaining
>>> things separately, in good share: people is LAZY and tend instead of
>>> learning, how things can be done by reusing the existing code, putting
>>> own extensions to existing code, and in result we got classes with
>>> over 600 methods. And no-one cares.
>> I do care! I have very, very high quality standards! Relly! Ask my
>> collegues! ;-)
>>> But when someone raises a head and
>>> trying to say, lets wipe it up - he get burned as heretic, because it
>>> will break the holy backwards compatibility grail.
>> Some may have criticised those unfairly so that one might say they were
>> "burned as heretic". I must say, I don't think such exaggerations are
>> helpful. But please concede that I have not done that! On the contrary, I
>> wrote:
>>>> See, I can follow your reasoning. And it sounds very convincing.
>>>> Therefore,
>>>> I am not blaming anyone for going that route. I am totally sure everyone
>>>> had
>>>> only the best intentions.
>>> If those words didn't convinced you that maintaining & developing a
>>> bloated images, instead of separate, well defined modules is road to
>>> void, then nothing else can.
>> I am afraid you did not convince me. I do think that maintaining a full
>> image is better. However, I feel there is still a misunderstanding. That
>> full image should consist of well defined modules. I don't think those two
>> things are necessarily contradictory. However, thanks again for bearing with
>> me!
> Let me illustrate another thing:
> - making a little change in a big image
> vs
> - making a little change in an isolated module
> when you doing first, how you can be sure that you didn't break
> anything? by testing things which working with it?
> But this is only for things, which is included in you fat image. Okay,
> it may work. But can you be sure that your changes will work as well
> for every existing package for squeak? No! So, its a controversial to
> say , that ANY change in a fat image is backwards compatible. There is
> no such thing.

So, i wonder, what you found so repulsive in Pharo's statement,
proclaiming that they are not backwards compatible.
Neither kitchen-lovers do.

> Instead, if you changing something inside a module - you either making
> changes in private areas, then it is guaranteed to be compatible with
> any users of your module, or changing the protocols - then inevitably
> the communication gets in a game and its your straight responsibility
> to announce to all interesting parties what has changed and how they
> could adopt to new version of your module, if they want to upgrade to
> it.
>> Peace,
>> Bernhard
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: [squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

In reply to this post by Ian Trudel-2
2009/6/28 Ian Trudel <[hidden email]>:

> 2009/6/28 Göran Krampe <[hidden email]>:
>> Possibly true, but Smalltalk, Squeak, Etoys and even Croquet have been
>> around for quite some time now - and we haven't seen any real explosion yet.
>> Croquet was meant to "explode" but hasn't. So I am not holding my breath for
>> "the day Squeak gets popular" :)
> Sometimes being popular means doing normal things. Smalltalk is an
> unusual programming language (in the sense of mainstream) with an
> overly eccentric environment in Squeak. Then there are Croquet, Etoys,
> and so on. It's hardly a break through if it's only "more" eccentric
> than eccentric. Don't you think?
> The look-and-feel is designed for children. It's colourful, joyful, it
> bleeps and blink. How many professional developers are children? How
> many children are on this list? Enough with that already! Can we have
> a normal look-and-feel? A professional look-and-feel. =)

>From time to time I see someone claiming to fit Squeak aesthetics into
the cognitive style of the ordinary programmer-producer (or consumer)
of standard software, supporting this proposal under the authority of
the professionalism and the norm (which must be, of course, an
external jury). There is a famous example of uniformity that is
related to the Henry Ford's black Model-T mass production in 1908 :
"Everybody can get a car in the color he desires, provided it is
black". But today we have cars in many colors. So what happened?

Maybe some people understood that the economic forces are not the only
drivers of our monolithic societies. Maybe some individuals wants
what's called lifestyle, or express identification with a particular
subculture. Maybe this isn't news at all as totalitarian technocracy
trends exists since Industrial Revolution times (do you still write a
lot of handwritten letters?), and they are merged into a complex
framework of relationship with tools attacking culture, the role of
integration into a technopoly, economy of niches, etc.

Making a crude generalization, I think we have an interesting case
here. An unresolved tension between uniformity versus diversity. The
question seems to be if uniformity enables diversity at the last stage
in every individual's choice. Or this uniformity will restrict
individual freedom because as modern technology advances, the degree
of uniformity and regulation that restricts individual freedom
advances too?
(for the curious mind, in socioeconomic analisys the question if the
massive standarization of products will restrict us or give new
choices is still a bit unanswered, partially related with the goodness
of freedom of choice)

But here we have arguments from varied sources, I usually group them
in two subjective non-disjoint categories:

1) Sources (people) interested in selling or popularizing
2) People not interested in Smalltalk/Squeak popularization (or not so).

I've read some defending positions for 1), so I will make a support
for 2). One of the nice things in Squeak is, with all its defects,
still doesn't seem to be adapted to a marketing program (product
formulation, positioning, naming, advertising, distribution, etc),
with all the consequences of that: assuring participation into the
market because the strategic product planners will die if they don't
look so "professional" like its competitors, always trying to fit into
external unknown aesthetic patterns, today the colors are wrong,
tomorrow anything else, maybe one of those emerging usability
frameworks states as bad thing, etc.

To my view, Squeak doesn't fit very well with the production-line

Then, my vote is not positive for color uniformity in Squeak :)


> Squeak is stuck in some time warp, where the surrounding world is on
> stand still. It should however consider that we are living in 2009 and
> have needs of 2009. We need a different usability, developer tools and
> we have different goals. For example, Squeak hardly support the
> requirements of my distributors, which makes it overly challenging for
> me to consider Squeak as our platform of development.
> Squeak doesn't need a killer app. It needs to be spruced up and put
> back on track. Honey moon is over, it's time to get real.
> Regards,
> Ian.
> --
> http://mecenia.blogspot.com/

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Re: [squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

In reply to this post by CdAB63
Casimiro de Almeida Barreto wrote:

> Em 28-06-2009 21:34, Keith Hodges escreveu:
>>> Earlier someone wrote a nice list of packages that aren't working
>>> anymore... many of these packages weren't replaced. Worse: many
>>> packages appear in Universes (for instance) but cannot be loaded
>>> (example: try to load Monticello 1.6 and you'll have an infinite loop
>>> while trying to load Monticello 1.5. Then you may ask: what you want
>>> Monticello 1.6 for? Like for installing Balloon3D from Universes ???
>>> But then B3D is broken too...at least in Scheduler...).
>> Which is why there is a [hidden email] to discuss
>> these very same issues.
> Excuse-me. Perhaps I informed in the wrong list (remember posting it
> here about some months ago)...
>> If you dont tell anyone you have a problem, then how can you expect it
>> to be fixed?
>> Keith
My bad, I found your mail, an issue which I fixed by moving the scripts
to squeak.org but universes didn't get the update.



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Re: [squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

In reply to this post by hernanmd
The look of pharo is not part of pharo per se it is provided by
polymorph which is loadable into squeak if you want it.


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Re: [squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

David T. Lewis
In reply to this post by hernanmd
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 10:31:08PM -0300, Hern??n Morales Durand wrote:
> To my view, Squeak doesn't fit very well with the production-line
> programmer-worker.
> Then, my vote is not positive for color uniformity in Squeak :)



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Re: [squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko
Em 28-06-2009 21:40, Igor Stasenko escreveu:
Automagically by you, since you currently a release team member and
must pay attention to every bit of code ever written for squeak :)

Not the case for any kind of summoning. But there should be some level of testing. At least to detect dead links to repositories and to detect orphaned packages. If a package is orphaned long enough, there should be a policy for tagging and moving it to a special place... Regarding to orphaned packages I like Fedora model for announcing it and seeking for new maintainers. I also think that their model for responsibility delegation chain (it is far from perfect and sometimes not quite "democratic" but works most of time) is quite reasonable.

But I guess that open software community is quite rich of good examples for maintaning distributed development.

This discussion resembles other inside Fedora community: what should be in/out of a distro and how to maintain it. There are three proposals: Squeak, Pharo, Cuis. I'll tell you what I don't like in Pharo/Cuis proposals: they resemble me Brazilian way of solving things: you have something that's just not working as you wish. Instead of correcting the circumstances that lead to the problem, people start a new project saying: "now everything will be all right". Later the so called solution is suffering from the same problems and people launches a newer project to fix what went wrong with the predecessors. And there are 3 projects running in parallel. Redundancy of effort, high costs (even in terms of dedication of people struggling to keep pace in what is happening around) and futile disputes are the only results.

I think there's nothing fundamentally wrong with squeak. The question is how to organize things. How to classify things as "core", "contributed" and "3rd party". How to keep things up to date. How to obsolete things.

It may be boring, but I think that many things could be formalized.

  • First there are the leadership meetings on Wednesdays. The agenda of the meetings as well as their minutes could be placed at the www.squeak.org/Foundation. There should be a place where people could suggest topics to be included in the agenda. I know that much has been done via e-mail lists but for people (like me) who have to deal with large amounts of email these lists may be unpractical. Besides, keeping things public is a good way for letting people decide if they want or don't want to use squeak.

  • As this discussion (about future of Squeak & Pharo) made clear, it is urgent to define what is in and what is out of Squeak. Since there's a real concern about back compatibility and as things are getting big and sometimes non-maintained, I would suggest that documenting things is essential.

  • In my opinion, it would be interesting to create a mechanism for responsibility delegation regarding to maintenance. Regarding to distributions it would be interesting to create a mechanism for evaluating the suitability of packages to be included (like looking that the packages don't have dependencies outside the distribution and things that can lead to a situation where it is impossible to assure their maintenance). I don't think that a situation where a single person is responsible for a critical part of a distribution is acceptable: whenever such situation is identified the leadership should seek for additional people.

  • In my opinion, it would be good if some sort of financial/corporate support could be granted. It would allow to have people involved in "non exciting" tasks. Again: corporate support doesn't translate in any kind of servitude and it can help to grow the universe of Squeak users. Besides, good marketing is essential: if you get good media it is more likely you'll be granted more and better projects... more people will pay attention to you.
Just a last thing about croquet. It was meant to rock but didn't... I tell: (1) poor documentation (how in hell I use it???) (2) lack of marketing (yeah... even inside university good marketing is essential). Many people just didn't figured out what it was meant to (3) performance issues (intensive use of GL, etc).

Good night all,


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Re: [squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo (was Re: [Pharo-project] [ANN] Pharo MIT license clean)

Igor Stasenko
2009/6/29 Casimiro de Almeida Barreto <[hidden email]>:

> Em 28-06-2009 21:40, Igor Stasenko escreveu:
> (...)
> Automagically by you, since you currently a release team member and
> must pay attention to every bit of code ever written for squeak :)
> (...)
> Not the case for any kind of summoning. But there should be some level of
> testing. At least to detect dead links to repositories and to detect
> orphaned packages. If a package is orphaned long enough, there should be a
> policy for tagging and moving it to a special place... Regarding to orphaned
> packages I like Fedora model for announcing it and seeking for new
> maintainers. I also think that their model for responsibility delegation
> chain (it is far from perfect and sometimes not quite "democratic" but works
> most of time) is quite reasonable.
> But I guess that open software community is quite rich of good examples for
> maintaning distributed development.
> This discussion resembles other inside Fedora community: what should be
> in/out of a distro and how to maintain it. There are three proposals:
> Squeak, Pharo, Cuis. I'll tell you what I don't like in Pharo/Cuis
> proposals: they resemble me Brazilian way of solving things: you have
> something that's just not working as you wish. Instead of correcting the
> circumstances that lead to the problem, people start a new project saying:
> "now everything will be all right". Later the so called solution is
> suffering from the same problems and people launches a newer project to fix
> what went wrong with the predecessors.

This is what is called development: learn on mistakes and move forward.
An opposite to this is stalling: do nothing, eveyone is happy. End of story.

> And there are 3 projects running in
> parallel. Redundancy of effort, high costs (even in terms of dedication of
> people struggling to keep pace in what is happening around) and futile
> disputes are the only results.

How many companies in the world producing a cars in parallel?
Should they merge under a single banner & start producing a single,
good for everyone car?
Or should they stop producing a cars at all, because all of them would
break someday, or get obsolete?
Imagine, how many money & man hours could be saved! :)

> I think there's nothing fundamentally wrong with squeak. The question is how
> to organize things. How to classify things as "core", "contributed" and "3rd
> party". How to keep things up to date. How to obsolete things.
> It may be boring, but I think that many things could be formalized.
> First there are the leadership meetings on Wednesdays. The agenda of the
> meetings as well as their minutes could be placed at the
> www.squeak.org/Foundation. There should be a place where people could
> suggest topics to be included in the agenda. I know that much has been done
> via e-mail lists but for people (like me) who have to deal with large
> amounts of email these lists may be unpractical. Besides, keeping things
> public is a good way for letting people decide if they want or don't want to
> use squeak.
You are free to post agenda items at any time. Either in blog comments
area, or here on the list.
We are in need for your proposals, and declaring this constantly.

> As this discussion (about future of Squeak & Pharo) made clear, it is urgent
> to define what is in and what is out of Squeak. Since there's a real concern
> about back compatibility and as things are getting big and sometimes
> non-maintained, I would suggest that documenting things is essential.
> In my opinion, it would be interesting to create a mechanism for
> responsibility delegation regarding to maintenance. Regarding to
> distributions it would be interesting to create a mechanism for evaluating
> the suitability of packages to be included (like looking that the packages
> don't have dependencies outside the distribution and things that can lead to
> a situation where it is impossible to assure their maintenance). I don't
> think that a situation where a single person is responsible for a critical
> part of a distribution is acceptable: whenever such situation is identified
> the leadership should seek for additional people.
> In my opinion, it would be good if some sort of financial/corporate support
> could be granted. It would allow to have people involved in "non exciting"
> tasks. Again: corporate support doesn't translate in any kind of servitude
> and it can help to grow the universe of Squeak users. Besides, good
> marketing is essential: if you get good media it is more likely you'll be
> granted more and better projects... more people will pay attention to you.
> Just a last thing about croquet. It was meant to rock but didn't... I tell:
> (1) poor documentation (how in hell I use it???) (2) lack of marketing
> (yeah... even inside university good marketing is essential). Many people
> just didn't figured out what it was meant to (3) performance issues
> (intensive use of GL, etc).

You know, all of this is good: Pointing at mistakes, drawing a new direction.
But for a success, there is one little thing is missing: where are
those people who stop talking and start doing something?
I can tell you, but i think you know it yourself.

No offense.

> Good night all,
> CdAB

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: [squeak-dev] The future of Squeak & Pharo

K. K. Subramaniam
In reply to this post by Ian Trudel-2
On Monday 29 Jun 2009 1:05:02 am Ian Trudel wrote:
> 2009/6/28 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>:
> > Even disregarding what the Pharo people would think about the idea,
> > doesn't that argument go both ways? As in "given that Pharo already
> > forked, Etoys can now be reintegrated to Squeak"?
Squeak started as a research platform. Etoys has branched out from 3.8 to
become a downstream project serving young learners. If it has to run on 3.10
now the burden of integration and porting falls on Etoys team and not the
Squeak team.

> As far as I am concerned, I am not and never been interested in Etoys.
> I managed to avoid it altogether for the years ever since I begun to
> use Squeak. I'd rather prefer not have Etoys merged into Squeak.
Ian, that just means you are not a young learner ;-). Some of the features in
Cuis make sense to go into upstream Squeak but, in general, downstream
projects serving distinct groups are best left alone.

A lot of bit traffic in this thread has been around technology. For contributors
and sponsors to rally around a project for the long term we also need to take
into account the *target audience* and the *purpose* for which they intend to
use it. Drop, ignore or change any one of these three elements and you create
a different beast :-). As long as integrity and coherence is maintained in the
project, there is an incentive to keep producing (and culling) within the
scope of the project. So what if some packages fade into oblivion? In other
major projects like Linux kernel, Debian, packages do get abandoned and become
zombies. Some of them do manage to find new owners who have a stake in their
sustenance. Thats life.


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